
【美女】Emma Watsonと子猫から英語を学ぼう

今回は,とにかく可愛いEma WatsonがKittens(子猫)と遊ぶ動画で英語の勉強をしましょう.Cutteness overload.


1. I can’t even concentrate on what you’re saying.
2. My day is made!
3. just as a side note
4. I wanted to make sure that we stayed true to the original.
5. She is a force to be reckoned with
6. I tried to use that as motivation.
7. I love that all of these guys are crazy, and this one is just chill.
8. ability to see beyond things
9. be non-judgmental
10. Why am I not being paid the same?
11. They don’t understand that they’re part of a historic pattern which is working against them.
12. Please don’t let it be over.
13. I only wanna be interviewed by Buzzfeed from now on.
14. I'm really gonna struggle to say goodbye to this one.
15. Massive shout-out to Best Friends Animal Society.
16. We are peaking right now, there's nothing that's gonna top this.


1. I can’t even concentrate on what you’re saying.

"concentrate on (something)"で「(何か)に集中する」という意味.

同義語:"focus on (something)"

2. My day is made!

「もうその日はこれ以上いいことが起こらないだろう」と思わせるくらいにいいことが起こったときに使います."You made my day!"とも言います.もし,1日どころか1ヶ月,1年の内でこれ以上いいことはもう起こらないと思うようなことがあったら"You made my month/year!"と言ってもいいでしょう.

3. just as a side note.

"as a side note"で「ちなみに」という意味.

同義語:"on a side note"

4. I wanted to make sure that we stayed true to the original.

"be true to (somethig)"で「(何か)に忠実である」という意味.

"Stay true to yourself!"

同義:"be loyal to (something)"

5. She is a force to be reckoned with.

動詞の"reckon"とは"think"や"consider"と同義であり,"a force to be reckoned with"は「考慮されるべき力」から転じて「無視できない存在」という意味になります.

6. I tried to use that as motivation.

7. I love that all of these guys are crazy, and this one is just chill.


(形容詞)"He is chill."「彼はいつも落ちつている.」
(形容詞)"She was chill about me being late to the meeting."「彼女は私が会議に遅刻したことに寛大だった.」
(動詞)"I'm chilling at home"「家でのんびりしている.」

8. ability to see beyond things.

9. be non-judgmental


10. Why am I not being paid the same?

ここでの"the same"は副詞の役割をします."....being paid the same (way as men)"という意味です.

11. They don’t understand that they’re part of a historic pattern which is working against them.

"work against (someone)"で「(誰か)の妨げになるように働く」という意味.

"Race could work against someone looking for a job."「人種が仕事を探す上で妨げとなりうる.」

12. Please don’t let it be over.


13. I only wanna be interviewed by Buzzfeed from now on.

"from now on"で「これからは」という意味.

同義語:"from here out"

14. I'm really gonna struggle to say goodbye to this one.


 "Many people are struggling with lonliness."
"Many people are struggling for survival."

15. Massive shout-out to Best Friends Animal Society.
「Best Friends Animal Societyに大きな感謝を表明します.」

これは日本語に直訳ができない便利な言葉で,その場に感謝したい人がいない場合などに感謝を表明したときに," shout-out to (someone)"と言います.

16. We are peaking right now, there's nothing that's gonna top this.

"peak"は「ピークに達する」,"top (something)"で「(何か)を超える」という意味.
