デモ 司法改革 ベンヤミン・ネタニヤフ イスラエル 20230507

#JudicialReformPlans #PrimeMinister #BenjaminNetanyahu #Israel  

Thousands protest Israeli judicial overhaul - YouTube
May 7, 2023 #IsraelPortest #Netanyahu #News
For the 18th consecutive week, thousands of Israelis demonstrated against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's judicial-reform plans, which critics say undermines the court’s independence while handing the government unfettered power.

#反対 #デモ #司法 #改革 #ベンヤミン・ネタニヤフ #イスラエル #20230507
#fictitiousness #2023


極論空手形 / Extreme Argument Fictitious Bill
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