1. I recently graduated from Northwestern University.
2. I think I could do a good job as your assistant.
3. I came to New York to be a journalist and sent letters out everywhere.
4. I finally got a call from Elias Clarke and met with Sherry up at Human Resources.
5. Basically it's this or Auto Universe.
6. So you don't read Runway?
7. And before today, you have never heard of me?
8. You have no style or sense of fashion.
9. Well, um, I think that depends on what you're…
10. No no. That wasn't a question.
11. I was an editor in chief of the Daily Northwestern.
12. I also won a national competition for college journalists.
13. That's all.
14. You are right. I don't fit in here.
15. I'm not skinny or glamorous and I don't know that much about fashion.
16. But I'm smart. I learn fast and I will work very hard.
17. Thank you for your time.
18. Are we doing a before-and-after piece that I don't know about?
1. I recently graduated from Northwestern University.
"graduate"で「卒業する/修了する [自]」という意味の動詞.
卒業した学校を続けたい場合は "from" を,
卒業した学科を続けたい場合は "in" を続けます.
"I graduated in Literature from Northwestern University"
2. I think I could do a good job as your assistant.
"do a good/great job"で「いい仕事をする/いい成果を出す」という意味.
対義語:"do a bad job"
"I did a great job on the exam"
"You did a good job raising your children."
"You did a good job of raising your children"
"You did a good job in raising your children."
"You did a good job at raising your children."
3. I came to New York to be a journalist and sent letters out everywhere.
"send (something) out"で「(複数の何か)を複数の人に配る」という意味の熟語.
🇯🇵:"I sent letters to a lot of people"
🇺🇸:"I sent letters out"
4. I finally got a call from Elias Clarke and met with Sherry up at Human Resources.
「ようやく電話をElias Clarke社から貰って,人事課のSherryと会いました.」
"Human Resources"で「人事課 [U]」という意味の名詞.
5. Basically, it's this or Auto Universe.
「つまり,この仕事がだめだったら,Auto Universe(恐らくElias Clarke社による車関係の雑誌)しか残っていません.」
6. So you don't read Runway?
7. And before today, you have never heard of me?
"hear of (something)"で「(何か)のことを聞く」=「(何か)の存在そのものについて聞く」という意味.
"hear about (something)"で「(何か)について聞く」=「(何か)に関する情報について聞く」という意味.
情報量は hear of < hear about となります.
8. You have no style or sense of fashion.
9. Well, um, I think that depends on what you're…
10. No no. That wasn't a question.
11. I was an editor in chief of the Daily Northwestern.
「私はDaily Northwestern(大学新聞)の編集長でした.」
"(something) in chief"で「(何か)の最高役職の」という意味.
"a commander in chief"「司令長官」
12. I also won a national competition for college journalists.
"competition"で「試合/競争/コンペ [C]」という意味の名詞.
13. That's all.
14. You are right. I don't fit in here.
"fit it (something)"で「(ある組織/場所)に属する人たちから受け入れられ一員として認められる」という意味の熟語.
15. I'm not skinny or glamorous and I don't know that much about fashion.
16. But I'm smart. I learn fast and I will work very hard.
❌ "I learn quick."
⭕️ "I learn quickly."
⭕️ "I learn fast."
❌ "I learn fastly."
⭕️ "I learn hard"
❌ "I learn hardly"
17. Thank you for your time.
18. Are we doing a before-and-after piece that I don't know about?