【Diary#48】To get good quality information.

Day in and day out, I met a person.

She is my friend from university, and she texted me a few days ago.  
As you know, I have fewer friends than you.
Among those few friends, she is one of the most important (Selfishly I think.)

She interested in environmental problems especially, garbage.
To be honest, I only thought of her as trying her best.

But I can understand how strong her permission is.
How wonderful is her ability to act from the strength of her thoughts.
She has kept moving on for a long time.

As for me, I've put down the roots in my current environment.
I think one of the solutions to that is to meet new people.

So, in order to get good quality information, I need to ask an opponent person a good question and have a good discussion. 

In order to ask a good question and have a good discussion, I need to some research beforehand.

In short, we can't even get to good information without a minimum of knowledge.

So as to gain that knowledge, we need to have the ability to search.
It sounds easy, the ability to search is not so easy.

It's very difficult to pick up only the necessary information from a large amount of.
And it's even harder to get in touch with deeper information, develop my own logic, or become aware of new facts.

So, here's how did I my own search.
First, before you search, make your own argument and hypotheses, even if they're brief.

Then, just search on Google.
Ah, if you can't reach good information, try in English.
That's an important thing.

Once you've done some research, revise the initial arguments and hypotheses you made. Repeat this revise if you have time.

Then, you must be armed with knowledge.

Wow, I digress...

I learned a thing by her is the importance of keep moving.

Thus, don't be confined to the closed environment of the company.
