【Thinking】How should I treat "I" in grammar

 In studying English grammar, I feel "I" as something strange. Something that related to "I", we can write it with started from "I". But for example, passive voice is often used in sentences that the exist of "I" is weak. In fact, there are many types of sentences.

 I think it is not only "I". Almost all of "Subjects" perform the same tendency. So, when we write about something independent from us, we feel the passive voice as useful style. In contrast, if we want to indicate the exist of "Subject " in something to write, we use the fourth or fifth sentence pattern to describe "Subject" as a main focus. 

So, I feel that the subjects in sentences and sentence patterns are determined by the strength of exist of subject. However especially about "I", it's difficult to avoid using it in writing for me. The logic that has objective viewpoint is needed to write, but it’s not easy for me to achieve.

Here, since we're here, as a concrete example focus on the previous sentence. When we want to tell this message, three patterns are possible. As:
① I need a logic that has objective viewpoint to write.
② What I need to write is the logic that has objective viewpoint.
③ The logic that has objective viewpoint is needed to write.
I don't want to emphasize "I" in this sentence, so this choice(③) is well-done for me. Cool.

I need to get used to it.

By the way, ChatGPT said that the first sentence of this note becomes natural when it is "I find "I" as something strange". Same way, "I think it is not only 'I' "should be "I think it’s not just about 'I.'". I agree with it. What is the difference on thinking?
