
劇場へ下見に行く The Bus Stop Theatre LADDER 4

The Bus Stop Theatre

6月28, 29日に行う舞踏公演「Ladder」はBus stop theatreで行われます。劇場の下見に行ってきました。

The Butoh performance "Ladder" to be held on June 28 and 29 will be at the Bus Stop Theatre. We went to the theater for a preliminary inspection.




Bus stop theatre is a reasonable theater in Halifax. The seating capacity is usually about 75, and it can be increased or decreased according to demand.

I really like this theatre because it has suitable distance to convey the expressions and detailed movements of the performers.



I had already checked out the pictures on the website, but what I felt when I actually came to the theater was still different.

I was able to get a concrete sense of the space and how it would look from the seats. It expanded my imagination on how to use the space, and it also helped me to create dances afterwards.


This theater is used by a variety of artists, including theater, dance, and standup comedy.


Lara, who gave us a tour of the theater that day, was also interested in joining the Butoh workshop. We are happy to see new connections being made between people in this way. Thank you very much!

the ikebana shopさま ありがとうございます!

劇場の下見の後は日本の文化を紹介していて、品物やお菓子なども販売している the ikebana shop さんへ。

After previewing the theater, we visited the ikebana shop, which introduces Japanese culture and sells goods.


From traditional Japanese styles to contemporary anime, this store offers a wide range of Japanese experiences.

”Ladder" のポスターも貼っていただきました。ありがとうございます!

They helped us by putting up "Ladder" poster. Thank you very much! We are walking around the city asking for peoples' cooperation and making step by step progress toward the performance.

🪜LADDER Project🪜

舞踏公演「Ladder 梯子」Butoh performance (28, 29 June)

日本の舞踏家、我妻恵美子とカナダのお面アーティスト、ミヤ・ターンブルによる新しい共同プロジェクトが始まります。第一歩目となる今年は舞踏とお面というお互いの芸術領域を組み合わせ、約20分間のパフォーマンスを創作します。またGozu Mezu (杉山仁志)によるこの作品の為のオリジナル音楽も必聴です。

We are really excited to announce our new collaboration project between Japanese Butoh Dancer, Emiko Agatsuma and Canadian Mask Maker, Miya Turnbull. We are thrilled to combine our artistic practices together to create a 20 minute performance. We are also really pleased to have original custom music by Gozu Mezu (Hitoshi Sugiyama).

会場:Bus stop theatre (ノバスコシア州ハリファックス・カナダ)
6/28 (Fri) 7:30 pm
6/29 (Sat) 2:00 pm / 7:30 pm

Venue: bus stop theatre (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)
Date: 6/28/2024 (Fri) 7:30 pm6/29/2024 (Sat) 2:00 pm / 7:30 pm
Ticket fee: $10-20 CAD

GET Performance Tickets

我妻恵美子舞踏ワークショップ in ハリファックス Butoh workshop (20 April ~ 15 June)


Butoh workshop by Emiko Agatsuma will be held for those who want to learn more about this very interesting physical art form. For all levels. No dance experience is necessary.

Butoh Workshop BOOKING

開催日時:4 /20 、4/27 、5/4、5/11、5/25、6/15の午後 3 時から 5 時まで

Venue: Halifax Dance
Fee: less than $30  It helps to cover project expenses.
Dates: 4 /20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/25, 6/15 from 3 -5 pm

Japan-Canada International Exchange Project 日本カナダ国際文化交流

Miya Turnbull によるお面のアートと我妻恵美子による舞踏が相互に影響を与え合うこの創作は、より多様で包括的な芸術観に貢献し、異文化理解と尊重を進めていきます。また、歴史への新たなアプローチや他分野とのコラボレーションを通じて、芸術における新たな価値の創造を目指します。

The purpose of "Ladder" is to explore important themes of cultural identity, immigration, and generational differences through the history of Japanese Canadians. The project aims to shed light on overlooked history, learn from each other, and create an innovative performance. The interactive creation between mask art by Miya Turnbull and Butoh dance by Emiko Agatsuma can contribute to a more diverse and inclusive outlook on the arts. This project will also promote cross-cultural understanding, respect, and collaboration with other fields of arts.

主催 | AGAXART, Miya Turnbull
助成 |
公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京[東京芸術文化創造発信助成]
Art Nova Scotia (Support4Culture)
Canada Council for the Arts/ Conseil des arts du Canada

Supported by
Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
Art Nova Scotia (Support4Culture)
Canada Council for the Arts/ Conseil des arts du Canada

#LADDER #emikoagatsuma #miyaturnbull #舞踏 #butoh #mask #halifax #canada #novascotia #japanesecanadians #japan #日本 #カナダ #日系カナダ #我妻恵美子 #workshop #dance #art #performingarts #halifaxdance #AGAXART

