
フットボール統計学 デュエルを評価するための新指標(後編)

Evaluating 1v1 abilities


Duel events were drawn from the 2015/16 and 2016/17 seasons and the 2017/18 season to date. In all there were 114,063 duels, of which 50% were fair ground duels, 31% were fair aerial duels and the remaining 19.9% were 1v1 fouls. To analyse the encounters I used the Bradley-Terry paired comparison model. For a 1v1 contest between two players i and j, this model can be expressed as follows:

デュエルのイベントは、2015/16と2016/17シーズン、2017/18シーズンの途中までが用いられている。そのうち、50%がフェアな地上戦デュエル、31%がフェアな空中戦デュエル、残りの19.9%が1対1のファウルであった。マッチアップを分析するために、私(Garry Gelade氏)はBradley-Terryペア比較モデルを使用した。2人の選手iとjとの間の1対1の対決の場合、このモデルは以下のように表すことができる。

Given the results of multiple encounters, the analytical problem is to estimate the ability λi for each player i. I used a Bayesian model, and aerial and ground duels (both fair and foul) were analysed separately. For aerial duels, I computed Bradley-Terry (BT) abilities for the 234 players with over 100 duels; for ground duels I computed abilities for the 286 players who had over 200 duels.

複数のマッチアップの結果が与えられた場合、分析上の問題は各選手iの能力λiを推定することである。私(Garry Gelade氏)はベイズモデルを使用し、空中戦と地上戦のデュエル(フェアとファウルの両方)を別々に分析した。空中戦デュエルについて、100回以上のデュエルを持つ234人の選手のBradley-Terry(BT)能力を計算した。地上戦デュエルについては、200回以上のデュエルを持つ286人の選手の能力を計算した。

(On a technical note, I used three Markov chains. The player with the median duel success rate was selected as the reference player, with an ability fixed at zero. Abilities of the remaining players were allotted vague Gaussian priors with zero mean and constrained in the range -15 to 15. Estimation was preceded by 5,000 burn-in steps, and 10,000 samples were drawn from the posterior distribution, and diagnostics showed the estimates had converged satisfactorily.)


Comparison of Bradley-Terry abilities with duel success rates


As suggested above, a key question is whether the Bradley-Terry ability estimates differ from the duel success rates. In fact there is a strong relationship between the two; for aerial duels the correlation is .94 and for ground duels it is .86. So why bother with all this complexity when we can just divide the number of duels won by the total and have done with it?


Despite the strong correlations, individual players with the same success rate can have markedly different Bradley-Terry abilities, as shown in Figure 3.


Figure 3: Bradley-Terry abilities and duel success rate


We can see what this means in practice by looking at Tables 1 and 2. These show the top 20 players for Aerial and Ground duels respectively, sorted according to their BT abilities.


Table 1: Top 20 aerial players


The results show that the top three aerial players, Kompany, Zouma and van Dijk have the three highest duel success rates. However, some players rank quite differently on the two measures; Crouch, ranked 15th on percent of duels won ranks 4th on BT ability, while Andy Carroll, who only ranks 44th on duels won ranks 11th on BT ability.


Conversely, Phil Jones who is 6th on duels won, is down in 20th spot on BT ability. Other well-known players whose aerial rankings are quite different under the two estimation methods include Giroud (Success Rate rank = 96, BT rank = 42) and Ibrahimovic (success rate rank = 107, BT rank = 54).

逆に、6番手のフィル・ジョーンズはBTの能力で20位に下がっている。他のよく知られた選手で空中戦ランキングの2つの測定がかなりことなるのは、ジルー(成功率ランク= 96、BTランク= 42)、イブラヒモビッチ(成功率ランク= 107、BTランクランク= 54)などである。

Table 2: Top 20 ground players


Eden Hazard tops the BT rankings for ground duels, with Traore taking the 3rd spot. Both players are ranked higher than they are on duel success rate. Wilshere, Loftus-Cheek, Dembele and Kyle Walker also perform considerably better under the BT model than they do on duel success rate. Other well-known players whose duel success rates underestimate their abilities include Sadio Mane (success rate rank = 155, BT rank = 63) and Wilfried Zaha (success rate rank= 147, BT rank = 59).

エデン・アザールは地上戦デュエルのBT順位でトップとなり、トラオレは3位を獲得している。どちらの選手もデュエル成功率よりも高いランクになっている。ジャック・ウィルシャー、ルーベン・ロフタス=チーク、ムサ・デンベレ、カイル・ウォーカーもまた、BTモデルの方がデュエル成功率よりもかなり優れている。デュエル成功率で過小評価されている他の有名選手には、サディオ・マネ(成功率ランク= 155、BTランク= 63)、ウィルフレッド・ザハ(成功率ランク= 147、BTランク= 59)が含まれる。

The take-away


One advantage of the BT model is that it takes opponent’s abilities into account; this can substantially affect the estimated abilities of players in 1v1 situations. This has obvious implications for recruiting, because the duel success rate can sometimes substantially over- or under-estimate 1v1 ability.


A second advantage of the BT model, which I don’t have space to describe here, is that we can use the raw BT scores to estimate the outcome of a contest between two specific players - whether or not they have actually met. For example, a club could predict the frequency of a particular attacker beating a particular defender. This type of information could be used in match planning and to inform team selection.




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