Difference between your personal and internet life
Hi there,
The second day of 30-Day blogging Challenge almost forgot about it already.. phew.. just realized and am writing now.
So today's topic is about the difference between my personal and internet life. Everyone knows that social media is a place to share your best self, best moments of your life, or I see some people also do the opposite and share your sadness/darkest moments.
In my case, it highlights both the best and saddest moments. but even the saddest moments, I try to bring the positive aspect of it to show how positive of a person I am.
Yet, is this the true me? I think in reality, it is not that easy to bring the good in such bad moments, I personally am not that strong or positive yet. In reality, I have so many insecurities, doubts, the darkness inside me that I do not show in social media.
This is one of the reasons I decided to have a social media detox. Everything I post on SNS seems fake to me, the outside me, not the real me. And even I understand the dark side of the social media and I know its everyone's BEST MOMENTS that they post on their feeds, I still compare myself, I still want to prove myself to others, and I still keep on wanting to please people.
The pleasing people scheme does kill me little by little inside because no one can ever please everyone constantly and I unconsciously get tired of it leading to stress. The real me just needs acceptance from close people and not from the mass of people. and close people, the closest one is me.
In social media, I seem to be this cool girl, taking photos traveling the world, having fun, enjoying life. But in reality, I am just a 24 year old trying to live life, trying to find purpose in life. LOST.
If everyone is to show their true self on social media what would happen?
Will the world be a better place? no fake posts about emotions. no editing of pictures. no likes. and if everyone is really happy with their life will SNS even be necessary for our lives? will we still continuously compare ourselves to each other?
So many questions regarding online me and internet life. The Internet has made our lives more convenient and I would not disagree with it. We need the internet to live but has it improved our mental state? maybe not.
Anyways, just wanted to conclude on social media I tend to show my best self, a person who everyone would like to be friends with. but in reality I am still a kid that is lost, insecure, worried.
Lets end it here for today. thanks for joining hehe
see ya tomorrow.