フットボール統計学 ゴールキーパー関与評価(GDR)の導入

One of the new features that will be included as part of our Analytical Match Reports will be an advanced stat that rates a goalkeeper on the effectiveness of his distribution. It will be part of a larger study that I am conducting to see what impact goalie distribution can have on possession & what is the most practical way for a goalkeeper to establish effective possession.


This Goalkeeper Distribution Rating (GDR) goes beyond recording a goalie’s pass completion ratio, rather it measures what percentage of his distribution ends up with the team establishing possession in the opposition’s half of the pitch. So if it’s a long ball – is it controlled by a teammate? If it’s a shorter pass – are his teammates able to bring it up to the offensive end of the field?


Even though the emphasis is on the goalkeeper, his rating is largely reliant on his teammates – how effective are his targets in the air on long balls & how well do his defenders bring the ball out of the back? Additionally, you can see the effect of a team pressuring higher up the pitch can have on the opposition & what are the best ways to combat that pressure.


Another aspect I am tracking is the success rate of the four means a goalie has of distributing the ball — the long punt up the pitch, a shorter pass, throwing to a teammate, & rolling the ball to a player. Towards the midpoint of the upcoming season, I will publish some of these findings.


There are some disclaimers:


1. I have learned that television directors like to sneak in highlights as the goalie prepares to move the ball up the pitch. There have been times when I missed how the goalie passed the ball – so the result was not recorded. So there is a slight margin of error.

1. テレビディレクターはGKがボールを前方に動かす準備をすると、ハイライトにこっそり入ることを学んだ。GKがボールをどのようにパスしたかを逃した時があった。結果は記録なし。よって、わずかな誤差がある。

2. Sometimes the rating can be subjective when it pertains to what establishing possession in the offensive half looks like. There have been times when a teammate gains possession in the offensive end but then promptly loses the ball. For the most part, I have defined the establishment of possession as a player having the opportunity to sustain possession either by dribbling or by completing a pass. If a player is fouled or if the opposition knocks the ball out-of-bounds they have retained possession.

2. 時には、敵陣でのポゼッションがどのように見えるかに関係している場合、評価は主観的になりうる。敵陣でチームメイトがポゼッションを獲得したが、速やかにボールを失うことがあった。ほとんどの場合、ドリブルまたはパスを完了することによってポゼッションの確立を定義した。選手がファールされた場合、または相手がボールを外に出したした場合、ボールを保持する。

3. Not every distribution from the goalkeeper is included in the rating. Often a keeper will play a short pass, only to have it played back to him. Distribution is only calculated if a teammate gets control in the other half or when a teammate loses possession anywhere on the pitch. Also clearances when the goalie is under pressure do not count in the GDR.

3. GKからの全関与が評価に含まれているわけではない。GKは短いパスを出すことが多く、バックパスさせるだけである。関与は、チームメートが敵陣でコントロールを獲得した場合、またはチームメイトがピッチ上でポゼッションを失った場合にのみ計算される。また、GKがプレッシングを受けた時のクリアは、GDRに数えない。

Of all of the matches I have tracked this summer, Donis Escober’s distribution in a Gold Cup game against the United States had the highest rating. It should be noted he only had 18 distributions (the lowest amount of any goalie I’ve tracked) but 15 of those distributions resulted in Honduras establishing possession in the United States half of the pitch. Of all the balls he played, 89% were played from the back. Escobar is a 34-year old veteran who has spent his entire career with the top club in Honduras, Olimpia, & is currently a teammate of a player many of you know very well – former Rangers midfielder Arnold Peralta.


Set to be the new Manchester United goalkeeper, Romero’s distribution rating against Chile in the Copa America final was an example of how an opponents pressure up the pitch can impact a goalkeeper’s intentions. Romero wanted to play shorter balls but was forced to rely on long balls the majority of the time in an attempt to force Chile back up the pitch. When he did play the ball short his GDR was 0.64, however when he went with a long ball it dipped to 0.33.


It took a Major League Soccer match between the Chicago Fire & Houston Dynamo to really wonder if the two managers even gave instructions to their goalkeepers on what to do with the ball. Houston coach Owen Coyle watched his keeper Joe Willis (a reserve in his only game of the season so far) rely on a long punt up the pitch on 26 of his 28 distributions. The results were a 0.29 GDR overall, meaning the opposition gained regained possession 71% of the time. The other keeper in the game, Sean Johnson (once tabbed to be a future national team keeper for the United States) was even worse. His overall GDR was 0.25, with 19 of his 24 distributions being long balls. His GDR on long balls was 0.16 – meaning Houston regained possession 84% of the time. It truly was an exercise in futility.



This tweet from Sam Jackson this morning reminded me that I never actually published the results of my very first tracking project back in 2015. (Note: Jackson is easily the most insightful writer out there who applies statistical analysis to goalkeeping…go do a deep dive on his work).

今朝のSam Jackson氏からのこのツイートは、2015年に最初の追跡プロジェクトの結果を実際に公開したことはないことを私に思い出させた。(注:Jackson氏は、統計分析をGKに適用する最も洞察力のある作家であり、彼の仕事に飛び込む)。

I began dabbling in analytics in the summer of 2015 & wanted to find a doable entry point to tracking what occurs in a football match. After watching Rangers goalkeepers consistently punt the ball up the pitch to only see “50/50 battles” lead to the other team gaining possession was a real point of frustration. Why they did this in the lower leagues was a serious pet peeve of mine? If you are clearly the team that should dictate play, why make it easy on the other team to get the ball?


This inspired my initial dabbling at tracking matches. I wanted to keep it simple & straight forward. I would track how the keeper passed the ball & then record at what rate the team was able to establish possession in the attacking half following the goalie’s distribution.


