

Whopper Jr.(Burger Kingのハンバーガ)と,High school Jr.(高校生)がいじめられていたら,お客さんはどちらに対してクレームをするのか?を検証します.


1. Scrawny
2. Chubby
3. Queer
4. Getting caught up in bullying is so easy because you are just glad that you are not being bullied.
5. It's been hard for me to stand up for other people because I feel like I'm already a target.
6. I just opened it up and it's all smashed.
7. Had you seen me bullying this burger, would you have stood up and said something?
8. You guys should leave him alone.
9. Have you ever been messed with before?
10. The ideal world is where if somebody else sees something weird happening, then they will come over and be like "hey, this is not okay".
11. To feel defenseless, that's one of the worst things in the world. 
12. No Jr deserves to be bullied.


1. Scrawny


2. Chubby

3. Queer


4. Getting caught up in bullying is so easy because you are just glad that you are not being bullied.

"get caught up in (something)"は「(何か望ましくないもの)に巻き込まれる/はからずも関わる」という意味の熟語.

”We were caught up in a heavy storm.”「激しい嵐にあう」

5. It's been hard for me to stand up for other people because I feel like I'm already a target.

"stand up for (something)"で「(攻撃や非難を受けている何か)に対して見方をする/擁護する」という意味の熟語."stand up for myself"のように自分自身に対してもよく使います.

6. I just opened it up and it's all smashed.


7. Had you seen me bullying this burger, would you have stood up and said something?

この文章は"If you had seen me...., would you have......."と同義であり,"you had seen"の語順を"had you seen"に替えることで"if"を省略することができます.
"Had I know that, I wouldn't have done that."

8. You guys should leave him alone.

9. Have you ever been messed with before?

"mess with (someone)"で「(誰かに対して)わざと怒らせるようにちょっかいをだす/干渉する」という意味の熟語.

10. The ideal world is where if somebody else sees something weird happening, then they will come over and be like "hey, this is not okay".

11. To feel defenseless, that's one of the worst things in the world. 

12. No Jr deserves to be bullied.

"deserve (something)"で「(何かに)ふさわしい」と訳されます.日本語では「ふさわしい」なんて日常会話で頻繁に使わないですが,英語で"deserve"は頻繁に使われます.
謙遜したい時は,"I don't deserve this award."「私はこの賞に値するようなことはしてないです」と言えますし,
不満を表したい時は,"I don't deserve to be treated this way."「私はこんな扱いをうけるにふさわしい人間ではない!(=こんな扱いをうけるべきでない)」という風に使います.このように様々な状況で使うことができます.
