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After being chosen as the U.S. candidate city to host the 2024 Summer Olympic Games, the mayor of Boston announced that he would not support Boston’s candidacy. Washington, D.C., San Francisco and Los Angeles —the other cities who competed to represent the United States — are understandably frustrated. But really, the mayor’s position makes sense.
The Summer Olympics are one of the biggest spectacles in t he world, and
come with a high price tag. Hosting the Games demands major urban
infrastructure investment, new or expensively upgraded sporting locations, and
housing for 10,000 athletes (plus thousands of spectators) . As the German
economist Holger Preuss has shown, this spending cancels out other forms of
public investment, such as education and social welfare, that may better serve the
long-term needs of citizens.
During the years of construction, thousands of people are displaced or
dislocated. By some estimates, the staging of the last 20 Olympic games
displaced 20 million people. At least 750,000 people were displaced by the Seoul Games, when the government cleared low-income areas for stadiums. Thirty
thousand—predominantly African Americans—were forced to move during the
Atlanta Games, to make way for sporting locations; 1.25 million people lost their
homes during the Beijing Games.
All of this comes at a tremendous cost for the host city. The 2012 London games cost the or-ganizei-s $14.6 billion, with more than $4.4 billion h‘oin British taxpayers. The 2016 Games, in Rio, were projected to run to $2.3 billion. But already, that figui’e has [ 1 ]to $12 billion.
Though Olympic supporters say the Summer Games allow a city to showcase itself to a global audience, only two Games, both in Los Angeles, have ever made a real profit. They managed to do so by using existing facilities and coininercializing the Games to an extent that the I nternational Olympic
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Committee (IOC) is unlikely to [ 2 ] again.
These soaring costs are a central part of the city selection process. The (c) (x)
game of the Games is unfairly managed, with t he IOC bearing no cost but
reaping great profits. The competition is designed to force cities to bid higher and higher, proposing overly advanced projects that they might not even need. Because of t he mounting price tag, the vast majority of countries could never afford to host the Games.
We should build the Summer Olympics a permanent home. Instead of investing billions of dollars for a new Olympic city eveiy four years, we could create a permanent one, with sporting facilities and athlete housing. Though any city would work, I’d prefer 〔 Y 〕. This way, we’d avoid the disruption anal social dislocation and eliminate t he often-massive costs to citizens in the host cities. It would also serve our sportsmen and sportswomen. Younger athletes, especially from the less wealthy parts oJ the world, could practice there for years. The site could become an international convention center of sorts, serving as a gathering hub for arts and culture as well as sports.
We could carefully select architects and designers who specialize in sustainability and new styles of architecture that automatically adapt to the environment. These ultra-modern [ 3 ] buildings could offer a model of sustainable urbanism to a wider world. The same site would also standardize the sporting element, providing a stable setting and climate against which to evaluate athletic performances over time.
The IOC, which profits off the games, should facilitate and fund this project. The initial cost of $100 billion could be offset against bonds or loans on the basis of future media revenues. As one of the biggest events on the planet, it would not be difficult to generate funds to cover the initial construction and operating costs.
It would mean no renewal of the Barcelona waterfront and no redevelopment of Home Bush Bay in Sydney. But for every Barcelona and
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Sydney there is also an Atlanta and Beijing where [ 4 ] were displaced and further socially isolated. The only cities that can afford to host the Olympic Games are places with already booming tourist industries and low unemployment rates. Denying these cities the chance to host the Olympics will not hurt their prospects for tourism and new jobs.
The very recent Greek economic crisis provides an opportunity. The Greeks owe around $271 billion to all official lenders. The government in Athens has agreed to transfer state assets of $80 billion to an independent fund. How about selling a permanent site in Greece for the Summer Olympics? An uninhabited island would be ideal, not too far from the coast and accessible by terries as well as planes.
The sale would allow an international zone to be created and would provide desperately needed revenue to Greece. Having a permanent site for the summer Olympics would also return the Games to their historic birthplace, and eliminate the financial [ 5 ] of cities overbidding for the Summer Olympics, leaving themselves with debts and underused infrastructure.
Proviling a permanent home for the Summer Games is, I believe, more
appealing to the Greeks than selling off islands to rich Germans. And they’ve
done it before. The original Olympic Games were held in Olympia, Greece for 800 years. Changing the site every four years is a modern phenomenon used to spread support in the early stages of the modern Olympic movement. Why not return the Games to their real roots?