古典「日本占領革命」を読む 新シリーズ第28回


But in spite of persistent economic and political inequalities, all Japanese without exception are currently in a position to live according to totally formalized values---that is, values completely empty of all ”human”content in the "historical" sense. Thus, in the extreme, every Japanese is in principle capable of commuting, from pure snobbery, a perfectly "gratuitous " suicide(the classical epee of the samurai can be replaced by an airplane or torpedo), which has nothing to do with the risk of life in a Fight waged for the sake of "historical" values that have social or political content.

引用---- 「ヘーゲル読解入門」 アレクサンドル・コジェーヴ著 上妻精・今野雅方訳  国文社 1987年


