В каком возрасте появляется эрекция и когда она обычно исчезает
Что движет эрекцией
Недаром говорят, что самый большой половой орган находится в нашей голове. Он находится в мозгу, «имеет дело со всеми формами гениталий, человек создает эмоциональное состояние, потребность в половом акте, влечение к противоположному полу и обеспечивает реакцию, осознавая это». желание.
На языке науки противоположный пол называется «либидо». На фоне либидо эротические образы в сочетании с раздражением соответствующих зон вызывают пробуждение полового центра головного мозга. В результате приливают нервные импульсы Из этого центра в различные органы и заставляет сердце «трепетать» и ускорять дух. Кровяное давление растет. Под «руководством» Центров спинного мозга половой член многократно наполняется кровью (4-10 Вот как происходит эрекция. Эмоциональное возбуждение и активация головок полового члена приводят к уменьшению частичных везикул и выбросу сперматозоидов и оргазму.
Нарушение согласованной работы любого из этих звеньев может вызвать сексуальные расстройства, в первую очередь потерю способности устанавливать.
С древних времен шел поиск средств, которые могли бы помочь мужчине. Я выпил любовный напиток, или даже лучше, я проглотил непоследовательную таблетку - и, пожалуйста, я показался женщине в полной силе и готовности. Такие средства называются " Афродизиаки »по имени Афродита, греческая богиня чувственной любви.
Несмотря на столетия поисков, подавляющее большинство этих препаратов были либо тонизирующими, например, женьшень и витамины, либо стимулирующими, как кофе и шоколад, либо просто талисманами, действующими чисто психологически. Единственным эффективным средством было кора африканского дерева йохимбе.
Why is it so difficult to influence the behavior of the penis? After all, a person usually manages his body well: even with his eyes closed and in weightlessness, their hands and feet are completely subject to will. But the point is that we can only command the muscles that attach to the legs. But there are other muscles that we can not control. They are located in the walls of internal organs and vessels. The Penis is controlled by such muscles, and therefore almost does not depend on the will of its owner.
Nevertheless, its behavior is determined by nerve impulses. The system of nerve regulation is similar to telegraphic communication. In the command post there is an "order" in the form of electrical signals that run along the lines-the nerves. At the end of the wire sits a "telegraph operator" who subsidiarityates current pulses into instructions transmitted to the organs. These instructions are the substances that cause the muscles to contract and relax.
Inside the penis there are two so-called cavernous bodies. Along the walls of the "caves" the muscles pass, thanks to which they can change their volume. In the normal "sluggish" state, the muscles of the cavernous bodies and muscles of the small arteries of the penis are in a state of weak contraction-tone. They constantly circulate a small amount of blood, but this is not enough to give the penis elasticity.
The situation completely changes with sexual arousal. The genitals receive powerful impulses that cause relaxation of the muscle fibers of the walls of the arteries and the cavernous bodies of the penis. As a result, the penis and cavernous bodies are filled with arterial blood, increase in size and an erection appears.
When sexual arousal falls, the muscles of the cavernous bodies contract and squeeze the blood out of them like water from a fungus-the end of the erection comes.
The substance that tells the muscles to relax is called acetylcholine. It is quickly destroyed by a special enzyme. When the bishop were injected with substances that suspended the action of this enzyme, they copulated for hours. However, these substances seem indiscriminate.
American scientists have proposed another solution to this problem. In 1998, they were awarded the boating Prize in medicine for the discovery of a special chemical link between acetylcholine and muscles. This is nitric oxide, which provides the formation of substances that lead to relaxation of the muscles of the cavernous bodies and to an erection. Now pharmacologists can cope with this process.
At what age does an erection occur and when does it disappear normally?
The first physiological er reels occur in boys as early as Oscar years and are not associated with erotic experiences. Then er reels become more frequent, and during puberty they already appear as a manifestation of attraction to the opposite sex. The maximum ability to get an erection in a man is about 20 years old, then it gradually decreases, but completely disappears in all at its own time-someone retains it to 90 years old, someone loses it after 40 years.
What diseases lead to loss of ability to get an erection?
First alcoholism, because large doses, alcohol acts detrimental to the ability to get an erection. The same applies to drugs, especially cocaine, ecstasy, phenamine: they increase potency for a short time, but soon after a few receptions "turn it off". Reduces potency and prostatitis, and diabetes, and some hormonal diseases, as well as vascular sclerosis, especially the vessels of the lower extremities. The same happens if, without the advice of a doctor, they begin to take male sex hormones-their excess acts in exactly the opposite way. Depression, anxiety and expectation of problems are also bad.
When there is a failure of an erection?
In young people, an erection during the first sexual act is often disturbed due to excessive arousal. The more a young man wants intimacy, the more difficult it is to get an erection. And here it is very important that caring behavior of a woman-because sometimes the reason is in her, that she said or did something wrong. If something does not work with repeated contacts, you can suspect a pathology. In general, a particular woman does not mean much to a man in his 20s, but the older he becomes, the more important her personality becomes for him.
How does the intensity of sexual activity affect the erection?
Any deviation from the norm - both excess and lack-is bad. It is known that long breaks-a few months-reduce the erection. There is even such a thing as"impotence of sailors". On the other hand, 7-8 sexual acts per week can also reduce potency.
What can be considered the norm of sexual life?
Everyone, of course, has their own. But on average, for a family man there are 2-3 sexual acts per week. The minimum normal frequency is once every two weeks.
Is the ability to become pregnant associated with an erection?
Not really. In men, the peak production of sex hormones is achieved at the age of 30, and the potency at this time is already decreasing, but very gradually. The ability to conceive is preserved much longer. Although infertility is associated with a lack of sex hormones, the erection can also decrease.
Как физическая активность влияет на вас?
Умеренная физическая активность повышает потенцию, чрезмерная - уменьшает. И виновата не только усталость. Наращивание мощных мышц «берет» много половых гормонов, в результате чего потенция уменьшается. Об этом должны помнить те, кто любит бодибилдинг.
Способность расти зависит от национальности?
Известно, что южанам легче и быстрее приходить в возбуждение, но они не могут долго удерживать эрекцию, а северянам - наоборот.
Если возникает эректильная дисфункция, обратитесь к урологу или андрологу.