I dubbed the rating Goalkeeper Distribution Rating (GDR) (I really struggle at coming up with creative names) & began releasing the results as part of my match reports that I published on the site.


Given Mark Warburton’s deliberate attempt to have Rangers play out of the back, well….he actually cited my work to justify the team’s approach.


“The stats I looked at were that Wes played out 87 per cent of the time yesterday and we got started in their half 77 per cent of the time from that. These are big numbers. Against St Mirren, it was 74 and 88 respectively. It lets us keep the ball in their half. If our keeper launches the ball and it’s a 50/ 50 battle, that’s not for us.”

「見てきた統計によると、ウェスが昨日の87%の時間をプレーし、その時の77%の半分で開始した。これらは大きな数字である。St Mirren戦で、それはそれぞれ74と88だった。それは敵陣でボールを保つことができる。GKがボールを蹴り、五分五分の戦いだとすれば、それは私たちのためではない」

For six months, I tracked goalkeeper distribution anytime I knew I had the opportunity to watch a full match. The following results come not only from Rangers matches but also from the EPL, MLS, the Gold Cup, Copa America, other SPFL games & some other random one-offs.


I tracked a total of 2,880 goalkeeper distributions & the overall result was that 44% of them led to the team establishing possession in the attacking half.


Here are the stats broken down by the type of distribution, what percent of the total distributions it was & the GDR (the rate of how often the distribution led to possession in the attacking half)


Type of distribution   Rate of total distribution   GDR
Long ball                                 0.60                  0.28
Short pass (kicked)                  0.29                  0.66
Rolled ball                              0.09                  0.69
Thrown ball                           0.03                  0.79
- The go-to route for goalies in this study was long balls – 60% of all distributions were your traditional long kick up the pitch. The results suggest that this 50/50 battle was actually a 28%/72% battle. The vast majority of time a team punted the ball up the pitch they were giving the ball right back to the opponent. Obviously, if you are the inferior possession team in a match-up this can relieve pressure & move the flow of play further away from your goal.

- この研究のGKのルートはロングボールで、すべての関与の60%は、伝統的なロングボールを蹴ることだった。この結果から、この五分五分の空中戦デュエルは、実際には28%/72%であることが示唆される。大半は、パントキックで前線に蹴り込みすぐに相手にボールを渡していた。明らかに、マッチアップで劣ったポゼッションチームであれば、これは圧力を軽減し、ゴールから離れたプレーの流れを遠ざけることができる。

- Short passes were the next most popular route & the rate of getting the ball into the attacking half more than doubles. Of course, not every team can pull this off. Sometimes the goalie isn’t as comfortable playing balls out of the back. For example, the team I consulted last season wanted their keeper to play more out of the back & it must not have been in his comfort zone because he still relied almost exclusively on long balls. For other teams, the defenders just aren’t capable of playing out of the back once they see any amount of pressure. Sometimes, managers haven’t implemented a tactical plan to help support playing out of the back. It’s not for everyone, but the data suggests it can be a much better route than the long punt up the pitch.

- ショートパスは、次に人気のルートで、敵陣に倍以上にボールを繋げる割合だった。もちろん、すべてのチームがこれを取り除くわけではない。時にはGKは後方からプレーするのが快適ではない。例えば、昨シーズンに諮問したチームは、後方からより多くをプレーすることを望んでいたが、彼はまだロングボールにほとんど依存していたので、彼の快適なゾーンにいない。他のチームの場合、守備陣はプレッシングを感じると後方からプレーできない。場合によっては、指揮官はビルドアップをサポートするための戦術的計画を実装していない。誰にでもそうではないが、このデータは、前線へのパントキックよりもずっと良いルートかもしれないことを示唆している。

- Back to Sam Jackson’s tweet that spurred my revisiting these results. A goalie that can distribute via his hands is creating a tangible advantage for his team to get the ball up the pitch. Of the 268 rolled balls tracked, 184 (69%) led to possession being established in the attacking half. That rate is pretty consistent with the 821 short passes that were played with the goalie’s foot.

- サム・ジャクソンのツイートに戻り、これらの結果を再訪する。手で関与できるGKは、チームがボールを前進することに具体的な利点を生み出す。追跡された268個の転がすボールのうち、敵陣でポゼッションを獲得したのは184(69%)だった。その割合は、GKの足でプレーされた821ショートパスとかなり一致する。

- Goalkeeper coaches are likely already working with their keepers on playing short balls with their feet but I wonder how many are taking the time drilling their keepers to throw balls to teammates. Think about it, of the 2,880 distributions tracked only 76 (!!!) were thrown balls & nearly every time it led to possession in the attacking half (79%). It’s a small sample but it’s worth exploring more.

- GKコーチたちは、既にショートパスを足でプレーすることで、GKと一緒に働いている可能性が高いが、チームメイトにボールを投げるためにどれだけ多くの時間を割いているのだろうかと思う。それについて考えてみると、2,880の関与でわずか76でボールを投げ、ほとんど毎回(79%)敵陣でポゼッションに繋がった。それは小さなサンプルだが、もっと探求する価値がある。

While in the midst of collecting this data, I reached out to Derek Gaston (Morton’s goalkeeper since 2012) for his insight on the decision making behind how to distribute the ball & to what extent a manager dictates how he wants the ball played.


Gaston’s response was, “I’ve had coaches in the past who have only wanted me to try& play short passes. I’ve also had coaches who have only wanted me to kick the ball long.”


“But most of the time it is left to me to make the decision on where I kick the ball.”


“Sometimes if the opposition press high up the pitch then you have no option but to kick the ball long. Most of the time it’s just about assessing the situation at the time and deciding what method is more beneficial to the team.”




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