






ImmersalさんはVPS(Visual Positioning System)のリーディングカンパニーで、広域エリアでの高品質なAR体験を実現するキーテクノロジーを持っています。

そんなImmersalさんをenXross 2nd XRハッカソンのテクニカルサポーター兼スポンサーとしてお迎えできることを事務局一同、大変喜ばしく考えています。

 Immersal Team


"About Immersal:

Immersal, part of Hexagon, is building world-leading spatial mapping and visual positioning tools, the foundation of the metaverse. Immersal's VPS utilizes computer visioning to identify device location in real-time, down to centimeter accuracy.

Immersal VPS

 Immersal VPS has a broad range of supported devices. Developers can choose to map using Immersal Mapper (runs on most iOS and Android devices), 360 camera, Polycam, and Leica devices such as BLK ARC, BLK2GO, and BLK2FLY. We support on-server and on-device localization, meaning end users can¥ get accurate positioning even with poor internet or no internet connections. Users can experience the content through many supported devices, such as iOS and Android phones, headwear devices for example: Rokid, Hololens, Magic Leap, XReal Light, and many more.

Immersal Technology

Immersal's VPS can be used in both small and large locations, for example, enabling AR navigation in large shopping malls, AR fan engagement experiences in stadiums, friends finding in theme parks, etc.

Immersal Use Cases 

Founded in 2015, Immersal’s team is based in Helsinki, Finland, and working with partners, developers and creators across the globe to reimagine how we explore, interact and create. Immersal also has sales offices in Hong Kong and in Silicon Valley, California, and is expanding its presence and partner networks globally. The company was acquired by Hexagon in 2021 and continues to pursue the vision of a metaverse built and experienced by everyone on any device. Learn more at www.immersal.com." 

"We're proud to be technical partners in the Tokyo Dome City Hackathon, it's a pleasure to be part of this multicultural event bringing developers from across the globe to Japan and building amazing AR experiences."

 私たち東京ドームも、たくさんのハッカソン参加チームやクリエイターの皆さんが、Immersal VPSを活用することで東京ドームでの様々な体験をアップデートしてくれることを楽しみにしています!
