
The National Student Interview "Taron Egerton"


- The National Student Interview -


He is now feeling the effects of fame and fan attention, and has been given the opportunity of working with A-list talent like Colin Firth, Michael Caine and Samuel L. Jackson. When I interviewed him for the release of Kingsman I started by asking him if it has all felt like a bit of a whirlwhind:

質問:コリン・ファース、マイケル・ケイン、サミュエル・L・ジャクソンと一流スターと共演する機会にめぐまれたタロン・エジャートン。主演デビュー作品が公開直後のかれにインタビューしてみた。(The Smoke, 戦場からのラブレター、そしてキングスマンと)めまぐるしい活躍をみせているけど、実際嵐のような日々が続いてるのかな?

I don't know really; I suppose The Smoke and Kingsman, which I filmed before Testament of Youth, was a real intense nine month period; kind of all day every day. The projects I’ve done since have kind of been lighter in terms of the workload, so I’ve had a bit of time to reflect back on it.

タロン:そうだね、The Smoke、キングスマン、戦場~の順で撮影をしていてそのあたりの9か月はきついスケジュールだった。それ以降はすこしゆっくり仕事をすすめられたかな

It’s interesting thinking about The Smoke because that character was known as Asbo and here you are called Egsy and I have read reviews and articles that describe that kind of character as a ‘chav’, which is a work many use as a legitimate phrase- but some argue demonises the working classes. Would you describe Egsy as a chav? Do you have any problems with that word?


It’s a bit offensive, isn't it? It’s quite an ugly word. I think it’s a really, really, really lazy generalization. I’ve heard Plan B, the actor Ben Drew, refer to it meaning ‘Council House and something’, it’s such a generalisation, isn’t it, that someone like that would be antisocial? I think there is a real danger of thinking of people in absolutes. Asbo and Egsy are both really three-dimensional characters, both men with enormous hearts despite not being the most eloquent of men.

タロン:チャヴってのはあまりいい表現じゃないよね。世代間ギャップを簡略化してる。ラッパーのPlan B が、Chavという名称が「Council Housed And Violent」の略語だなんて言ってたけど、ワーキングクラスの若者は社会的に馴染めないだとか、一般論化するのはよくないでしょう。アズボやエグジーは、政治家のような雄弁さはなくとも、誰かを大事に思い必死に生きてる、現代の若者を反映したキャラクターだ。

I think the term ‘Chav’ is one we should start, you know, remove from our lexicon really. We don’t go around calling people ‘poofs’ anymore and rightly so, and I think there is no difference really. It’s a lazy, derogatory way of describing an incredibly broad and diverse group of people.

チャヴっていう言葉は辞書からとっぱらってもいいんじゃないかな。 いまじゃ誰も”poofs”なんて言わないから、Chav/チャヴだってそう。一定の人たちをひとくくりにしていれば楽だよね。

*poofs (= pooh、女々しい、おかまちゃん、のような蔑称)

At the London Film Festival last year I saw you in Testament of Youth which I thought was a wonderful and moving film. How did a more intimate film with a much smaller budget compare with something like Kingsman, which is on a grander scale?


These are great questions, I must say! I spend my life answering the same questions over and over again whereas these are actually really good! Anyway, I think the joy of Testament of Youth is that it’s far more intimate and more microcosmic in terms of the character’s stories. With something like that it’s great to sit in a room and focus on really bringing it to life as effectively as you can. Whereas with Kingsman the thrill is in the fact its epic and it has huge set-pieces with massive orchestration and organisation which goes into putting a piece of work like Kingsman together. The amount of diverse of professions, from carpenters and riggers, all bring those action scenes together. They are worlds apart. Kingsman had a great script too but it doesn’t strive for character in the same way Testament of Youth does. It has three-dimensional characters, but within more of a rip-roaring film.


How did you work on getting Egsy’s voice? Vecause he has an accent a bit different from your own. Was that a challenge? Did you have a voice coach?


No, I didn’t actually. In real life I veer between a very very soft Welsh and a very soft Liverpudlian, which is where my dad comes from. I really enjoy working with different accents, it’s a whole way of getting into a whole different rhythm. I personally find it a nice starting point or way into a character, particularly that kind of South London accent – I don’t know if there is a name for it, but it’s got Afro-Caribbean influences in it from the council estates in London where you have a real mixture of cultures and nationalities. He’s a great character for the accent but it’s bloody hard because it’s made up of lots of different sounds, I think. I never felt entirely sure with it, to be honest, but when I watched it back and I was happy with it.


You are in very fit shape in the film; did you have to do a lot of intensive training and gymming and dieting for the role or do you naturally have a six-pack?


