
1906.5『The British Esperantist』Vol.2, no.17 に載ってる日本のこと

『The British Esperantist』から日本に関する記事の紹介、その2。
【Vol.2, No.17 (1906.5)】


We hear on very good authority that Mr. G——, of Okayama, -who has recently concluded a very successful correspondence course in Esperanto, has advertised a second course, for which a nominal fee is charged to cover expenses. For this course 433 pupils have entered, of whom at least 350 are Japanese. This is very good. ”Many of them,” we are informed, "are students, several Socialists, and a few men of high rank.” Mr. G— believes that Esperanto will take in Japan, it is very different from the Japanese language,
Independent testimony from Osaka shows that Esperanto would fill a much felt want in Japan. Mr. Charles A. Parry, B.A., who teaches English in the Higher Commercial School at Osaka, states that the boys spend from seven to eight hours a week for four or five years learning the English language, but without very satisfactory results. English is as difficult to them as Japanese is to a European.
As we were going to press, we received a list of names and addresses of eighteen Japanese Esperantists who wish to correspond with foreigners. (See page 53.)


大阪高等商業学校の英語教師Charles A. Parry の報告。この人物 については次回に。


La jenaj studentoj de la Sesa Kolegio, Okayama Japanujo, deziras korespondadi kun alilanduloj
S-ro. Junichi Yamamoto, 98, Inari Machi, Hiroshima.
S-ro. Teruzo Odani, NisMhirayama, Marugame, Kagawa Ken. 14640
S-ro. Tadao Mizobuchi, 154, Okawasuji, Enokuchi Machi, Tosa Gun, Kochi Ken.
S-ro. Kozaburo Takagi, 5, Rokaku Kawara Machi Nishi Iru, Kyoto.
S-ro. Tatsue Miyake, 1694, Ajinomura/Kojima Gun, Okayama Ken.
S-ro. Masatoshi Tatara, Sakaide Machi, Kagawa Ken.
S-ro. Sakuichi Senju, 26, Hyogo Mura, Saga Gun, Saga Ken.
S-ro. Oshio Tachibana, 1, Hinoki Oho, Akasaka, Tokyo.
S-ro. T. Yamada, Niiya Mura, Kaito Gun, Owari.
S-ro. Teishi Fujii, Senda Mura, Fukuyasu Gori, Bingo.
S-ro. K. Shibayashi, Yanomura, Aki Gori, Hiroshima Ken.
S-ro. Motogi Sawada, Mukainada Nihoshima Mura, Aki Gun, Hiroshima Ken.
S-ro. Hideo Suzuki, Sugaya-ku, Chimaehimura, Isum Gun, Chiba Ken.
S-ro. Tamai, Nakasanji Mura, Hidaka Gun, Wakayama Ken.
S-ro. S. Fuse, 185, Amagi, Fujitomura, Kojima Gun, Okayama Ken.
S-ro. Kiehiji Harada, Isakumura, Hiokiki Gun, Kagoshima Ken.
S-ro. Shin Iwamura, 114, Harima, Kyogo Ken.
S-ro. T. Akagi, Shomura, Tsukubo Gun, Okayama Ken.

ガントレットが教師をしている岡山第六高等学校の生徒たち。『Adresaro』Serio XXVII, parto 2に、番号14639~14656として全員の名前が載っている。


このうち、はじめの「Junichi Yamamoto」のみ、『日本エスペラント運動人名事典』(ひつじ書房, 2013)に「山本準一」として掲載がある。
