
TSST対策 問題対処型(アドバイス)スピーキングテストの解法 -例題集と解答例-







• “I understand that you…”
• “It sounds like you’re…”
• “I can see why you might feel…”
• “It’s clear that you’re concerned about…”
• “Given the situation, it’s understandable that…”

• “For example, when you…”
• “Consider that if you…”
• “In my experience…”
• “To give you an example…”
• “Take the case of…”
• “This reminds me of a time when…”

• “One possible solution could be…”
• “You might want to try…”
• “I would recommend…”
• “Have you considered…?”
• “Another option might be…”
• “It might be helpful to…”

• “To sum up…”
• “In conclusion…”
• “Ultimately, the best approach might be…”
• “All things considered…”
• “Therefore, I believe that…”
• “In summary…”



“I understand that you want to get a new pet, and pets can bring a lot of joy into our lives.”
“For example, when you think about all the responsibilities that come with having a pet, it can be quite overwhelming. Consider that if you’re busy with work and social activities, it might be challenging to provide the care and attention a pet needs.”
“One possible solution could be to volunteer at an animal shelter. This way, you can spend time with animals and enjoy their company without the long-term commitment. Have you considered this option?”
“To sum up, while getting a new pet is a big decision, volunteering might be a great way to test the waters and see if you’re ready for the responsibility.”

TSST スピーキングテスト「問題対処型」実践問題と回答例 


1. あなたの友人が新しいペットを飼いたいと言っていますが、あなたはその決定に反対しています。友人を説得してください。

• Your friend wants to get a new pet, but you disagree with this decision. Persuade your friend.

“I understand that you want a new pet, and pets can bring a lot of joy into our lives. However, consider that if you’re already busy with work and social activities, it might be challenging to provide the care a pet needs. For example, pets require a lot of time, money, and attention. One possible solution could be to volunteer at an animal shelter. That way, you can spend time with animals without the long-term commitment. To sum up, while getting a new pet is a big decision, volunteering might be a great way to see if you’re ready for the responsibility.


2. あなたの友人が転職を考えていますが、不安を感じています。どのようなアドバイスをしますか。

• Your friend is thinking about changing jobs but feels anxious. What advice would you give?

“It sounds like you’re feeling anxious about changing jobs, and that’s completely normal. In my experience, making a big change can be daunting. For example, listing the pros and cons of your current job and the new one might help clarify your thoughts. You might want to try talking to someone who works at the new company to get insider information. Another option might be to take a leap of faith and trust that this change could lead to growth. In conclusion, while it’s natural to feel anxious, these steps can help you make a more informed decision.”


3. あなたの友人が大きな試験に落ちてしまい、落ち込んでいます。どのように励ましますか。

• Your friend failed a major exam and is feeling down. How would you encourage them?

“I can see why you might feel down about failing the exam, and it’s completely okay to feel this way. For example, everyone faces setbacks at some point. Consider that if you view this as a learning experience, it can help you grow stronger. In my experience, reflecting on what went wrong and how you can improve next time can be very beneficial. You might want to try joining a study group or finding new study techniques. To sum up, while failing an exam is tough, it’s also an opportunity to learn and improve.”


4. あなたの友人がパーティーを開く予定ですが、あなたは参加できません。友人を失望させないように断ってください。

• Your friend is planning a party, but you cannot attend. Decline without disappointing your friend.

“I understand that you’re hosting a party, and I’m really excited for you. However, I have a prior commitment that I can’t reschedule. For example, I’ve already promised to help my family with something important that day. Have you considered meeting up another time to catch up and hear all about the party? Maybe we can set a date for next weekend. Ultimately, I hope you have a fantastic time, and I look forward to hearing all about it.”


5. あなたの友人が旅行の計画を立てていますが、安全に関して心配しています。どのようなアドバイスをしますか。

• Your friend is planning a trip but is worried about safety. What advice would you give?

“It’s clear that you’re excited about your upcoming trip, but I understand why you’re concerned about safety. For example, research your destination thoroughly, look for recent travel advisories, and read reviews from other travelers. You might want to try making copies of important documents and sharing your itinerary with family or friends. It might be helpful to stay aware of your surroundings and avoid risky areas. To sum up, while safety is a valid concern, taking these precautions can help ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.”


6. あなたの友人が新しい趣味を始めたいと言っていますが、時間がないと感じています。どのように励ましますか。

• Your friend wants to start a new hobby but feels they don’t have time. How would you encourage them?

“It sounds like you’re interested in starting a new hobby, but finding time can be challenging. In my experience, even dedicating just 15-30 minutes a day can make a big difference. For example, try scheduling hobby time into your calendar like any other appointment. It might be helpful to use this time to relax and recharge. To sum up, pursuing a hobby you love can also make you more productive in other areas of your life.


7. あなたの友人が高価な買い物をしようとしていますが、それが必要ないと感じています。どのようにアドバイスしますか。

• Your friend is about to make an expensive purchase that you feel is unnecessary. How would you advise them?

“I understand that you’re excited about this purchase, but it sounds quite expensive. Consider that if you wait a few days, you might have a clearer perspective on whether you really need it. For example, sometimes taking a step back can help you decide if it’s worth the money. You might want to try looking for more affordable alternatives. To sum up, it’s important to make thoughtful decisions, especially for big purchases.”


8. あなたの友人が健康に関する問題を抱えていますが、医者に行くのをためらっています。どのように説得しますか。

• Your friend has a health issue but is hesitant to see a doctor. How would you persuade them?

“It’s clear that you’re worried about your health, and it’s understandable to feel hesitant about seeing a doctor. However, consider that if you ignore the issue, it could become more serious. For example, a doctor can provide professional advice and peace of mind. You might want to try scheduling a general check-up to start. Ultimately, taking care of your health now can prevent bigger problems later.


