
12のシナリオで学ぶエクセル英語 -よく使う単語と例文、会話例 -









  1. 「このエクセルの操作方法がわかりません。」

    • "I'm having trouble with this Excel function. Can you help me?"

  2. 「このセルの計算式が間違っているようです。」

    • "It seems like there's an error in this cell's formula."

  3. 「フィルターを使ってデータを並べ替えるにはどうすればよいですか?」

    • "How can I use filters to sort the data?"

  4. 「このグラフを作るにはどの機能を使えばいいですか?」

    • "Which function should I use to create this chart?"

  5. 「このデータを自動的に更新する方法を教えてください。」

    • "Can you show me how to automatically update this data?"

  6. 「ファイルが壊れてしまったようです。復元できますか?」

    • "It looks like the file is corrupted. Is there a way to recover it?"

  7. 「複数のファイルを一つのシートに統合したいです。」

    • "I need to consolidate multiple files into one sheet."

  8. 「このデータにVLOOKUPを使いたいのですが、どうすればよいですか?」

    • "I want to use VLOOKUP on this data. How should I go about it?"

  9. 「マクロを使うのが初めてなので、設定方法を教えていただけますか?」

    • "I'm new to using macros. Could you guide me through setting it up?"

これらのフレーズを活用すると、英語でのコミュニケーションがスムーズになります。また、相手が説明した内容を聞き返すときは、「Could you repeat that, please?」や「I didn’t quite catch that. Could you explain again?」も便利です。



1. Spreadsheet (スプレッドシート): 表計算用の文書。
- I organized the data in a spreadsheet.
- スプレッドシートにデータを整理しました。

2. Cell (セル): スプレッドシートの個々の箱。
- Enter the value in cell B5.
- B5のセルに値を入力してください。

3. Formula (数式): 計算を行うための式。
- Use a formula to calculate the sum.
- 合計を計算するために数式を使います。

4. Function (関数): 特定の計算を実行するためのプリセット式。
- The SUM function adds all the numbers in a range.
- SUM関数は範囲内の全ての数字を加算します。

5. Row (行): スプレッドシートの横の列。
- Add a new row below the current one.
- 現在の行の下に新しい行を追加してください。

6. Column (列): スプレッドシートの縦の列。
- The data is organized by columns.
- データは列によって整理されています。

7. Range (範囲): セルのグループ。
- Select the range A1 to A10.
- A1からA10までの範囲を選択してください。

8. Chart (チャート): データを視覚的に表示するグラフ。
- Create a chart to illustrate the sales data.
- 売上データを説明するためのチャートを作成してください。

9. Pivot Table (ピボットテーブル): データの集計と分析を行うためのツール。
- Use a pivot table for complex data analysis.
- 複雑なデータ分析にはピボットテーブルを使用します。

10. Filter (フィルター): 特定の条件に基づいてデータを絞り込む機能。
- Apply a filter to see only the relevant data.
- 関連するデータのみを表示するためにフィルターを適用してください。

11. Sort (並び替え): データを特定の順序で整理する機能。
- Sort the data by date in ascending order.
- データを昇順で日付順に並び替えてください。

12. Merge (結合): 複数のセルを一つにまとめる操作。
- Merge the selected cells to create a title.
- 選択したセルを結合してタイトルを作成します。

13. Split (分割): セルを複数の小さなセルに分ける操作。
- Split the cell into two for better organization.
- より良い整理のためにセルを二つに分割してください。

14. Macro (マクロ): 複数の操作を自動化するためのスクリプト。
- I created a macro to automate the monthly report process.
- 月次報告プロセスを自動化するためにマクロを作成しました。

15. Workbook (ワークブック): 複数のスプレッドシートを含むファイル。
- Save all the data in a single workbook.
- 全てのデータを一つのワークブックに保存してください。

16. Data Validation (データ検証): セルに入力されるデータのタイプを制限する機能。
- Use data validation to prevent errors in cell input.
- セル入力のエラーを防ぐためにデータ検証を使用します。

