未来の構想と準備 The Strangest Buildings in the World
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世界で最も奇妙な建物トップ 10 をご紹介します。
逆さまに建てられているように見える超高層ビルから、なぜか最上部に 2 基の風力タービンがある高さ 400 メートルのタワーまで。
The Strangest Buildings in the World
2023/11/11 #skyscrapers #strange #buildings
Use our code TOPLUXURY at https://partner.ekster.com/topluxury to get up to 55% off during Ekster's BF sale! Here are the top 10 strangest buildings in the world: From a supertall skyscraper that’s seemingly built upside down, to a 400-meter tall tower that for some reason has two wind turbines at the very top. For more skyscraper & megaproject content make sure to subscribe to Top Luxury!
0:00 The Strangest Buildings in the World
0:22 Number 10: The Aldar Headquarters
1:35 Number 9: The Oasis Towers
2:45 Number 8: The Alberni
3:39 Number 7: The Xiangjiang Gate
4:49 Number 6: The Daxia Tower
6:51 Number 5: The Iconic Towers
8:16 Number 4: The Tower of Life
9:30 Number 3: The Spiral
10:19 Number 2: The SRG Tower
11:46 Number 1: The Affirmation Tower