自己紹介(中途半端な音楽鑑賞史) Introduction (A Half-Assed Listening History)

As my master (ex-boss who when I occasionally meet these days still never fails to give me unsolicited life advice) always said: 

“Do you know what everyone’s favorite conversation topic is? It’s themselves.”

Apparently that quote came from a pick-up artist’s handbook, but I do think that there is some truth to it. Just look at how long this writing is.

My music listening history can be divided roughly into 3 eras: Pop, Electronic Music, Alternative Idol, so this writing will be divided into the respective eras.

For those who rightfully do not want to read through this bloated writing, you can get the same effect by listening to this (at the time of writing, roughly 9 hour long) playlist of my life.

洋楽ポップス Western Pop

Family shapes a person. That is kind of a given. Look at the biographies of most musicians or those in the industry and you will quickly notice this commonality. Either their parents were musicians, play instruments, or listen to plenty of music at home, causing them to grow up embraced by music. So I too will start with my family.

I come from a family of 4, with my mom, dad and older brother. I’m the youngest.

My parents were not particularly well versed in music, knowing only the popular songs of their youth and the trending pop and meme-y songs. They never listened to much music at home in the first place, so I was the same as a result. There were artists I was into at the time, but it would be more accurate to say that I simply decided “I like these artists” out of what I was exposed to.

More so than my parents, however, was the influence of my older brother. To be the younger out of two brothers is to be the deuteragonist, especially when you were young. If my brother were Red, I would be Blue. If he’s Tai, I’m Matt. Perhaps that is why ever since I could remember, I have gravitated not towards the most popular choice, but the relatively unchosen one.

But that did not mean that I did not like what my brother liked. After all, we did share the same room, television, computer and Game Boy Advance SP, so our interests naturally aligned. It was just that within those interests, our favorite things diverged slightly. If we were to liken it to an album, it would be like preferring the second or third single to the lead single.

As I entered elementary school, my brother started getting into 2000s punk, rock and emo, so I did as well. I want to say that we were into the real hardcore bands, but it was the mainstream Top 40 pop radio variety, so add a pop- prefix to the genres I listed earlier. At that time, I did not have as much interest in music, or rather, what I knew as music was so limited that I was satisfied by what was in front of me. I know that most people start off like this, but it is still somewhat embarrassing to admit. That being said, this was the first ever music that I can truly say that I liked.

Kind of a cringe memory but I can still sing it in full even now:

電子音楽 Electronic Music

When I was in middle school, the world (and I) learnt of the existence of the genre known as dubstep. It was a revelation. Starting from Skrillex, I then discovered the artists from OWSLA and Monstercat, labels that were popping off at the time, and dived straight into the EDM world. Other than dubstep, I also listened to a good bit of progressive house, drum and bass, trap music, and just electronic music in general.

当時音楽ストリーミングサービスはまだ使っていないお金がない学生の僕が何の無料でダウンロード出来る音楽があったらそっちに向かってて、SoundCloudで色々なリミックスやオリジナル曲を見つけた。初めて音楽に対する欲求を感じて、凄くディグしていた。壁のないインターネットで異世界のように斬新なPC Musicとか、日本のトラックメーカーとかに出会った。
Back then I had yet to use any music streaming services, so as a broke student I would scour the internet for any music that provided a free download, which brought me to the many, many remixes and originals posted on SoundCloud. It was the first time that I ever felt a hunger for music and I really dug through the web for it. Through the borderless internet, I discovered the otherworldly sounds of PC Music and the track makers of Japan.

During high school, I was in the AV (Audiovisual) Club and we had the chance to regularly play our own music through the school square’s audio system—we basically had aux cord duties. The normal members would simply play 3 to 4 songs from a playlist, but I was so into electronic music that I would make what were essentially mini DJ mixes with seamless transitions and attempts at a narrative flow. Furthermore, most of the music that I used were the songs I downloaded for free through SoundCloud. By the time I graduated I had made close to 20 of these mixes.

Through searching for and playing with music, I veered off the narrow path of the mainstream and my music world widened ever so slightly.

I also went through my emo phase during that time:

オルタナティヴ・アイドル Alternative, Idol

Alternative idols changed my life. You can probably tell from how much text is left in this post.

