#31 ビリー・アイリッシュのeveryday sounds(日常の音)
2020年の2月、少し前になるんですが、ジミー・ファロンの Tonight Show に、ビリー・アイリッシュの兄、フィネアスが出演していました。
"Bad Guy"のハイハットの音だとみんなが思っている音源が、実はオーストラリアの横断歩道の信号音をサンプリングしたものだ、と種明かしをしていました。
So, when you're on a street corner in Australia, you press the button, and when the "Walk" sign turns on, you hear this rhythmic sound that I love and that Billie loved.
And so we recorded it, and it sounds like this.
It's got, like, a groove.
That's just every time you cross a street in Australia, you hear that.
Yeah, the thing people think are high hats in "Bad Guy" is actually just that.
改めて、"バッド・ガイ" をBillie の”Duh"から聞くと・・・会場がどよめきます。
Here's the bonus round, is that we then went back to Australia after the album came out. And we brought our dad for the first time. The first couple of tours, we just didn't have enough crew to bring because we have our dad on our crew. And we brought our dad with us, and we were bringing him around Australia. It was his first time.
And he goes, "Check out these crosswalk sounds."
He goes, "How cool are these sounds?" and I was like, "Yep. Yep."
And I was like, "Check this out," and I played him "Bad Guy" and he was like, "Wha?" It was great. It was a good revelation for Pops.
Because computers and everything have gotten so much cheaper and more accessible, I feel like a lot of music producers have the same toolbox. And to me, as a producer, I always want something to set my stuff apart. And so I'll walk around with just an iPhone but sometimes I'll bring a little mobile recorder. And if I hear an interesting sound, I'll just record it, and then later I'll listen through them and I'll go like, "I wonder how I can use that."
#英語学習 #ビリー・アイリッシュ #BillieEilish #バッド・ガイ #BadGuy #ジミー・ファロン #JimmyFallon