【カバレージ】Road to Nationals 2023 東京 トップ8デッキリスト 4 「FaB Fan!」Flesh and Blood非公式メディア 2023年5月23日 17:10 Marshal's RTN 1st /《Lexi, Livewire》■Hero《Lexi, Livewire》■ Weapons1x 《Voltaire, Strike Twice》■Equipment1x 《New Horizon》1x 《Bull's Eye Bracers》1x 《Fyendal's Spring Tunic》1x 《Heart of Ice》1x 《Nullrune Boots》1x 《Perch Grapplers》1x 《Quiver of Abyssal Depths》1x 《Quiver of Rustling Leaves》1x 《Vambrace of Determination》■ Main Deck2x 🔴《Arctic Incarceration》1x 🔴《Battering Bolt》3x 🔴《Blizzard Bolt》3x 🔴《Bolt'n' Shot》3x 🔴《Chilling Icevein》2x 🔴《Command and Conquer》2x 🔴《Drill Shot》3x 🔴《Endless Arrow》3x 🔴《Fatigue Shot》3x 🔴《Ice Quake》2x 🔴《Infecting Shot》1x 🔴《Lightning Press》3x 🔴《Remorseless》2x 🔴《Sleep Dart》3x 🔴《Three of a Kind》1x 🟡《Art of War》3x 🟡《Blizzard Bolt》3x 🟡《Bolt'n' Shot》3x 🟡《Chilling Icevein》3x 🟡《Rain Razors》3x 🔵《Bolt'n' Shot》3x 🔵《Channel Lake Frigid》3x 🔵《Cold Snap》3x 🔵《Frost Lock》3x 🔵《Icy Encounter》3x 🔵《Polar Blast》3x 🔵《Winter's Bite》TOKYO FAB'sMarshal's RTN 1stYang's RTN 2nd /《Lexi, Livewire》■Hero《Lexi, Livewire》■Weapons1x《Voltaire, Strike Twice》■Equipment1x《New Horizon》1x《Bull's Eye Bracers》1x《Fyendal's Spring Tunic》1x《Snapdragon Scalers》1x《Perch Grapplers》1x《Quiver of Rustling Leaves》■ Main Deck2x 🔴《Arctic Incarceration》2x 🔴《Battering Bolt》3x 🔴《Bolt'n' Shot》1x 🔴《Command and Conquer》1x 🔴《Down and Dirty》3x 🔴《Drill Shot》3x 🔴《Endless Arrow》3x 🔴《Falcon Wing》3x 🔴《Fatigue Shot》3x 🔴《Hamstring Shot》3x 🔴《Heat Seeker》3x 🔴《Infecting Shot》1x 🔴《Lightning Surge》1x 🔴《Pathing Helix》2x 🔴《Premeditate》3x 🔴《Remorseless》3x 🔴《Searing Shot》3x 🔴《Three of a Kind》1x 🔴《Withering Shot》3x 🟡《Bolt'n' Shot》3x 🟡《Codex of Frailty》3x 🟡《Codex of Inertia》3x 🟡《Rain Razors》3x 🔵《Bolt'n' Shot》3x 🔵《Fatigue Shot》3x 🔵《Frost Lock》3x 🔵《Infecting Shot》3x 🔵《Winter's Bite》2x 🔵《Withering Shot》TOKYO FAB'sYang's RTN 2ndMichael's RTN 3rd /《Bravo, Showstopper》■Hero《Bravo, Showstopper》■Weapons1x《Anothos》■Equipment1x《Crown of Providence》1x《Crater Fist》1x《Tectonic Plating》 1x《Ironrot Legs》1x《Nullrune Boots》1x《Nullrune Gloves》1x《Nullrune Hood》1x《Vambrace of Determination》■ Main Deck3x 🔴《Chokeslam》3x 🔴《Command and Conquer》3x 🔴《Crippling Crush》2x 🔴《Fate Foreseen》2x 🔴《Pulverize》3x 🔴《Pummel》3x 🔴《Sigil of Solace》3x 🔴《Sink Below》3x 🔴《Spinal Crush》3x 🔴《Zealous Belting》3x 