1903年の『The Japan Times』その③1903.10.1
9月27日の編集部による記事に対して、J. Van Doornに続き二人目の反論。
1903.10.1., p.6 「Esperanto」([i.e. ]は補記した)
To the editor OF The "JAPAN TIMES,"
DEAR SIR,--Perhaps you would kindly allow me to say a word in favour of Esperanto. I can hardly blame any one for being rather sceptical as to the capabilities of artificial Ianguages after having studied some of them, though I might say just, here that, had never seen an artificial Ianguage before Esperanto was brought to my notice Iast July. There is one thing in which I think the writer of the article which appeared in your paper of the 27th inst. was mistaken ; that is the "awful sounds" of the language. There are only five vowels—the same as in Japanese, and the Esperanto consonants which do not exist in Japanese are as follows : --F, Ch [German "buch' ] ; Ĵ [French "je"] ; L ; V ; J [=y]. I will here endeavor to give you, in romaji, the pronunciation of the sentences given in the article referred to. Original :-- Rekte, kurage, kaj ne flankiganto, ni iru la vojon celitan. Ec [i.e. Eĉ] guto malgranda konstante frapante traboras la monton granitan." Pronunciation :-- Rekté, kuragé, kai né flankiganto, ni iru la voyon tselitan. -Ets [i.e. Ech] gūto malgranda konstanté frapanté trabōras la monton granítan. Thig is pretty nearly correct. No letter has two or two lengths, but there is a strong accent on the penult. The language is the result of, I believe, thirty years' labor on the part of Dr. Zamenhof, of Warsaw. Suffice it to say that I started the study of the language on July 6th, and on the 10th wrote letters in it to England, France, and Russia, and to most of my letters I have received replies. It is an extremely easy language. I wrote a postcard in Esperanto to a gentleman living in the interior who had never studied it, and by the same I sent him a "key." I have heard that he read it without any difficulty.
Apologizing for occupying so much or your valuable space,
I am Sir,
Very faithfully yours,
No. 8231 [i.e. 8431]
署名の番号は8231(AdresaroによるとOtto Dietikerというフランスの人物)だがこれは誤植、内容からして8431(Serio XXVI/Peco 1)のガントレット(George Edward Luckman GAUNTLETT, 1868-1956)しかありえない。(*1)
”(1903年)7月6日に学習を始め、7月10日には海外に手紙を書いた”としており、これは、「Kio estas Esperanto?」(*2)で、"学習を始めて四日後に手紙を書いた"としているのと一致する。
(*1)ちなみに、ガントレットは番号10399としてもSerio XXV/Peco 2に登録されている。