
Q. 外国から友達が来たらどの街をお勧めしますか?/ If friends from another country were going to spend time in your country, what city would you suggest they visit?



If friends from another country were going to spend time in your country, what city would you suggest they visit?








Eispi-エイスピ-では、TOEIC TOEFL IELTS VERSANTなど、スピーキングテスト対策に特化した勉強材料を提供していきます。




  • if my friends come to Japan, I think they should go to Kyoto. :もし友達が日本に来るなら、京都に行くべきだと思います。

  • It's very famous and has many temples and shrines. :京都は非常に有名で、多くの寺院や神社があります。

  • The food is also good there. :また、京都の食べ物も美味しいです。

  • I would suggest they visit Kyoto. :私は彼らに京都を訪れることを提案します。

  • Kyoto is a city located in the western part of Japan and is famous for its traditional culture and history. :京都は日本の西部に位置する都市で、伝統文化や歴史で有名です。

  • It used to be the capital city of Japan for more than 1,000 years. :それは1000年以上にわたって日本の首都でした。

  • there are many temples and shrines that have been preserved. :多くの保存された寺院や神社があります。

  • Kiyomizu-dera Temple, which has a beautiful view of the city from the top. :清水寺は、その頂から市街地の美しい景色が見えます。

  • Matcha Green Tea and Kaiseki cuisine, which is a traditional multi-course Japanese dinner. :抹茶や懐石料理など、伝統的な多品目の日本料理もあります。

  • Kyoto is a city that has retained its historical significance and has many cultural and traditional aspects. :京都は歴史的意義を保持し、多くの文化的伝統的な側面を持つ都市です。

  • the Kinkaku-ji Temple, which is also known as the Golden Pavilion. :金閣寺としても知られる金色の銅板張りの建物、金閣寺。

  • Kyoto has many festivals throughout the year, such as the Gion Festival. :祇園祭など、年間を通じて多くの祭りがあります。

  • Kaiseki cuisine, which is a traditional multi-course Japanese dinner that uses local ingredients. :地元の食材を使った、多品目の伝統的な日本料理、懐石料理。

  • Fushimi Inari Shrine, famous for its thousands of vermilion torii gates. :千本鳥居で有名な伏見稲荷大社。

  • Kyoto has many museums that showcase Japan's traditional arts, such as the Kyoto National Museum and the Museum of Kyoto. :京都国立博物館や京都市京都文化博物館など、日本の伝統芸術を展示する博物館がたくさんあります。

  • During my visit to Kyoto, I had the opportunity to participate in a tea ceremony. :私は京都訪問時に、茶道体験をする機会がありました。


■回答例 Level 1 : 簡単な表現を使った短い回答

Um, if my friends come to Japan, I think they should go to Kyoto. It's very famous and has many temples and shrines. The food is also good there.



■回答例 Level 2 : シンプルな表現を使った回答

If my friends from another country were going to spend time in Japan, I would suggest they visit Kyoto. Kyoto is a city located in the western part of Japan and is famous for its traditional culture and history. It used to be the capital city of Japan for more than 1,000 years, and there are many temples and shrines that have been preserved. One of my favorite places in Kyoto is Kiyomizu-dera Temple, which has a beautiful view of the city from the top. In addition to the historical sites, Kyoto also has many delicious foods such as Matcha Green Tea and Kaiseki cuisine, which is a traditional multi-course Japanese dinner. I'm sure my friends would have a great time there.



■回答例 Level 3 : フォーマルな表現を使った回答

If my friends from another country were coming to Japan, I would highly recommend they visit Kyoto. It is a city that has retained its historical significance and has many cultural and traditional aspects. The city has more than 2,000 temples and shrines, and one of the most famous is the Kinkaku-ji Temple, which is also known as the Golden Pavilion. The architecture and landscape of this temple are stunning and provide a glimpse into Japan's rich history. Additionally, Kyoto has many festivals throughout the year, such as the Gion Festival, which is one of Japan's most famous festivals. The city is also famous for its delicious food, such as Kaiseki cuisine, which is a traditional multi-course Japanese dinner that uses local ingredients. In conclusion, Kyoto is a city that offers a unique cultural experience that my friends would undoubtedly enjoy.



■回答例 Level 4 : 少し難しい表現を使った回答

Japan is a country with a rich history and culture, and if my friends from another country were to visit, I would recommend they visit Kyoto. This city has been the cultural center of Japan for more than a thousand years and is home to many temples, shrines, and historical sites that have been preserved over time. For instance, the Fushimi Inari Shrine, famous for its thousands of vermilion torii gates, provides an incredible view of the city from the top of Mount Inari. Moreover, Kyoto has many museums that showcase Japan's traditional arts, such as the Kyoto National Museum and the Museum of Kyoto. The city is also known for its excellent food, such as Kaiseki cuisine, which is a culinary art that blends the flavors of local ingredients. During my visit to Kyoto, I had the opportunity to participate in a tea ceremony, which is a traditional Japanese ritual of preparing and serving tea. The experience was enlightening and provided a deeper understanding of Japan's culture. In conclusion, Kyoto is a city that offers an immersive cultural experience and is a must-visit destination for anyone visiting Japan.




shrines - 神社

  1. preserved - 保存された

  2. capital - 首都

  3. historical - 歴史的な

  4. favorite - お気に入りの

  5. traditional - 伝統的な

  6. multi-course - 多品目の

  7. cuisine - 料理

  8. retained - 保持された

  9. significance - 意義

  10. cultural - 文化的な

  11. aspects - 側面

  12. architecture - 建築

  13. landscape - 風景

  14. stunning - 驚くべき

  15. glimpse - 一瞥

  16. festivals - 祭り

  17. throughout - 一年を通じて

  18. ingredients - 材料

  19. offers - 提供する

  20. unique - 独特な

  21. experience - 経験

  22. country - 国

  23. center - 中心

  24. temples - 寺院

  25. museums - 博物館

  26. opportunity - 機会

  27. participate - 参加する

  28. ceremony - 儀式

  29. enlightening - 啓発的な

  30. immersive - 没入型の


Eispi -エイスピ- では英語スピーキングテスト対策に特化して定期的に発信します。


