避難 乗客 電車 地下鉄 イギリス 20230506

#TubeTrain #ClaphamCommonStation #London #BritishTransportPolice


Passengers smash windows to escape London tube train - YouTube
May 6, 2023
Panicked passengers smashed their way out through the windows of an underground carriage in London.
The train was at Clapham Common station when a fire alert was set off and smoke could reportedly be seen from one of the carriages.
British Transport Police said no one was believed to have been injured during the incident

Passengers smash glass windows to escape smoky London tube - YouTube
May 6, 2023 LONDON
People smashed windows and pried open doors on a London tube car to help passengers escape smoke-filled carriages at Clapham Common station. The issue is believed to have been caused by brake dust, London's British Transport Police say.

#避難 #乗客 #電車 #地下鉄 #イギリス #20230506 #ハンマー #オノ #火災 #警報 #ロンドン
#fictitiousness #2023


極論空手形 / Extreme Argument Fictitious Bill
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