#1 ある晴れた日の午後、芝生の上で寝ころがって読んでみた。
Hanayo 『Keep an Eye Shut』
文:井手 沙耶果/Sayaka Ide
(English ver. is below)

束の間の不安を一瞬で吹き飛ばすこの言葉。目を開けた視線の先に、花代の『Keep an Eye Shut』が置いてあったとしたら?
ロンドン、ベルリンでの生活を経て、現在東京を拠点に活動する写真家 花代の、30年にわたる写真家としての活動を総括した写真集『Keep an Eye Shut』。写真家という言葉だけでは括ることのできない、花代という1人の人間の人生を映し出した1冊だ。




1999年生まれ 関西学院大学国際学部卒
One sunny afternoon, I lay down on the grass and read it.
“Close your eyes.”
When someone says that to you, don’t you feel a sense of anxiety about is about to happen? Even if the person is who you trust, maybe unconsciously you’re too careful of it. Being shut out of sight suddenly strongly evokes people’s potential fears.
“Open your eyes.”
This word that blows away the brief anxiety in a moment. What if there is a book “Keep an Eye Shut” by Hanayo in front of you when you opened them?
The tender but dignified reddish pink, that reflected on the hard cover with materials like Japanese paper. You will be sucked into the cover in one second. What a beautiful gift this is. I’m sure I will be so excited.
After living in London and Berlin, Hanayo moved to and currently working based in Tokyo. “Keep an Eye Shut”, a photo book that summarizes activities for 30 years as a photographer. This is one that reflects life of a person Hanayo, who can not be summed up by only a word ‘photographer’.
What is a feature of this book?
When I think about it, first I notice that their photos are not organized chronologically.
For example, the running page that is composed of two pictures of a window on the left and of photo frames and objects on the right. At first glance, you would think that they are in a corner of the same room. Look at the other running page that is composed of three photos. On the left side there is an old Japanese castle, and on the right side there is a boy. We could imagine that he was shot in the castle. But if you look at the top of the pages, you will find that their photos were took in different years.
It seems to me that everyone would notice that feature, but I want to say that this photo book reminds us of the possibility of things that never intersect existing in the same place. That means the mix of the ages doesn’t make us feel a sense of discomfort and each photos blend in with the others. It may imply that Hanayo is gazing at the subject with same eyes.
I guess the photos of this book are intentionally combined, but it seems that the role of this book is to show two or more photos in a line at the same time. The spread of photos taken in different years (2001, 2008, and 2010). Looking at these four pictures together, which were taken in different locations and with different subjects, you would feel like the expansion of the harmonious scenery. Isn’t it as if the world that Hanayo sees will be unraveled only when the four pieces fit together? Even if at first it is hard to understand what is being photographed, the presence of another photo naturally loosens the frustration of the incomprehension. The world she sees seems to give us a play of puzzles.
This photo book evokes a sense of longing that makes us want to see one point of the past and one of the present connected.
The faint, soft, and ephemeral world where people and things ‘just exist’ in a vague and natural way. If Hanayo is not ‘taking’ pictures but just ‘seeing’ things, and if the scenery captured is as she saw it, I would like to get her eyes and look into the world.
1999年生まれ 関西学院大学国際学部卒