#92 アンドラ・デイ(ゴールデン・グローブ主演女優賞)最初は役を断っていた
2021年ゴールデングローブ賞のBest Actress in a Motion Picture--Drama部門に『The United States vs. Billie Holiday』でビリー・ホリデイを演じたアンドラ・デイが栄冠に輝きました。
バイデン大統領・ハリス副大統領の就任式に『Rise Up』を歌ったのも、彼女です。
こちらのクリップは、映画のテーマ曲、『Strange Fruit(奇妙な果実)』と『Tigress & Tweed』の2つの曲のメドレーです。
ビリー・ホリデイが歌った『Strange Fruit(奇妙な果実)』は、リンチされて木から吊るされた、黒人の亡骸を風に揺れる果物に見立てたもの。『Tigress & Tweed』はアンドラ・デイの歌です。”今の時代にビリー・ホリディが生きていたら、悲しみの象徴としての果物ではなく、強く、強靭で、苦難を乗り越え、教育を受け、自らを守ることができ、知性を持ち、機動力のある、団結した存在としての果物について歌ったはず”とアンドラは語っています。
ビリー・ホリデイのキャスティングがアンドラ・デイに決まるまでに、紆余曲折があったそうです。その話を明かすのは、監督のリー・ダニエルス氏。『Strange Fruit(奇妙な果実)』の歌詞の内容について、脚本を読んで初めて知って衝撃を受けた、と語るところ、6分12秒からです。
“Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze.
Strange fruit hanging from a poplar tree.”
It's the ugliest thing I have heard. Ugliest poem that I have ever read. It's pungent and powerful and disturbing.
It ain't pretty and yet she made it. I don't know what she made. But she made it so that we couldn't take her eyes off of her, Billy.
And I was really happy that Andra was able to, through God, really work miracles and re-enacting that.
Is it true that you didn't really want her for the role at first? I think I read that, that you didn't want her. Is that true?
And why not?
It's a hard role and she's in everything—every scene practically and she carries the film. So I really wanted to work with an actor, someone who I had worked before, and I couldn't take that chance.
And I loved her voice. I knew that she could understand what it was like, you know, as a vocalist.
And I gotten down to the wire with a couple of incredibly known actors that would have been able to pull it off. But they were acting. Different. You know, there's a difference.
She transcended. It was a spiritual awakening for me watching her audition. And so I met with her. I begrudgingly met with her and she—I think the first thing that I realized was, "Oh my God, this woman may be right for this role."
It's because she was nervous herself. She had such respect for Billie Holiday that she didn't know that she could do her justice.
And I've never seen anybody talk themselves out of an audition. I've been around many auditions.
I said this is a good stunt, this girl is a really good actress, but she really was talking herself out, she said, you know, "I really don't know whether I can do this."
So I said, "Let me put you with an acting coach. Let me put you with a vocal coach." And I use my acting coach and my vocal coach, put them together.
And the acting coach sent me a video of her getting into character. And her posture was changing, there was a depth in her eye, her vocal had changed—I don't know what happened. And it was God speaking to me. I knew it was God speaking to me.
And then I think the day after that I saw her at the Academy Awards where she shut it down, and I knew that this was the girl to play this character.
トップ画像: Courtesy of Takashi Seida / Paramount Pictures
#英語学習 #アンドラ・デイ #ビリー・ホリデイ #リー・ダニエルス #AndraDay #BillieHolliday #Amanpour