Japan races to find earthquake survivors five days on 能登半島地震 日本 20240106

#Earthquake #Tsunami #Japan

Japan races to find earthquake survivors five days on | Al Jazeera Newsfeed - YouTube
Jan 5, 2024 #Aljazeeraenglish #News
As Japan's earthquake rescue efforts enter its fifth day, there are growing concerns about resource availability as tens of thousands are forced into temporary shelters.

#救助 #能登半島地震 #日本 #20240101 #20240102 #20240103 #20240104 #20240105 #20240106 #地震 #津波 #避難 #大津波警報 #能登半島 #石川県 #避難所 #災害 #防災省
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極論空手形 / Extreme Argument Fictitious Bill
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