After graduating high school, I spent two years cosplaying as a soldier. Those two years were spent mostly aimlessly and I had an abundance of time, if nothing else. One fateful day, as I was lazing around on YouTube, I came across a video titled “Japan’s Insane Idols”, or something to that effect. Of course, the video was in English. At the time I could not speak a lick of Japanese. But having watched anime either subbed or dubbed since young, I was familiar with Japanese pop culture and had some rudimentary knowledge about idols.

その動画の中にいくつかのアイドルグループが紹介されたが、今これしか思い出せないぐらい一番興味をそそられたのはBiSだった。やはり樹海で裸体で戯れることが印象に残るんだね。そのあとBiSのMVを何個か観たが、曲はあまり好みじゃなかった。この「underground idol」という物に興味がなくなりそう時、動画の右にあるおすすめ欄にBiSHが出た。BiS?BiSH?あの時BiSとBiSHの違いが分からなかったが、その「BiSH」というグループの曲がめちゃ好きのは分かった。聴きやすいポップ要素がありつつ、エッジーなパンクサウンドと特徴的なリアルを丸出す歌声を加えて、絶妙な組み合わせで、テイストに合いすぎた。BiSHに出会った前に聴いた主流アイドルのボーカルはほぼ全部コーラスで、強めの調整がされて、メンバーの味が完全に聴こえなかったので、BiSHのメンバー達の個性が溢れている歌声は特に感動された。
The video introduced a few idol groups, but the one that stood out the most, to the point that they are the only one I can even remember now, was BiS. Well, frolicking around the Aokigahara Forest in the nude was bound to leave an impression. After that I checked out a few of BiS’s music videos, but could not really get into the music. Just as I was about to lose interest in this “underground idol” thing, in the recommended videos section just to the right of BiS’s video, BiSH appeared. BiSH? BiS? I did not know what the difference was, but I knew that I liked what I heard from this “BiSH” group. It had pop elements that made it easy to get into, yet an edgy punk-y sound that was perfectly complemented by the members’ unique and raw voices. It matched my tastes perfectly. Before encountering BiSH, the mainstream J-Pop idols that I had heard all sang in chorus with heavy-handed processing applied to the vocals, erasing any semblance of individuality, so BiSH’s vocals, overflowing with each member’s peculiarities, really moved me.

While before I did not have much interest in idols, it made me think: “If this is “idol”, then I’m an “idol” fan.” And that was how I took my first step into the world of alternative idols.

Orchestra got me:

セカンド・アウェイクニング Second Awakening

Back in those days, there was scarcely any information about alternative idols in English, apart from a certain blog, that you could find online. By the way, this was when I started learning Japanese. Part of it was that I was super bored, but I also wanted to be able to understand all these contents that were only in Japanese. Through Homicidols, the blog which introduced alternative idols, I discovered a cornucopia of groups. From the heavy music and electronic music that I have liked since before to math rock, which I barely knew anything about, there were groups doing all types of music. It was in this mass of groups that I encountered a certain collection of nameless, faceless idols.

I was first drawn to ・・・・・・・・・ (dotstokyo) by their bizarreness. Idols were supposed to place a lot of value on their cuteness, yet these idols had their faces obscured. Idols were supposed to use their personalities to stand out, yet these idols had no names. But in place of this, you could track their heartbeats, know where they have been, and buy their sleep patterns, among other intimate data points, forming this paradoxical relationship that is simultaneously alienatingly distant yet almost uncomfortably close. I still think to this day that that was genius.

Then, I listened to ・・・・・・・・・’s music. It was a revelation. I was in love. I have heard of shoegaze by name before, but it was the first time that I gave it a proper listen. But I did not fall this hard in love just because it was shoegaze. I was so entranced by its perfect blend of idol pop, shoegaze, and other experimental elements. There was nothing like it.

The chime sound that shows up in their song “Cider” sounds so much like the bus chime sound where I am that I get little startled very time I listened to it on the bus:

・・・・・・・・・の一部の曲が日本の人気インディーシューゲイザーバンド For Tracy Hyde の人達が作曲されたという情報を知って、そのバンドを検索して、ジャパニーズシューゲイズも聴き始めた。アイドルとバンドのコラボの可能性を知ったから、他のアイドルグループの曲のクレジットも見始めて、沢山の日本のオルタナティヴバンドやアーティストに出会った。
Having learnt that some of ・・・・・・・・・’s songs were written by members of the popular Japanese indie shoegaze band For Tracy Hyde, I searched them up, and that became my entry point into Japanese shoegaze. Now knowing of the existence of idol and band collaborations, I started to check out the credits of songs from other groups as well and through that discovered many other alternative bands and artists.

