Describe one of my dreams

Hi there, its day 11 of the blogging challenge.

I was busy with work today doing research so I don't think I can write that much but here it is. Today's let's talk about my dream. 

Since I was a child, to be honest with you, I never had a dream. I never thought of one. Now looking back at what kind of dream I had it was all influenced by others. I usually copied people's dreams because I never had my opinion. 

Even now, when I thought of today's topic and what to write.. I paused, nothing came to my mind. The only answer I could come up with was..

I just simply want to live a happy life, build a small family with strong ties, full of laughter, and a family that can overcome hardships, where hardship even makes the ties stronger. 

Being taught religiously that ego is evil, maybe unconciouslu I believed dream = ego= evil and refrained from thinking about it. But if I were to come up with one, it would be for me to be a strong woman, full of confidence. 

I always envied people with confidence. Not the fake one, but the true confidence. People with true confidence are not busy pleasing people or showing off, they are calm and they are always themselves in any circumstances. They stand still with their opinion, emotion, posture even. 

Myself being a very emotional/easily influenced, I do envy those people. They can be themselves in any situation. They can perform their best in a lot of situations cuz they can be them. 

Once I just wished one day I could suddenly become this confident woman, and I remember praying. but gradually I  learned that building confidence, the step of building it is beautiful and adds layers to your personality. You learn a lot about you, people, emotions, feelings when you doubt during the process and If you were confident from the start you will never get to see this side. 

Therefore, my dream is to slowly be confident, and in the process, I would like to grow to become a person who is confident yet understands people's weaknesses and see the beauty in people's weaknesses. 

Anyways let's end it here cuz it's late already. 

Thanks for tuning in, let's talk again tomorrow.

Sweet dreams <3