17. Conditional Formatting (条件付き書式): 特定の条件に基づいてセルの書式を変更する機能。
- Apply conditional formatting to highlight important data.
- 重要なデータを強調するために条件付き書式を適用してください。

18. Freeze Panes (ウィンドウ枠の固定): スクロールしても常に表示されるセルの範囲を設定する機能。
- Freeze the top row to keep the headers visible.
- ヘッダーを常に表示するために上の行を固定します。

19. Gridlines (グリッドライン): スプレッドシート上のセルの境界を示す線。
- Turn off the gridlines for a cleaner look.
- よりクリーンな外観のためにグリッドラインをオフにします。

20. Hyperlink (ハイパーリンク): セルにリンクを設定する機能。
- Insert a hyperlink to the source document.
- ソースドキュメントへのハイパーリンクを挿入してください。

21. Indent (インデント): テキストをセルの中で左右にずらす機能。
- Increase the indent to improve the text alignment.
- テキストの整列を改善するためにインデントを増やしてください。

22. Justify (両端揃え): テキストをセル内で両端揃えにする機能。
- Justify the text for a uniform appearance.
- 統一された外観のためにテキストを両端揃えにします。

23. Wrap Text (テキストの折り返し): セル内でテキストを自動的に次の行に折り返す機能。
- Wrap the text to prevent it from spilling over into the next cell.
- テキストが隣のセルにはみ出さないように、テキストの折り返しを使用します。

24. Alignment (配置): セル内のテキストの位置を調整する機能。
- Adjust the alignment to center the text in the cell.
- セル内でテキストを中央に配置するために、配置を調整してください。

25. Border (ボーダー): セルの周囲に線を追加する機能。
- Add a border to each cell for better readability.
- 読みやすさを向上させるために、各セルにボーダーを追加してください。

26. Fill (塗りつぶし): セルに背景色やパターンを追加する機能。
- Fill the cells with a light blue color to differentiate sections.
- セクションを区別するために、セルを薄い青色で塗りつぶしてください。

27. Font (フォント): テキストの書体やサイズを変更する機能。
- Change the font to Arial for a more modern look.
- よりモダンな外観のために、フォントをArialに変更してください。

28. Number Format (数字の形式): 数字の表示形式を設定する機能。
- Set the number format to currency for the financial data.
- 財務データのために、数字の形式を通貨に設定してください。

29. Page Layout (ページレイアウト): 印刷時のページの設定を変更する機能。
- Adjust the page layout for optimal printing.
- 最適な印刷のためにページレイアウトを調整してください。

30. Data Series (データ系列): グラフやチャートで使用されるデータのグループ。
- Edit the data series to reflect the latest figures.
- 最新の数値を反映するためにデータ系列を編集してください。



Scenario 1: データ分析 -Data Analysis-

Useful Phrases:
- "Let's analyze this data using Excel's PivotTable."
- "Can you help me sort this data by..."
- "We should use filters to narrow down our search."
- "What do the trends in this data tell us?"
- "I'll create a chart for a visual representation of these figures."

Akira: "Emi, we have a lot of sales data from last quarter. I need to find some trends."
Emi: "Let's analyze this data using Excel's PivotTable. It's perfect for spotting trends in large datasets."
Akira: "Good idea. Can you help me sort this data by region and product type?"
Emi: "Sure. I'll also use filters to narrow down to specific months. That way, we can see monthly trends more clearly."
Akira: "Thanks, Emi. Once we have the sorted data, what do the trends in this data tell us about our best-selling products?"
Emi: "I'll look into that and also create a chart for a visual representation. It'll be easier to present our findings to the team."

Scenario 2: 予算策定 -Budget Planning-

Useful Phrases:
- "Let's use Excel to forecast our budget for the next quarter."
- "We need to allocate funds for each department."
- "Can you update the expenditure sheet?"
- "Let's compare our actual spending against the budget."
- "We should highlight any variances in the budget."

