
CDK for Terraformでmoduleを利用する


  • CDKTF のインストール(Mac)

brew install cdktf


cdktf init --template="typescript" --providers="aws@~>4.0" 


Newer version of Terraform CDK is available [0.19.0] - Upgrade recommended
Welcome to CDK for Terraform!

By default, cdktf allows you to manage the state of your stacks using Terraform Cloud for free.
cdktf will request an API token for app.terraform.io using your browser.

If login is successful, cdktf will store the token in plain text in
the following file for use by subsequent Terraform commands:

Note: The local storage mode isn't recommended for storing the state of your stacks.

? Do you want to continue with Terraform Cloud remote state management? no
? Project Name samplemodule
? Project Description samplemodule
? Do you want to start from an existing Terraform project? no
? Do you want to send crash reports to the CDKTF team? Refer to
https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/cdktf/create-and-deploy/configuration-file#enable-crash-reporting-for-the-cli for more information no

added 2 packages, and audited 57 packages in 1s

7 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities

added 314 packages, and audited 371 packages in 8s

38 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities

  Your cdktf typescript project is ready!

  cat help                Print this message

    npm run get           Import/update Terraform providers and modules (you should check-in this directory)
    npm run compile       Compile typescript code to javascript (or "npm run watch")
    npm run watch         Watch for changes and compile typescript in the background
    npm run build         Compile typescript

    cdktf synth [stack]   Synthesize Terraform resources from stacks to cdktf.out/ (ready for 'terraform apply')

    cdktf diff [stack]    Perform a diff (terraform plan) for the given stack

    cdktf deploy [stack]  Deploy the given stack

    cdktf destroy [stack] Destroy the stack

    npm run test        Runs unit tests (edit __tests__/main-test.ts to add your own tests)
    npm run test:watch  Watches the tests and reruns them on change

    npm run upgrade        Upgrade cdktf modules to latest version
    npm run upgrade:next   Upgrade cdktf modules to latest "@next" version (last commit)

 Use Providers:

  You can add prebuilt providers (if available) or locally generated ones using the add command:

  cdktf provider add "aws@~>3.0" null kreuzwerker/docker

  You can find all prebuilt providers on npm: https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=keywords:cdktf
  You can also install these providers directly through npm:

  npm install @cdktf/provider-aws
  npm install @cdktf/provider-google
  npm install @cdktf/provider-azurerm
  npm install @cdktf/provider-docker
  npm install @cdktf/provider-github
  npm install @cdktf/provider-null

  You can also build any module or provider locally. Learn more https://cdk.tf/modules-and-providers


[2023-10-30T14:40:01.148] [INFO] default - Checking whether pre-built provider exists for the following constraints:
  provider: aws
  version : ~>4.0
  language: typescript
  cdktf   : 0.18.0

[2023-10-30T14:40:03.024] [INFO] default - Pre-built provider does not exist for the given constraints.
[2023-10-30T14:40:03.024] [INFO] default - Adding local provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws with version constraint ~>4.0 to cdktf.json
Local providers have been updated. Running cdktf get to update...
Generated typescript constructs in the output directory: .gen


├── __tests__
├── cdktf.json
├── help
├── jest.config.js
├── main.ts
├── node_modules
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── setup.js
└── tsconfig.json


npm install @cdktf/provider-aws


npm ERR! code ERESOLVE
npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree
npm ERR!
npm ERR! While resolving: ModuleSample@1.0.0
npm ERR! Found: cdktf@0.18.2
npm ERR! node_modules/cdktf
npm ERR!   cdktf@"^0.18.2" from the root project
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency:
npm ERR! peer cdktf@"^0.19.0" from @cdktf/provider-aws@18.0.3
npm ERR! node_modules/@cdktf/provider-aws
npm ERR!   @cdktf/provider-aws@"*" from the root project
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry
npm ERR! this command with --force or --legacy-peer-deps
npm ERR! to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.
npm ERR!
npm ERR!
npm ERR! For a full report see:
  • Version指定でインストールする

npm install @cdktf/provider-aws@17.0.11

added 1 package, and audited 372 packages in 4s

38 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities



   "terraformModules": [
      "name": "sqs",
      "source": "terraform-aws-modules/sqs/aws",
      "version": "4.1.0"


import { Construct } from "constructs";
import { App, TerraformStack } from "cdktf";

import { AwsProvider } from "@cdktf/provider-aws/lib/provider";

import { sqsQueue } from '@cdktf/provider-aws';

class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {
    super(scope, id);

    new AwsProvider(this, 'aws', {
      region: 'ap-northeast-1', // Example: 'us-west-2'
      defaultTags: [{
        tags: {
          environment: process.env.ENV_ID || `${id}`,


    // define resources here

    new sqsQueue.SqsQueue(this, 'queue', {
      name: `${id}-queue`,


const app = new App();
new MyStack(app, "samplemodule");



cdktf get



cdktf diff


cdktf deploy


cdktf list

Stack name                                                Path
samplemodule                                              cdktf.out/stacks/samplemodule



terraform -chdir="cdktf.out/stacks/samplemodule" state list
terraform -chdir="cdktf.out/stacks/samplemodule" show
# aws_sqs_queue.queue:
resource "aws_sqs_queue" "queue" {
    arn                               = "arn:aws:sqs:ap-northeast-1:0123456789:samplemodule-queue"
    content_based_deduplication       = false
    delay_seconds                     = 0
    fifo_queue                        = false
    id                                = "https://sqs.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/0123456789/samplemodule-queue"
    kms_data_key_reuse_period_seconds = 300
    max_message_size                  = 262144
    message_retention_seconds         = 345600
    name                              = "samplemodule-queue"
    receive_wait_time_seconds         = 0
    sqs_managed_sse_enabled           = true
    tags_all                          = {
        "environment" = "samplemodule"
    url                               = "https://sqs.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/0123456789/samplemodule-queue"
    visibility_timeout_seconds        = 30


cdktf destroy
