Foley Stage Expansion! 〜Part 1〜 新フォーリースタジオ建設の記録。
Construction records of the new foley stage at Footsteps studios, Canada.
映画効果音専用レコーディングスタジオ、「フットステップス」スタジオに、第3のステージ誕生!仕掛けがいっぱい, ワクワクの新ステージ建設の記録です。
Over the years, Footsteps Studios have walked extra miles providing exciting and intricate foley sound effects on fantastic projects. The Greatest Showman, Blade Runner 2049, The Lighthouse、Marry Poppins Returns, Cloverfield, and Alice in Wonderland to name a few. We have recorded the process of this exciting new project!
Youtube Channel to PEEK inside! Youtube チャンネル!
Random moments inside our foley studio. Often not glamorous but always passionate. Come and take a PEEK!
Let's Make it the most FANTASTEP studio! 世界最足を目指して!
Footsteps is located in beautiful Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada. A 25acre farm lot holds a plenty of dreams and possibilities. After years of discussion, we decided the site of the new stage will be right beside the Studio2 (where the storage unit with shrubs is in picture above.)
Gotta be a Ninja Dojo!! 忍者屋敷がいい!
Trap doors、 flip walls、spear rack and boobie traps!! Such ideas of mine were all dropped at the early stage. But, it is going to be full of great sounding and efficient contraptions for sure! First, I made a 3D cardboard model. We tend to be pretty analog, us foley people.
Precision, precision! (^-^;)
Helped a lot as we needed to talk 3D in many places. No, the actual stairs got done straight. Phew.
Make way! 小屋を丸ごと動かすぞ!
A repurposed school portable with every inch full of foley props needs to be relocated. We decided to hire a crane and lift-swing-over-and-drop it!
Done! Everything was in tact amazingly!
↓To be continued to:Foley Studio Expansion! ~Part2~