I have always been quite reserved and being raised on the internet, never delved too deeply into any subculture, instead preferring to be a detached observer. That was actually one of the reasons why I was that into idol culture in the first place—it was far removed from my everyday life. And so naturally after my two-year long cosplay convention, I flew straight to Japan for vacation.

It was my first time in Japan, so I mainly did the usual touristy stuff, but during the short time I was in Tokyo, there happened to be a live show that many of the idol groups I knew at the time were performing at, so I checked it out without thinking too much of it. But there was a particular group that I was there for. That day, I experienced my first ever concert, and there I bought my first ever CD. After that, I took my first ever cheki. To be honest, I barely knew anything about the members (their faces and names were unknown, after all), so to avoid an overly awkward situation I just randomly picked the member that seemed the easiest to talk to. With my terrible Japanese, I ended up only uttering “hai” through most of it. But I remember it being fun.

The trip was supposed to be a cap on my year or so of discovering alternative idols, but after experiencing the joys of a live idol concert, there was no going back to detached observation.

However, due to my half-assed nature, the next five years became a lost half-decade. I went to university and did a bunch of stuff, but almost never went to any concert. And I never traveled to Japan at all.

その間に、・・・・・・・・・が終った。「もっと観に行ったら良かった」という思いもあったが、「一回でも観て良かった」の思いのほうが強かった。・・・・・・・・・という存在はあの時だけに起これる奇跡、数年間の儚い夢だった。その夢に覚めたのは何年か前だったが、今でも「『 』」を聴くと僕は2018年に戻る。
During that time, ・・・・・・・・・ came to an end. While I did feel some regret that I did not go to see them more while I still could, I felt even more grateful that I did see them at all, even if only once. The existence known as ・・・・・・・・・(dotstokyo, among other nicknames) was a miracle that could have only occurred when it did, a fleeting dream of a few years. Yet despite it having been years since awaking from the dream, whenever I listen to their album 『』(“Blank”), I am transported back to 2018.

サード・エヴォリューション Third Evolution

Then, RAY was birthed into this world.

RAY performed some of ・・・・・・・・・’s discography, making it feel like they were not completely gone, which I was grateful for. As for RAY’s own discography, to me they have a more mature sound. If ・・・・・・・・・ was the experiment, RAY would be the results. That being said, RAY is still evolving to this day.

Despite having followed them since the start, it was from the distance of over five thousand kilometers, which was barely following at all. Part of it was due to global circumstances, but not taking the leap earlier was my own doing. Ironically, due to the global circumstances then, the number of livestreams increased drastically and actually brought me closer to RAY. Watching the growth of not just the members but also the staff team stirred a desire within me to see and support them directly.

In September 2023, I finally took the leap. I don’t really know what the impetus was—it could be that I was gainfully employed and had disposable income, or that my love for RAY could no longer be contained. Not that it mattered. I will never forget the show I saw that day for the rest of my life… is what I would like to say, but my absolutely trash memory means that I only remember flashes of the show itself. But what I felt watching their performance was etched into my soul forever. Radiance. They were light itself. Then, my first cheki in five years. This time it was with my oshi who I had followed for four years, and even before when I did not know her face or name.

Oh, she really exists.
She’s right there.
So bright.

Of course, it ended with me just blurting out “hai” the whole time. My three years of Japanese classes during university was obliterated in the face of my oshi’s cuteness. It never stood a chance.

Held back tears singing this in the karaoke:

After that transcendental experience, I was not only hooked on RAY or idol shows, but live shows in general. Sadly, I could only fly to Japan about twice a year at most, so in order to alleviate my suffering even a little bit in the time in between, I started to look at shows in my own country. My oshi, Uchiyama Yua, listens to and posts music reviews at an honestly frightening pace, and through her reviews I came to know some of my favorite bands. Some of these bands happened to stop by my country on tour so I managed to catch these bands—these Japanese bands that I learnt about from my oshi—perform live in my own country. It really felt like this thread spanning many years, thousands of miles and degrees of separation coming back into a circle. It really is quite incredible, thinking about it.

And with that we have reached the current day, bringing us to the end of this retrospective. Hope you have enjoyed this normie to half-assed weirdo pipeline.

If you can forgive the opinions of this half-assed weirdo, I plan to do music introductions and other non-music related posts as well, so feel free to read them whenever the hell they are done.
