
【英訳 English translation】花譜「代替嬉々」/ KAF - "Daitai Kiki"

KAF - Daitai Kiki
作曲作詞 大森靖子
Composition, Lyrics: Oomori Seiko
編曲 大久保薫
Arrangement: Ookubo Kaoru


Substitute substitute substitute joy
Mostly mostly mostly in a crisis

“You won’t understand it anyways”, I hold my tongue because
I don’t want you to find out it was never that serious

You really think that “if you don’t face anyone, no one can belittle you”,
“If you don’t trust anyone, no one will betray you” ?

“The worst” that’s slightly better than nothing; Where should I run off to?
It’s not “back then”, not “someday”
This “present” ain’t history, nor a dream - I’ve completely moved on from it
It may hurt a bit, the scar may be huge
The characters drawn on those pointless band-aids
Are telling me everything will be fine! Maybe it’s just me lol

Anyhow, I’m not the one to nurture love
How would I do it with such a stone-cold body

Even if you ever felt something in me, that was never the real me
You only accepted the “normal” under which my insanity was tamed

“The worst” that’s slightly better than nothing; Where should I throw it away?
I don’t have a single hopeless dream or plan
That could be destroyed by someone like you
It may hurt a bit, the kiss faded away
Were you never okay with
A life in which everything happens for a reason? I forgot…

All the good parts, the pretty parts, the best parts, the beautiful parts of me,
Tossing them to you as I’m left with only the worst parts of myself,
I guess it’s fun to rip yourself open and get hurt in the process
And you call it a nuisance, even though it was you who wanted to come to my side
This is a mess; Why didn’t you take the responsibility and kill me all the way through?
I remember you were hurt when I told you “bye-bye” for betraying me,
And while I keep saying that I shouldn’t have given you all the best parts of me,

I’ll be singing again, either way

“The worst” that’s slightly better than nothing; Where should I run off to?
It’s not “back in the day”, not “someday”
This “present” ain’t history, nor a dream - and I don’t have a single regret about it
It may hurt a bit, the scar may be huge
The characters drawn on those pointless band-aids
Are telling me everything will be fine! Maybe it’s just me lol

Substitute substitute substitute joy
Mostly mostly mostly in a crisis



どうせわからないって 口をつぐむのは
たいしたことないって ばれたくないから

顔を合わせなければ 舐められない とか
誰も信じなければ 裏切られない とか?

ちょいマシな最悪 どこへ駆け抜けよう
“あの日”でもない “いつか”でもない
歴史でも夢でもない“今”に未練なんか ないよな
ちょい痛いかもけど 傷もデカいけど
大丈夫だよって言ってる 気のせいだね笑

どうせ僕じゃないよ 愛を紡ぐのは
温もりもない 身体でどうして

僕で何か感じても 僕じゃないから
狂気を飼い慣らす正常 だけを認めた

ちょいマジな最悪 どこで捨てていこ
しょーもない夢も計画も一個も ないよな
ちょい痛いかもけど キスも消えたけど
大丈夫なんかじゃなかった? 忘れたわ

いいとこ 綺麗なとこ 美味しいとこ 美しいとこ ぽいぽいあげて
それが迷惑なんだって こっち側に勝手にきたのは君なのに


ちょいマシな最悪 どこへ駆け抜けよう
“あの日”でもない “いつか”でもない
歴史でも夢でもない“今”に未練なんか ないよな
ちょい痛いかもけど 傷もデカいけど
大丈夫だよって言ってる 気のせいだね笑

