[Translation, Reuters] Taiwan criticizes WHO's "indifference".
From Reuters
Taiwan was unable to attend an important WHO meeting. Taiwan has slammed WHO's "indifference".
Taiwan has been excluded from the participation of many international organizations, including WHO, due to opposition from China, which treats Taiwan as a state rather than a country. Foreign Minister Wu regretted that the WHO Secretariat remained indifferent to the health rights of 23.5 million Taiwanese. Meanwhile, according to China, Taiwan can only participate as part of "One China" when the Taipei government does not participate. And Beijing has a say on the international stage about Taiwan, and in any case Taiwan has been given the necessary access to Covid-19.
Steve Solomon, WHO's chief legal counsel, is working with Taiwanese Covid-19 experts, but said last week that it was up to member states to invite Taiwan as an observer to the WHO meeting.
I don't know because I haven't seen all the statements from each position, but I can see that the words are carefully selected so that each position will not be criticized by other positions. China's remarks clearly stated its opposition to Taiwan's invitation to the WHO meeting, but emphasized that the access needed for Taiwan's Covid-19 response was maintained. Which do you mean by access here, information on Covid-19 measures or medical resources for vaccines?