2/26 Forever Young: Can This Millionaire Reverse Aging?

What are your thoughts on Bryan Johnson's lifestyle? Do you think you'd be able to live like him?

I find Bryan Johnson's lifestyle interesting and challenging, but I don't think I could live like him. It requires a level of self-control that I don't think I possess. While his lifestyle might be beneficial for the body, I believe it could also be more stressful than usual.

Do you think it's possible to reverse the aging process?

I believe it's possible to reverse the aging process. I've heard about many millionaires challenging and investing in this area, besides Bryan Johnson. Someday, I think science will uncover the aging process, leading to significant changes in our beliefs, including the idea that aging is inevitable.

Do you agree with Johnson that human beings don't need to die?

Yes, I agree with Bryan Johnson's perspective that humans don't necessarily need to die. While death is a natural part of life, I envision a future where advancements in technology and medicine might allow us to overcome mortality, albeit generations from now.

Do you agree that life isn't worth living if you can't enjoy unhealthy things?

No, I don't agree that life isn't worth living if you can't enjoy unhealthy things. I believe it varies from person to person. Personally, indulging in occasional unhealthy pleasures adds enjoyment to my life. However, I recognize that Bryan Johnson's lifestyle demands a high level of discipline and self-control, which may not be suitable for me.

What do you think the average lifespan will be in the 25th century?

It's challenging to imagine the lifestyle of the 25th century, but I believe humans will integrate more with robotics, potentially extending lifespan significantly. Perhaps individuals will have the capability to sustain themselves indefinitely using advanced technology, such as internal power sources.
