
#111 【シャドーイング動画付き】ナンシー・デュアルテ『優れたプレゼンに隠された秘密のしかけ』(ジョブスのプレゼン術)

こんにちわ。日英会議通訳者兼シャドーイング・ コーチのいがらしじゅんこです。

シャドーイング・チュートリアル動画 from TED Talk

今回はナンシー・デュアルテさんの2011年11月のTED Talk より、『The secret structure of great talks(優れたプレゼンに隠された秘密のしかけ)』です。その中でも、特にスティーヴ・ジョブスがiPhoneを発表した時のプレゼンテーションから、彼の話術の巧みさを解説している部分を取り上げます。

今回の動画ポーションとトランスクリプト共に、TED Talkのオフィシャル・サイトから転載しています。画面にある「Transcriptトランスクリプト」のタブをクリックすると、このプレゼンテーションの全文を見ることができます。





So this is where it gets kind of interesting: every tick mark here is when he made them laugh. And every tick mark here is when he made them clap. They are so involved physically, they are physically reacting to what he is saying, which is actually fantastic, because then you know you have the audience in your hand. So he kicks off what could be with, "This is a day I've been looking forward to for two and a half years." So he is launching a product that he's known about already for a couple of years. So this is not a new product to him.

But look at this, he does this other thing: he marvels. He marvels at his own product. He marvels himself more than the audience laughs or claps. So he is like, "Isn't this awesome? Isn't this beautiful?" He is modeling for the audience what he wants them to feel. So he is actually doing a job of compelling them to feel a certain way. So he kicks off with what could be with, "Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything." So he starts to kick in and talk about his new product.
(9:35-10:32 / 205 words: Nancy Duarte; November 2011@TED Talk)




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