


→The jacket fits perfectly.
→I think I am a good fit for this company.


*suit 似合う。個人的嗜好に合うイメージ。
→This dress really suits you!
→This working style suits me because I enjoy talking to people.

*look good on/with/in AA AA(誰々)に似合う・AA(物)が似合う。よく使う。
→You look great with short hair!
→The dress looks good on you.
→How do I look in this jacket?


*be convenient for AA AAにとって都合が良い
→I think that’ll be convenient for both of us.
→Is there any time that’s convenient for you? (ビジネスなどの丁寧なシーンでも使える)

*be good for AA AAにとって良い。「都合が良い」よりさらに良い。
→When is good for you?
→Impeaching Trump Is Good for the Economy (記事見出し)
→Being Young, Active and Physically Fit May Be Very Good for Your Brain (記事見出し)


*correspond 一致する。「合致する」、「対応する」という意味に近い。基本的には物や事に使う。
→The colors may correspond to a specific signal. (※Twitterより引用)
→The rumors do not correspond to the reality.


*be made for AA AAにめちゃくちゃ向いている、AAにぴったりな。人々や異なる二つ以上のものの相性が「合う」ときなどに使える。
→Tom and Hanna are made for each other.
→This wallpaper was made for my room.

cut out for AA AAに向いている。AAに入るのは職業など。
→Why do you think that you're cut out for this job?
→He's not cut out to be a mechanic.