Oh no, no no! In order to do that you have to eat so strictly in order to maintain something like that and it has to become a real lifestyle. And it’s not one that I personally – well, I’d like to be fitter then than I am now – but that extreme is not one I could maintain all the time, it’s a real commitment to living a certain way. You have to do a certain amount of gym hours a week and you have to be pretty militant with yourself with regards to what you eat. It was fun for a while. If we ever decide to do another Kingsman I would certainly do it again. It’s largely dependent on the role you're playing and it’s fantastically enjoyable when you do do it; you feel wonderful.


This film is propelling you into an arena where people will become interested in your private life, such as who you’re dating, and there are already fan twitter accounts following your every move. How do you feel about all that?


As much as I understand that it is a by-product of the work I am involved in, I really hate it. I do the twitter bit for promotional purposes for Kingsman; I did it for The Smoke for a while then got rid of it. I think it’s unlikely I will remain a permanent presence on twitter. It’s not something I’m going to embrace with open arms, but it’s not fair to moan about it. Fan attention is lovely, really lovely and encouraging when people want to follow your career. But that expectation that because you make a certain type of film means you are no longer entitled to your privacy is a very ugly part to the world we live in today. There’s a lot that’s brilliant about my job but that’s one of the sacrifices. That’s the way it goes.


There are a number of references and jokes in the film about James Bond – do you have a favourite Bond?


Yeah, I love Live and Let Die. For similar reasons I love Kingsman; it doesn’t take itself too seriously. I watched that one on repeat as a little boy. I think I had it on VHS. If there is a set I like it’s the ones with Moore and Connery; that kind of era.


In this film you get to work with some amazing acting talent, such as Colin Firth, Michael Caine and Samuel L. Jackson. Were you nervous before you met them?


Yeah, absolutely, well – as nervous as I was excited, I suppose. It was daunting because obviously, like most people, I was only aware of their body of work and I didn’t know what to expect. It was my first experience of meeting icons, like proper A-List movie stars. Luckily they all turned out to be gracious, lovely guys and we had a really fun time making Kingsman. You’d have to be borderline sociopathic to not feel a twinge in your gut when meeting people with that status and notoriety.


Is there a performance by one of the other actors, say Colin Firth, that you find the most inspiring?


Yes there is. It’s brilliant actually, even though he didn’t win that many awards for it, but it’s his performance in A Single Man that’s my favourite. There is a bit where he receives a phone call to tell him his partner has died and I don’t quite know what he does – he doesn’t actually do anything – but there’s something about it that makes it the most convincing recreation of someone receiving awful news I’ve ever seen. You see it in his whole body, the shock of it.


The camera just stays on his face, doesn’t it, and watches him act...


Exactly, yes, Tom Ford just let it roll and it’s quite amazing. I absolutely love that film and especially that bit, so I’d have to say A Single Man is my favourite.


I recently watched your Sky Movies playlist feature where you picked some of your favourite films from their catalogue and noticed you mentioned your love of Richard Curtis comedies like Four Weddings and a Funeral. Could you see yourself doing a romcom like that?


If the phone ever rang and it was Richard Curtis... I did meet him once and I gushed massively, it was a play at the Royal Court with the actor Tom Sturridge who was in The Boat that Rocked and I love him and I told him I loved him then...so if that opportunity arose I would grab it with both hands. I grew up watching things like Blackadder, Four Weddings, Notting Hill, I love Love Actually. I did read that he probably wasn’t going to make anymore films after About Time but if ever he decided not to and he was interested in a lad in his 20s from Wales I would be so keen, I just love so many of his films.




タクシードライバー、クレーマー・クレーマー、フォー・ウェディング、アメリカン・サイコ、アナライズ・ディス、バットマンビギンズ、キャプテンフィリップス、ジャングルブック、34丁目の奇跡、For The Birds。

I understand you have just been involved in the film with Tom Hardy about the Krays. How was that?


It was fantastic; very different to the way I’m used to working, or that I have worked. It was written and directed by Brian Helgeland and he was very excited with the possibility of us improvising and thinking of things off the cuff while we were filming.I took the part with actually very few scripted lines, but I knew there was scope for it to grow. I hope my material has survived but I don’t actually know yet, it could easily end up on the cutting room floor, because it is a supporting role, but the experience in making the film was truly, truly wonderful. Tom Hardy is an amazing performer and a truly great bloke. We are both playing slightly mentally-unbalanced men and they are having relationship and it was great fun. It was actually a real laugh and actually the most carefree I’ve been in a film and because the pressure wasn’t on me I could have fun with it. I’m quite proud of it, though I’ve not seen the film yet I am excited to watch it.



