

-Followed by English Translation-

__今回、お話をお伺いしたのはコルゲートハウスとゲストハウス棟を含めた、敷地すべてのランドスケープデザインを担当されたAWAI designの會澤 佐恵子さん。






會澤 : 花子さんに比べて川合健二さんは専門的で、エネルギー循環に向き合う新しい住まい方をテーマにした「環境技術」を探求されていました。一方で奥様は、敷地にある果樹園を丁寧に育てることで、自らちゃんとこの場所に根を張り、地域の人たちにその果実を配るなど「地域に根ざした生活」をされているとのことでした。





會澤 : 






會澤 : その敷地を広域で確認しながらスタートすることが多いです。そうすると、山の麓から川が流れていたり、遠くには海がある地域というのがわかると思います。





會澤 : 今までの構築していったプランから中央のコルゲートハウスを中心になって周りにあるバラバラな要素たちを繋いでいくような役割として計画しました。








會澤 : 生活と自然と建築が成り立ってる様子が、このコルゲートハウスの魅力的な部分だと感じています。草花が生き生きしてる感じは何か奥様が大事にしてた楽園のような雰囲気あるエリアの雰囲気だし、こういった生活感の中で、オフグリッドな池の仕組みが組み合わせられて、コルゲートハウスが真ん中を取り持ちながらバランスを保っているような全体的に緩やかな雰囲気が感じられるように思います。



By taking advantage of the climate of the land where the garden was originally located, the garden integrates with the city.

 __For this interview, we interviewed Ms. Saeko Aizawa of AWAI design, who was in charge of landscape design for the entire site, including the Corrugated House and the Farm House building.

The term "landscape design" is usually unfamiliar to most people, but it is often translated as "scenery," and refers to the process of comprehensively designing the view of the garden, including the building, with plants and directions for the garden. 

Ms. Aizawa first encountered landscape design while working in architecture, and worked as a landscape designer in Singapore for a long time. After returning to Japan, she has worked on many projects, including wall design using plants for hotels and landscape design for large apartment complexes.
On the grounds of Corrugated House, Hanako created several spaces to feel nature, including the FOODFOREST, where she was mainly doing her daily activities, a biotope, and a greenhouse.

In this interview, Ms. Aizawa, the landscape designer, explains how she designed the garden at Corrugated House.We will ask Ms. Aizawa about the root of the design and her process to the specific design.

What is the relationship between Mr. Kenji Kawai and his wife Hanako, who embody self-help and mutual aid?

__To start with, how did you begin planning for the design of the garden at the Corrugated House?

Aizawa : Compared to his wife, Kenji Kawai was more professional, exploring "environmental technology" with the theme of a new way of living that faces the energy cycle. On the other hand, Mrs. Kawai is "living rooted in the community" by carefully cultivating an orchard on the property, putting down roots in the place herself, and distributing the fruits to the local people.
It's self-help and mutual-help. Hanako-san has a wonderful way of living that helps not only herself but also others, and I felt that her way of living as one person is reflected as the charm of this place.
To put a little bit of my own interpretation into it, the Kenji's side has a kind of alchemist ;alchemy, and the wife's side has a consciousness of creating an arcadia ;paradise, and I feel that both elements are very lovable in this place. Tradition and innovation in the way of living are well harmonized in one place. We felt that the balance between the couple is there, and I planned the entire project with these two elements as the foundation of the way of living as an important theme.

__Kenji's innovative ideas about architecture and facilities and Hanako's warm and soft spirit that embraces people are beautifully embodied in the gardens in this project.
When strolling through the Colgate House and gardens, we could see the dialogue between Mr. Kenji Kawai and Ms. Hanako, couldn't we?

Self-help and mutual support for abundance by accepting nature as it is.

Aizawa : I feel that the basic concept of both Mr. Kenji and Hanako is the slow life.Although they express their ideas differently, I feel that their goals are the same over a long span of time, and I feel that they are both pioneering their own way of life based on FOODOREST, the future way of living that they should aim for.
This is also reflected in the landscape design. For example, in the renovation of the Corrugated House, renewable energy was used as much as possible, and the landscape was designed to utilize natural energy for watering, rather than installing a mechanical system such as an automatic irrigation system.
This approach of utilizing nature as it is made it possible to plan the project by taking advantage of the existing shape, and as a result, a better cycle was created, including the use of the original rainwater channel.

A plan to create a biotope on the side of the gatehouse was proposed, but I thought it would be possible to make good use of the original wetland area on the site to create a rain garden-like biotope that would appear only when it rained. This would serve to temporarily store water so that it would not run off into the street during heavy rains.

By taking advantage of the landscape, the garden integrates with the town.

__In what order did you go about building the actual plan this time around?

Aizawa : I often start with a wide area view of the site. Then you can see that it is an area where there is a river flowing from the foot of the mountain and the ocean in the distance.
By understanding the local climate, I was able to make use of the original plants and landscape of the site, In this garden, too, we created a space with different atmospheres in the east, west, north, south, and west.
This garden has a wetland in the northern area, covered by dense mountains that provide an area of water and greenery. To the south, it connects to the ocean in the distance. In between, orchards for human life are located
Gardens change over the course of months in terms of the way plants grow. Therefore, it is important to plan over a long span of time.

Enhance the beauty of the charm in the climate

__I see, so the landscape design for this project was planned by zone, incorporating the original landscape of the land into the site, based on maps and cityscapes.From there, how did you plan the actual landscaping of the site?

Aizawa : Based on the plan I have created so far, I have designed the central Corrugated House to serve as the center of the project, connecting the disparate elements around it.
Specifically, I first divided the area into two areas: one for human activities, where people come and go, and the other for production activities, such as fruit trees. The southern area, a marshland with rich biodiversity and flat land, was planned as a human activity area where events and creative activities can be held.
From there, the existing orchard to the north was planned as the production area. In addition, a new field and greenhouse were to be built in close proximity to the orchard.
On the east side, the existing shape of the plantings and waterway was used to create an image of a place where biogenic water source learning activities can be conducted in the forest, in order to ensure privacy because of the proximity of the neighboring land.
I have made a plan so that natural walking paths can be taken on different routes on the same site, leading from the main road to the sub road.
In this way, I created many settings where viewpoints could gather at some point where the zones were established, and I created many settings that would be highlights for each zone.
For example, when looking at the Corrugated House from the entrance, the site is not straight but has a gradual elevation change. The greenhouse and fields in front of the entrance are a place where people can gather and do something here, and we made it possible for people to see these activities from the outside. I made this project with the idea of a place where multiple activities could be seen from the outside.
When we thought about where we could see the activities when we stood up from the Corrugated House and went down to the marsh below, we discussed having a little campfire around the reconstructed Farm House building and in the middle of the marsh. I envisioned a view of the marsh with people making campfires and other activities among the plants and animals in the marsh, with a view of the mountains on the other side of the pond.

Multiple layers of elements create a balance that gives the place its unique charm.

__We've interviewed you about the project from various angles, but from your point of view, what do you feel is the charm of the Corrugated House and the garden?

Aizawa : I feel that the way in which life, nature, and architecture are integrated is a fascinating part of this Corrugated House. The lively plants and flowers give the area an atmosphere of paradise, which the Hanako loved. I feel that the overall atmosphere of the house is gentle and appealing.
__We have asked you about the meticulously planned landscape design.When you visit Corrugated House, please come and experience the garden that Ms. Aizawa has created.
