
フットボール統計学 チャンピオンズリーグ2018決勝 フィルミーノとサラーはどのようにリヴァプールを推進するのか(前編)

Champions League Spotlight: How Roberto Firmino and Mohamed Salah Propel Liverpool | StatsBomb

フットボール統計学 チャンピオンズリーグ2018決勝 フィルミーノとサラーはどのようにリヴァプールを推進するのか(後編)

The good folks here at StatsBomb are very excited about the Champions League final. We’re so excited that we wanted to make sure we got some of our cool new toys out in public view before the last match of the season kicks off. This involved making a compromise or two. The data isn’t quite done yet. Such is life in big data city. Who knew launching a technology company could be so hard? But, rather than deprive the people of what they want (and we are quite confident that what the people want is pictures with bright colors and lots of squiggly lines), we just decided to make do with some slightly incomplete data.


Here, without further ado, are a bunch of cool pictures that help explain why Liverpool are so dang good. They just happened to be drawn from a slightly incomplete picture of 32 matches of Premier League data rather than waiting for our diligent data mice to finishing sewing the last six games in.


Liverpool’s Defensive Pressure.


We’ve talked about a lot about how we record pressure in matches. Liverpool are a perfect example of how doing that helps paint a fuller data picture of what a team is actually doing on the pitch. Here’s what Liverpool look like as a defensive team without pressures included.


It paints a pretty good picture. The degree to which Liverpool bother opponents deep in their own territory is apparent. Looking at that map it doesn’t get anything noticeably wrong. Now, let’s look at a map with pressures included.


Yowser. This really makes clear how aggressively Liverpool are taking the game to opponents. Those on ball actions don’t come from nowhere. Liverpool contest everything across the field, and it’s those actions that force opponents back and into the kinds of mistakes that ultimately lead to turnovers and easy opportunities for Jurgen Klopp’s band of merry pressers to take advantage of.


Now, let’s look at the same dynamic on an individual player level. Here’s Roberto Firmino’s defensive actions without pressures included.


Firmino has rightfully garnered a reputation as a player willing to do tremendous amounts of defensive work for Klopp’s side, exactly the kind of high motor ball harassing forward a good pressing team needs. This particular chunk of data doesn’t disprove that, but it doesn’t exactly prove it either. It shows a player who is quite active in a fairly limited forward zone. Clearly he’s committed defensively, but the breadth of his commitment is still mostly something that data didn’t capture.


And now to add in the pressure.


Hey there Bobby! That’s a more accurate picture of the player we keep seeing on the pitch. Add in pressure events and Firmino’s defensive range and determination becomes much more apparent.


All this pressing information is contained on Liverpool’s defensive radar too.


The radar in particular shows Liverpool with a very high defensive pressure rating while only having a mediocre pass per defensive action score. That, in part, is because of the presence of all those pressures. Liverpool have a cohesive pressing unit that makes life difficult for opponents even when they aren’t tackling, intercepting or otherwise actively taking the ball away.


The one possible fly in the ointment here is that Liverpool’s xG per shot conceded is below average. It’s tempting to look at that is a result of the tradeoffs a pressing team makes, a concession that when the press is broken opponents will get very good shots. It turns out that’s not the case for Liverpool, at least not this season.


The result of all of Liverpool’s effective pressure is that the team simply doesn’t give up a lot of shots of any variety. They restrict opponents bad shots, and they also don’t concede very many golden chances either. Opponents simply have a very hard time creating anything against this Liverpool defense.




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