
未来の構想と準備 Africa's $5BN Controversial Mega Dam


7:39 エチオピアはアフリカ最大の水力発電ダムを建設中ですが、エジプトとスーダンはプロジェクトに懐疑的です。このビデオでは、そのダムと今後の展望に焦点を当てています。

Africa's $5BN Controversial Mega Dam

2023/01/14 #Megaprojects #Engineering #Construction

Ethiopia is building Africa’s largest hydropower dam. However, neighboring Egypt and Sudan, are not very happy about the project. In this video, we take a closer look at the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and how the situation could play out. For more skyscraper & megaproject content be sure to subscribe to Top Luxury. Thanks for watching this video our video about Africa's most controversial megaproject.

Africa's Most Controversial Megaproject
0:50 Ethiopia’s current situation 1:30 Ethiopia’s solution
3:20 Resulting controversy with Egypt and Sudan
5:11 Tensions rise: Filling of the reservoir
6:40 Can the tensions be resolved or not?


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