担当した文学部2回生対象のReading and Discussionクラスで活用した Padletでテキストの各ユニットごとの課題討論に関するリビューの中で次のような学生が数名レスしてくれ、本スタイルの有効性が確認でき、嬉しく思った。
>Hi, thank you for teaching for a year!!
>I am answering your questions.
>Firstly, the theme and the number of weekly tasks were the best for our learning. We could think about topics related to the textbook, and it gave us academic knowledge and skills. Also, asking for one or two answers allowed me to mention deep opinions about the topic.
>I have never forgotten to submit this assignment (maybe) because it was interesting for me to see others' comments. The discussion was encouraged in the Padlet. In addition, I could state my thoughts freely, so this form was highly convenient and available for communication.