9. あなたの友人が重要なプレゼンテーションの準備をしているが、自信がありません。どのようにサポートしますか。

• Your friend is preparing for an important presentation but lacks confidence. How would you support them?

“It sounds like you’re feeling nervous about your presentation, which is completely normal. In my experience, practicing multiple times can help build confidence. For example, try practicing in front of a mirror or with friends to get comfortable. You might want to try preparing answers for potential questions. To sum up, the more prepared you are, the more confident you’ll feel. You’ve got this!”


10. あなたの友人が料理を初めて挑戦しようとしていますが、不安を感じています。どのように励ましますか。

• Your friend is trying cooking for the first time and feels nervous. How would you encourage them?

“I understand that you’re nervous about cooking for the first time. It’s natural to feel this way. For example, start with simple recipes that don’t require many ingredients or complicated steps. You might want to try watching tutorial videos and following step-by-step instructions. It might be helpful to remember that mistakes are part of the learning process. To sum up, enjoy the experience and don’t worry about being perfect.”


11. あなたの友人が大事な会議に遅れそうです。どのように助けますか。

• Your friend is running late for an important meeting. How would you help them?

“It’s clear that you’re worried about being late for your meeting. In my experience, it helps to stay calm and focused. For example, try calling or messaging someone at the meeting to let them know you’re on your way. You might want to try finding the quickest route and preparing everything you need beforehand. Ultimately, it’s better to arrive a bit late but composed rather than rushed and stressed.”


12. あなたの友人がダイエットを始めたいと言っていますが、どのようにアドバイスしますか。

• Your friend wants to start dieting. What advice would you give?

“It sounds like you’re ready to start a diet, which is great. Consider that if you set realistic and achievable goals, it can make the process more manageable. For example, focus on balanced meals that include a variety of nutrients. You might want to try avoiding crash diets and making gradual changes instead. To sum up, a healthy diet should be sustainable and enjoyable. Don’t forget to stay hydrated and get regular exercise.”


13. あなたの友人が家を引っ越したばかりで、新しい場所に慣れていません。どのようにサポートしますか。

• Your friend has just moved to a new home and is not used to the new place. How would you support them?

“It’s understandable that you’re feeling unsettled after moving to a new place. For example, taking some time to explore your new neighborhood can help you feel more at home. You might want to try finding local spots like grocery stores, parks, and cafes. It might be helpful to join community groups or online forums to meet new people. Ultimately, it takes time to adjust, but you’ll get there.”


14. あなたの友人が試験勉強に集中できないと言っています。どのように助けますか。

• Your friend says they can’t concentrate on studying for exams. How would you help?

“It’s clear that you’re struggling to concentrate on your studies. In my experience, breaking your study sessions into smaller chunks with short breaks in between can be helpful. For example, try finding a quiet and comfortable place to study. You might want to try creating a study schedule to stay organized. Ultimately, finding techniques that work for you and getting enough rest are key.”


15. あなたの友人が新しい言語を学びたいと言っていますが、どこから始めればよいかわかりません。どのようにアドバイスしますか。

• Your friend wants to learn a new language but doesn’t know where to start. How would you advise them?

“It’s great that you want to learn a new language. In my experience, starting with basic vocabulary and common phrases is effective. For example, use language learning apps to practice daily. You might want to try finding a language exchange partner or joining a class. Watching movies or listening to music in the target language can also help. To sum up, immersion and consistent practice are key to language learning.”


16. あなたの友人が交通事故に遭い、車が使えなくなりました。どのようにサポートしますか。

• Your friend was in a car accident and can no longer use their car. How would you support them?

“It’s clear that you’re going through a tough time after the accident. For example, make sure to take care of yourself physically and emotionally. You might want to try using public transportation or ride-sharing services temporarily. Have you considered checking if your insurance covers a rental car? Ultimately, it’s important to focus on your recovery first and foremost.”


17. あなたの友人がオンラインデートを始めたいと言っていますが、慎重にならないといけないと思っています。どのようにアドバイスしますか。

• Your friend wants to start online dating but wants to be cautious. What advice would you give?

“It sounds like you’re interested in online dating, but want to be cautious, which is smart. In my experience, using reputable dating sites or apps is important. For example, protect your personal information and avoid sharing too much too soon. You might want to try arranging first meetings in public places. To sum up, trust your instincts and take your time.”


18. あなたの友人がパーティーで恥をかいてしまったと言っています。どのように励ましますか。

• Your friend says they embarrassed themselves at a party. How would you encourage them?

“I can see why you might feel embarrassed about what happened at the party. However, everyone makes mistakes and it’s likely that others didn’t notice as much as you think. For example, focus on the fun parts of the party and what went well. You might want to try learning from this experience for the future. To sum up, you’re an amazing person, and one small incident doesn’t define you.”


19. あなたの友人がストレスで悩んでいます。どのようなアドバイスをしますか。

• Your friend is struggling with stress. What advice would you give?

“It’s clear that you’re struggling with stress, and it’s important to address it. For example, identify what’s causing the stress and see if there are ways to manage or reduce those stressors. You might want to try practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. It might be helpful to talk to a friend or professional. To sum up, taking care of your mental health is crucial.”


20. あなたの友人が将来のキャリアについて悩んでいます。どのようにサポートしますか。

• Your friend is worried about their future career. How would you support them?

“It sounds like you’re feeling uncertain about your future career, which is completely normal. Consider that if you identify your strengths, interests, and values, it can help you make informed decisions. For example, research different career options that align with them. You might want to try talking to a career counselor or taking a career assessment. To sum up, it’s okay to explore different opportunities and take your time to find the right path.”








