Minecraft Earth Mobs (Unofficial)
There was a little problem, so I fixed the difference myself.
Parzival_氏の作成した、マイクラ内の動物のテクスチャを増やすアドオンです。この大半はサ終した「Minecraft Earth」より流用されています。
This is an add-on created by Mr.Parzival_ to increase of animal textures in Minecraft. Most of this has been adapted from "Minecraft Earth", which is now finished.
I found a bug that cannot be overlooked in actual playing, so I decided to fix it here.
修正点/Fixed Point
アイアンゴーレムがダメージを受けてもひび割れが起こらない点を修正/Fixed Iron Golem not cracking when damaged
アドオン導入時に洞窟グモが見えなくなる点を修正。ついでにテクスチャを一つ追加(El_152氏のテクスチャを使用)/Fixed a problem with cave spiders not being visible when add-ons are installed, and added one more texture(Thanks Mr.El_152)
テクスチャをtgaからpngにすることで若干の軽量化を図りました/Textures were changed from tga to png to Lightweight
リンク先/Download Link
Update v1.5.2