🔵《Buckle》3x 🔵《Buckling Blow》3x 🔵《Chokeslam》3x 🔵《Cranial Crush》3x 🔵《Debilitate》3x 🔵《Disable》3x 🔵《Imposing Visage》3x 🔵《Macho Grande》3x 🔵《Pummel》3x 🔵《Rouse the Ancients》3x 🔵《Show Time!》1x 🔵《Stamp Authority》3x 🔵《Tear Asunder》3x 🔵《Thunder Quake》3x 🔵《Unmovable》TOKYO FAB'sMichael's RTN 3rdえんじー's RTN 3rd /《Lexi, Livewire》■Hero《Lexi, Livewire》■Weapons1x《Voltaire, Strike Twice》■Equipment1x《New Horizon》1x《Bull's Eye Bracers》1x《Fyendal's Spring Tunic》1x《Perch Grapplers》1x《Quiver of Abyssal Depths》1x《Quiver of Rustling Leaves》1x《Snapdragon Scalers》■ Main Deck3x 🔴《Arctic Incarceration》1x 🔴《Battering Bolt》3x 🔴《Bolt'n' Shot》1x 🔴《Command and Conquer》1x 🔴《Death Touch》3x 🔴《Drill Shot》3x 🔴《Endless Arrow》3x 🔴《Falcon Wing》2x 🔴《Fatigue Shot》2x 🔴《Frailty Trap》3x 🔴《Heat Seeker》3x 🔴《Infecting Shot》1x 🔴《Lightning Surge》3x 🔴《Premeditate》3x 🔴《Remorseless》3x 🔴《Searing Shot》2x 🔴《Sleep Dart》3x 🔴《Three of a Kind》3x 🟡《Bolt'n' Shot》3x 🟡《Codex of Frailty》3x 🟡《Codex of Inertia》3x 🟡《Infecting Shot》3x 🟡《Rain Razors》3x 🔵《Bolt'n' Shot》3x 🔵《Drill Shot》2x 🔵《Frost Lock》3x 🔵《Searing Shot》3x 🔵《Winter's Bite》TOKYO FAB'sえんじー's RTN 3rdゲームボーイ's RTN 5th /《Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire》■Hero《Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire》■Weapons1x《Teklo Plasma Pistol》■Equipment1x《Arcanite Skullcap》1x《Galvanic Bender》1x《Teklo Foundry Heart》1x《Achilles Accelerator》1x《Viziertronic Model i》■ Main Deck1x 🔴《Combustible Courier》3x 🔴《High Octane》2x 🔴《High Speed Impact》2x 🔴《Induction Chamber》2x 🔴《Maximum Velocity》2x 🔴《Payload》3x 🔴《Plasma Purifier》3x 🔴《Pulsewave Harpoon》3x 🔴《Reinforce the Line》3x 🔴《Sink Below》3x 🔴《T-Bone》3x 🔴《Throttle》3x 🔴《Unmovable》3x 🔴《Zero to Sixty》3x 🔴《Zipper Hit》3x 🟡《Spark of Genius》3x 🟡《T-Bone》3x 🟡《Zero to Sixty》3x 🟡《Zipper Hit》3x 🔵《High Speed Impact》1x 🔵《Meganetic Shockwave》1x 🔵《Scramble Pulse》3x 🔵《T-Bone》3x 🔵《Teklo Core》3x 🔵《Teklo Pounder》3x 🔵《Throttle》3x 🔵《Zero to Sixty》3x 🔵《Zipper Hit》TOKYO FAB'sゲームボーイ's RTN 5thツナキ's RTN 5th /《Dromai, Ash Artist》■Hero《Dromai, Ash Artist》■Weapons1x《Storm of Sandikai》■Equipment1x《Arcanite Skullcap》1x《Crown of Reflection》1x《Flamescale Furnace》1x《Seeker's Mitts》1x《Snapdragon Scalers》1x《Ghostly Touch》■ Main Deck3x 🔴《Billowing Mirage》2x 🔴《Blaze Headlong》3x 🔴《Breaking