
未来の構想と準備 Most Remote Buildings in the World

11:16 おすすめ体感 未来の構想と準備
世界で最も人里離れた建物! このビデオでは、ホイッティア、ノルウェーの終末金庫、トップ オブ ヨーロッパ、歩行研究ステーション ハレー VI など、世界で最も人里離れた孤立した建物を紹介します。


Most Remote Buildings in the World

2022/11/26 #megaprojects #construction #engineering

The Most Remote Buildings in the World! In this video, we go over the most remote and isolated buildings in the world, including Whittier, the Doomsday Vault of Norway, the Top of Europe, and the Walking Research Station Halley VI! For more megaproject content be sure to subscribe to Top Luxury. Thanks for watching this video: Most Remote Buildings in the World

0:00 Most Remote Buildings in the World
0:33 A Whole Town Under One Roof
2:42 The Loneliest House in the World
4:24 The Top of Europe
6:15 The Doomsday Vault of Norway
7:44 The Walking Research Station


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