
 - トート

タロットは常に「悪魔 (Devil) の絵本」として知られてきました。多くのデッキ、特に古代のデッキでタロット [タロットを通して神性へと向かう愚者の旅] を開始する愚者の0番カードは、フルートを吹いている姿で描かれている。フルートは呼吸の習得の象徴である。




1. 鼻からゆっくりと息を吸い込み、ベースチャクラにエネルギーが引き込まれるのを視覚化して集中し、吸い込みと共に、このエネルギーをすべてのチャクラを通してクラウンまで引き上げ、それぞれのチャクラを照らす。
2. 初めての人は4カウント、平均的な人は10カウント、瞑想上級者は自分が心地よいと感じる時間だけ保持する。これは瞑想中ずっと同じカウントでなければならない。
3. 鼻からゆっくり息を吐き、クラウンチャクラにエネルギーが引き込まれるのを視覚化して集中し、息を吐きながら、このエネルギーをすべてのチャクラを通してベースチャクラに戻し、それぞれのチャクラを照らす。

火の呼吸 [別名カパラバティ]
腹筋を強く収縮させて息を吐き出す、腹筋を強く、早く、しかし制御しながら出し入れする。空気は肺の上部に入る。腹筋の急激な収縮を利用して、息を吸ったり吐いたりする訓練です。収縮はリズミカルでなければならない。2. 何度か練習し、感覚を掴む。3. 腹筋の急激な収縮を利用して、息を吸ったり吐いたりしながら20回連続して行い、20回目の呼吸の終わりに息を吐き、息を吸って肺を満たし、肛門を収縮させて、顎を胸に下げ、無理のない範囲で息を止める - 無理をしないこと!。4. ゆっくり息を吐く。


1. 体内の酸素量を増やす。
2. これはゴシックや中世の熱錬金術師は「吸入器 (puffers) 」と呼ばれ、錬金術の絵画に描かれた暖炉のそばのふいごは、この訓練を象徴していた。
3. この呼吸はクンダリーニヨガの基礎である

交互の鼻腔呼吸1 - 上で保持する
1. 左の鼻の穴から息を吸って4数え、上の3個のチャクラに集中する。
2. 息を吸い切ったところで、6数えながら息を止める。
3. 左の鼻の穴を親指で切り替えて閉じ、右の鼻の穴からゆっくりと均等に4数えながら息を吐き出す。
4. 右の鼻の穴から息を吸い込み、6数えながら保持する。
5. 左の鼻の穴から4数えながら息を吐く。
6. 左の鼻の穴から4数えながら息を吸い、6数えながら保持、右の鼻の穴から4数えながら息を吐く。







交互の鼻腔呼吸2 - 下で保持する
1. 下の3個のチャクラに意識を集中する。
2. 左の鼻の穴から4数えながら息を吸い、親指で右の鼻の穴を閉じる。親指の腹を鼻の七に押し当てるようにすると良い。
3. 親指で左の鼻の穴を切り替えて閉じ、次に右の鼻の穴から4数えながら息を吐く。
4. 息を吐いた後、6数える間息を止める。
5. 左の鼻の穴を閉じたまま、右の鼻の穴から4数えながら息を吸い、右の鼻の穴を切り替えて閉じ、左の鼻の穴から4数えながら息を吐く。
6. 吐き終わりで6数えながら保持し、再び左から4数えながら息を吸い、右から息を吐き、6数えながら保持し、右から息を吸い、切り替えて右を閉じ、左から息を吐き、6数えながら保持し、左から息を吸う。





1. 両方の鼻の穴から2数えながら息を吸う。
2. 4数えながら保持。
3. 6数えながら吐く。
4. 4数えながら保持。



1. 6数えながら息を吸う。
2. 6数えながら保持。
3. 4数えながら息を吐く。



Breathing Exercises for Satanists

"Life is in the breath."
- Thoth

The Tarot has always been known as the "Devil's Picture Book." The 0 card of the Fool, which begins the Tarot (The Fool's journey through the Tarot to the godhead) in many decks, especially the ancient decks is illustrated playing a flute. The flute is symbolic of mastery of the breath.

Repeat the exercises 4 times for new people, for average 8 – 10 times and for experienced meditators, how ever many you are comfortable with. Advanced meditators can go as many as 60 – 100 repetitions of each of the breathing exercises below, but this has to be worked up to with each of the individual exercises, and over a period of time. Pushing yourself with these breathing exercises can damage your nervous system. A warning that you are overdoing it is words and speech getting messed up. Letting up and lessening the time of holding the breath and such and this will go away.

If the instructions below are not clear to you, you can find more information on the internet or in Yoga texts.


