#03(最終回) NYTのオンライン講座でRoberta Smithのオススメの読み物を知るの巻
『プラダを着た悪魔』のアマンダのような美術批評家Roberta Smith。温泉地の湯水のようにコンコンと湧き出てくる彼女の豊かな語彙に痺れてしまいました。彼女の英語は温かく美しく品があります。彼女の語りは最高。
さて、Roberta Smithがお薦めしていた読みものを、英語ですが、リストにして載せておきます。
1. Keeping up with the present art world in criticism and art writing
①The New York Times
②The Wall Street Journal, especially Peter Plagens for criticism, Kelly Crow for art writing
③The New Yorker: the main art critic is Peter Schjeldahl (see below) but also read the unsigned capsules in front
④Time Out New York (a few short reviews each week)
③で私が好きなピーター・シェルダールが出てきて嬉しい!The New Yorkerのトップ批評家です。
2. Online Criticism and Art Writing:
There are several online magazines worth looking at. They publish more art writing than art criticism, and need to be better edited; nonetheless, they harbor a lot of budding critics and some pretty good ones too:
3. The online editions of most of the long-running art magazines are often livelier than their printed versions:
4. Getting Into Criticism:
You become an art critic by reading good critics, past or present, in any field, not just art. What you want is someone who writes clearly and entertainingly, has opinions that make sense and a distinct voice that you come to trust. For example, when I was starting out I was inspired by the collected writings of two great non-art critics, Pauline Kael (movies) and Edmund Wilson (literature). Also the NYT Sports Page game coverage is invigoratingly critical — laced with opinion and the setting of standards — and therefore a form of "found" criticism.
5. But I digress. Here are some collections of art criticism:
"Complete Writings, 1959-1975" by Donald Judd — the short, highly opinionated reviews here give a very good grounding in the basics of criticism.
"The Collected Essays and Criticism, Vol. I" by Clement Greenberg — a very controversial figure in postwar American art, famous for helping to discover the painter Jackson Pollock, but also for later being power-mad and unreliable. He was at his best in his short, freshman reviews that fill most of this book.
"The 7 Days Art Columns: 1988-1990" by Peter Schjeldahl, reviews for 7 Days, a short-lived weekly magazine in New York
"The Art Presence: Painters, Writers, Photographers, Sculptors" by Sanford Schwartz, a critic who excels at extracting larger meanings from art objects and getting inside artists' heads
"Off the Wall: A Portrait of Robert Rauschenberg" by Calvin Tomkins, not so much art criticism as great art writing and a wonderful picture of New York art as it emerged onto the world stage in the 1950s.
"Studies in Classic American Literature" by D.H. Lawrence
"Axel's Castle: A Study in the Imaginative Literature of 1870-1930" by Edmund Wilson