
Hanaregumi & Rekishi will deliver past songs with subscription services! Collaboration songs are also released at the same time!

The happy news has arrived.

Hanaregumi and Rekishi, who are members of the SUPER BUTTER DOG band who once worked together and are now doing solo projects, announced that their past songs will be delivered all at once with subscription services.

Until now, Hanaregumi and Rekishi have been popular for their activities. They also appeared a lot at large festivals, and live activities were energetic. However, it is also true that until now, they could not listen to their songs on subscription services, and there was a constant demand for the ban on distribution.

Now that the subscription service has been lifted, the hope that many fans have been waiting for has come true.


▶︎ Read on the original site: https://evening-mashup.com/archives/59118



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