Technique #1
1. Inhale slowly through your nose and visualize and focus upon energy being drawn into your base chakra and with the inhale, draw this energy up through all of your chakras to the crown, illuminating each one.
2. Hold for a count of four for new people, for an average, a count of ten and for advanced meditators, however long you feel comfortable. This should be the same count throughout the meditation.
3. Exhale slowly through your nose and visualize and focus upon energy being drawn into your crown chakra and with the exhale, direct this energy back down through all of your chakras to the base, illuminating each one.

Technique #2
Breath of Fire (also known as Kapalabhati)

Contract your abdominal muscles, forcefully, creating an exhale, by pumping your stomach muscles in and out hard and fast, but controlled. Air will enter the top part of your lungs by itself. Use the rapid contractions of your abdominal muscles to inhale and exhale with this exercise. The contractions should be rhythmic. 2. Practice a few times, and get a feel for it. 3. Do 20 in a row, in and out, using your abdominal muscles in rapid succession, and at the end of the 20th breath, exhale, inhale and fill your lungs, contract your anus, lower your chin to your chest, hold your breath as long as you comfortably can- DO NOT PUSH YOURSELF! 4. Exhale slowly.

The above constitutes one round. The exhalation should be brief, and the inhalation should be passive and longer. Rounds are increased by adding the number of pumpings with your abdominal muscles. First, try doing three sets of 20 pumpings and then after some time, increase to 30, then 40 until you are doing 60.

What this breathing exercise does:
1. It increases the amount of oxygen in the body
2. It increases the amount of heat- alchemists in the Gothic and medieval times were referred to as "puffers" and the bellows by the fireplace in alchemy paintings was symbolic of this exercise.

Technique #3
1. Inhale through your left nostril for a count of four and focus on your top three chakras.
2. Hold your breath for a count of 6 at the top of your inhale.
3. Switch and close your left nostril with your thumb, and now exhale for a count of four through your right nostril, slowly and evenly.
4. Inhale through your right nostril and hold for a count of six
5. Exhale through your left nostril, for a count of four
6. Inhale through your left nostril for a count of four, hold for a count of six, exhale through your right nostril for a count of four.

• Inhale through left
• Hold at the end of the inhale
• Exhale through right
• Inhale through right
• Hold at the end of the inhale
• Exhale through left

The above constitutes one round.

Repeat the above 4 times for newbies, eight to ten times, then build up to 20 times for experienced and up to 40 times or more for advanced meditators.

It is important to relax and take your time with this exercise.

For advanced meditators, the times can vary from being equal, for example, a ratio of 2 on the inhale, 8 on the hold, and 4 on the exhale, but this must be consistent through the meditation. Shorter inhales with longer exhales increase the witchpower drastically in a short period of time.

The above exercise directs the prana/witchpower to the head and upper chakras. This is a great exercise if you find your energy pooling in your legs, which can be dangerous.


With this exercise, the hold is at the bottom, after your exhale and goes like this:

1. Focus on your three lower chakras
2. Inhale through your left nostril for a count of four, closing off the right nostril with your thumb. This is best done by pushing the pad of your thumb onto your nostril.
3. Switch and close your left nostril with your thumb, and now exhale through your right nostril for a count of four.
4. Hold your breath for a count of six, after the exhale.
5. Keeping your left nostril closed, inhale through your right nostril for a count of four, switch and close your right nostril and exhale through your left for a count of four.
6. Hold at the end of the exhale for a count of six and then inhale through your left again for a count of four, exhale through the right and then hold for a count of six, inhale through the right, switch and close the right and exhale through the left, hold for six, inhale through the left.

• Inhale through left
• Exhale through right
• Hold at the end of the exhale • Inhale through right
• Exhale through left
• Hold at the end of the exhale • Inhale through left

This constitutes one round. What this exercise does is to bring the prana/witchpower to your lower chakras.

Repeat the above 4 times for newbies, eight to ten times, then build up to 20 times for experienced and up to 40 times or more for advanced meditators.

It is important to relax and take your time with this exercise.

Technique # 4
First Set:
1. Inhale through both nostrils for a count of 2
2. Hold four a count of 4
3. Exhale for a count of 6
4. Hold for a count of 4

The above constitutes one round. Six to ten rounds is ok for new people. Those who are experienced and advanced should go with as many as comfortable.

The following exercise should be done for as many rounds as the above exercise and both should be done with the one below following the one above:

Second Set:
1. Inhale for a count of 6
2. Hold for a count of 6
3. Exhale for a count of 4

Do NOT hold at the bottom. However many rounds you did with set one, you need to do with this exercise.