#20 民主党全国大会、オバマ氏のサプライズとブレイデンくん
バイデン氏が正式な民主党の大統領候補となった、民主党全国大会 (DNC) 。初のオンライン開催でしたが、大成功に終わりました。最後の最後まで、バイデン氏が失言しないか、とハラハラしていた人も多かったようですが、逆に、聴衆のいない会場でのスピーチとなったことが、バイデン氏にとっては集中できる環境となり、良かった、と言われています。
It was a very, very positive convention, make no mistake about it.
Barack Obama being the big surprise. After four years of Democrats waiting for him, his being circumspect and restrained, he arrived with a full-throated indictment of Donald Trump, and Donald Trump's failure to lead, and Donald Trump's failure to protect the country in its great crisis, and basically made the case that Donald Trump did not devote the time, energy, effort, and probably did not have the capacity to be president.
But I think — and I agree with David about Joe Biden. It was — in many respects, it was a great advantage to have the remote convention, because Joe's tendency often is to win everybody in the room, and which he tries to do and does when he's speaking. But, here, he had 24 minutes. It was — he stayed within himself. He made the case, I thought, compellingly.
And, finally, as you commented, Brayden Harrington, the 13-year-old, brave, courageous young man from New Hampshire, who revealed that Joe Biden had told him: We're in the same club, we're stutterers, and helped him and gave him the courage. And I think that came through probably more strongly than anything else, and I think to Joe Biden's advantage.
Without Joe Biden, I won't be talking to you today. About a few months ago, I met him in New Hampshire. He told me that we were members of the same club. We stutter. He told me about a book of poems by Yeats he would read out loud to practice. He showed me how he marks his addresses to make them easier to say out loud. I'm just a regular kid. And then in the short amount of time, Joe Biden made me more confident about something that's bothered me my whole life.
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