Point》3x 🔴《Burn Them All》2x 🔴《Command and Conquer》3x 🔴《Dustup》3x 🔴《Enlightened Strike》3x 🔴《Flamecall Awakening》3x 🔴《Invoke Azvolai》3x 🔴《Invoke Cromai》3x 🔴《Invoke Kyloria》3x 🔴《Invoke Miragai》1x 🔴《Invoke Ouvia》3x 🔴《Invoke Themai》3x 🔴《Invoke Yendurai》3x 🔴《Miraging Metamorph》3x 🔴《Nourishing Emptiness》1x 🔴《Phoenix Flame》3x 🔴《Rake the Embers》3x 🔴《Ravenous Rabble》2x 🔴《Sand Cover》3x 🔴《Sigil of Solace》3x 🔴《Sink Below》2x 🔴《Skittering Sands》3x 🔴《Snatch》2x 🟡《Remembrance》3x 🔵《Passing Mirage》1x 🔵《Timesnap Potion》TOKYO FAB'sツナキ's RTN 5thkuwa's RTN 5th /《Oldhim, Grandfather of Eternity》■Hero《Oldhim, Grandfather of Eternity》■Weapons1x《Titan's Fist》■Equipment1x《Crown of Seeds》1x《Crater Fist》1x《Fyendal's Spring Tunic》1x《Ironhide Legs》1x《Nullrune Boots》1x《Nullrune Gloves》1x《Rampart of the Ram's Head》1x《Stalagmite, Bastion of Isenloft》■ Main Deck3x 🔴《Command and Conquer》3x 🔴《Endless Winter》3x 🔴《Enlightened Strike》2x 🔴《Fate Foreseen》2x 🔴《Frost Fang》3x 🔴《Glacial Footsteps》2x 🔴《Oasis Respite》1x 🔴《Pulverize》3x 🔴《Pummel》3x 🔴《Sink Below》3x 🔴《Spinal Crush》3x 🔴《Staunch Response》1x 🟡《Staunch Response》3x 🔵《Autumn's Touch》3x 🔵《Channel Lake Frigid》3x 🔵《Chokeslam》3x 🔵《Cranial Crush》3x 🔵《Disable》3x 🔵《Glacial Footsteps》1x 🔵《Heart of Fyendal》3x 🔵《Macho Grande》3x 🔵《Rouse the Ancients》3x 🔵《Sow Tomorrow》3x 🔵《Staunch Response》3x 🔵《Tear Asunder》3x 🔵《Thunder Quake》2x 🔵《Winter's Grasp》TOKYO FAB'skuwa's RTN 5thロジカル's RTN 5th /《Bravo, Showstopper》■Hero《Bravo, Showstopper》■Weapons1x《Anothos》1x《Titan's Fist》■Equipment1x《Crown of Providence》1x《Crater Fist》1x《Tectonic Plating》1x《Ironrot Legs》1x《Nullrune Boots》1x《Steelbraid Buckler》1x《Vambrace of Determination》■ Main Deck3x 🔴《Chokeslam》3x 🔴《Command and Conquer》3x 🔴《Crippling Crush》2x 🔴《Oasis Respite》3x 🔴《Pulverize》3x 🔴《Pummel》3x 🔴《Sink Below》2x 🔴《Smashing Good Time》3x 🔴《Spinal Crush》1x 🔴《Unmovable》3x 🔴《Zealous Belting》3x 🔵《Buckling Blow》3x 🔵《Chokeslam》3x 🔵《Cranial Crush》3x 🔵《Debilitate》3x 🔵《Disable》3x 🔵《Imposing Visage》3x 🔵《Macho Grande》3x 🔵《Pummel》3x 🔵《Rouse the Ancients》3x 🔵《Show Time!》3x 🔵《Stamp Authority》3x 🔵《Tear Asunder》3x 🔵《Thunder Quake》3x 🔵《Unmovable》TOKYO FAB'sロジカル's RTN 5th ダウンロード copy いいなと思ったら応援しよう! チップで応援する #fabtcg #fleshandblood #デッキリスト #カバレージ #RoadtoNationals #tokyofabparty 4