Stringent emergency systems helped save lives 能登半島地震 2024.01.01 日本 20240106

#Earthquake #Tsunami #Japan
Japan’s earthquake: Stringent emergency systems helped save lives - YouTube
Jan 5, 2024 #Japan #JapanEarthquake #Earthquake
The powerful earthquake, that struck western Japan on New Year's Day, caused widespread devastation and killed more than 80 people.
But observers say the damage could have been far worse, if it hadn't been for the way Japan prepares for disasters.

#能登半島地震 #日本 #20240101 #20240102 #20240103 #20240104 #20240105 #20240106 #地震 #津波 #避難 #大津波警報 #能登半島 #石川県 #避難所 #災害 #防災省
#fictitiousness #2024


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