1903年の『The Japan Times』その①1903.9.27
1903年、英字新聞『The Japan Times』にエスペラント関連の記事が三回掲載された。
1903.9.27, p.3「Esperanto」
No, this is not the name of a new soap or tooth-powder. It is the name of Mr. Stead's "latest," the "international key language." After Volapuk, Lingua, and the Blue Language we had hoped for a respite, but it was not to be. Musicians, we are told by Mr. Stead, are now recognising the possibilities of Esperanto as a medium for song. Here's a specimen verse: "Rekte, kurage, kaj ne flankiganto, ni iru la vojon celitan, Ec guto malgranda konstante frapante traboras la montan granitan, " which may be freely rendered--"With courage unswerving we go on to our aim, for even a small drop, if continuous, bores through a granite mountain." One is inclined to add that the drop which has led Esperantists to this pass could not have been a small drop; whether or not Esperanto is fated to bore through a granite mountain, we cannot say, but certainly it must bore the public. Mr. Stead also gleefully describes the reception of English Esperantists at Havre. "One after the other an entire stranger, each with his or her little badge consciously displayed, came up with a 'Bonan tagon! kara amikoj! Mi gojas vidi vin!' and the handshakings and presentaions were bewildering. This at six o'clock in the morning!" Assuredly an early hour for a display of the energy required to pronounce such awful sounds as these, reminiscent of nothing so much as the cracking of frogs in a Dutch canal. The Stead family are at times distinctly trying.
データベース「The Japan Times Archives」で確認した限り、1897年3月の創刊以来、これが初めてのエスペラントに関する記事。記事中の「Mr. Stead」とはイギリスの評論雑誌『The Review of Reviews』主筆のWilliam Thomas Stead (1849-1912)のことで、彼は1902年8月から定期的にエスペラントに関する記事を掲載していた。同誌1903年8月号には、イギリスのエスペランティストがフランスの都市ル・アーヴルのエスペランティストを訪問し歓迎を受けたことが掲載されたが(*)、それを嘲笑するような内容となっている。
(*)「Esperantists at Havre」『The Review of Reviews』Vol.28, no.164 (1903.8), p.187
Vol.27, no161(1903.5) p.504
Vol.28, no.163 (1903.7)p.77「A Gathering at Havre」