Rina: "Taro, we need to start planning our budget for the next quarter."
Taro: "Let's use Excel to forecast our budget. We can create a detailed spreadsheet for each department."
Rina: "That's a good start. We need to allocate funds for marketing, R&D, and operations."
Taro: "I'll set up the initial template. Rina, can you update the expenditure sheet with last quarter's actuals?"
*Rina: "Will do. Once we have that, let's compare our actual spending against the planned budget."
*Taro: "Good idea. We should also highlight any variances in the budget. It'll help us identify areas where we need to adjust our spending."

Scenario 3: スケジューリング -Scheduling-

Useful Phrases:
- "Let's create a project timeline in Excel."
- "We need to allocate resources for each task."
- "Can you set up a Gantt chart for this project?"
- "Let's track the progress of each task in Excel."
- "We should update the schedule regularly."

Extended Conversation:
Yuto: "Managing this project's timeline is getting challenging with so many tasks."
Hana: "Let's create a project timeline in Excel. We can allocate resources and set deadlines for each task."
Yuto: "That sounds efficient. Can you set up a Gantt chart for this project? It will help us visualize the timeline."
Hana: "Of course. I'll include all the tasks and assign team members to each one."
Yuto: "Perfect. Let's track the progress of each task in Excel. We can have weekly updates to see if we are on track."
Hana: "Agreed. We should update the schedule regularly to reflect any changes in our project plan."

Scenario 4: 在庫管理 -Inventory Management-

Useful Phrases:
- "Let's update our inventory records in Excel."
- "We need to track our stock levels."
- "Can you create a formula to alert us when inventory is low?"
- "Let's categorize the products for easier tracking."
- "We should reconcile our inventory with sales data."

Kenji: "Maya, our inventory levels seem off. We need to address this."
Maya: "Let's update our inventory records in Excel. We can track each product's stock level there."
Kenji: "Good plan. Can you create a formula to alert us when any item's inventory is low?"
Maya: "Sure, I can set up conditional alerts for low stock. Also, let's categorize the products for easier tracking."
Kenji: "That would be very helpful. Once we have that, we should reconcile our inventory with the sales data to ensure accuracy."

Scenario 5: 売上予測 -Sales Forecasting-

Useful Phrases:
- "Let's use Excel to project our sales for the next year."
- "We need to analyze historical sales data."
- "Can you apply a trendline to our sales chart?"
- "Let's model different sales scenarios."
- "We should consider seasonal variations in our forecast."

Aiko: "We need to prepare a sales forecast for next year."
Sota: "Let's use Excel to project our sales. We can start by analyzing our historical sales data."
Aiko: "That's a good approach. Can you also apply a trendline to our sales chart to visualize growth patterns?"
Sota: "Absolutely. Additionally, let's model different sales scenarios, considering factors like market trends and new product launches."
Aiko: "Agreed. And we should definitely consider seasonal variations in our forecast to be more precise."

Scenario 6: シフト管理 -Employee Scheduling-

Useful Phrases:
- "Let's create the employee shift schedule in Excel."
- "We need to ensure adequate coverage for each shift."
- "Can you format the schedule for easy readability?"
- "Let's distribute the schedule to the team for feedback."
- "We should update the schedule regularly for any changes."

Hiroto: "The current way we're scheduling shifts is a bit chaotic. We need a better system."
Naomi: "Let's create the employee shift schedule in Excel. It'll be easier to manage and update."
Hiroto: "That would streamline things. We need to ensure adequate coverage, especially during peak hours."
Naomi: "I'll format the schedule for easy readability and distribute it to the team for feedback."
Hiroto: "Great, and let's make sure to update it regularly for any shift swaps or changes."

Scenario 7: 財務報告 -Financial Reporting-

Useful Phrases:
- "Let's compile the financial reports in Excel."
- "We need to consolidate data from different departments."
- "Can you use formulas to calculate the quarterly figures?"
- "Let's ensure all the financial data is accurately represented."
- "We should automate the report generation process."

Keiko: "We have to prepare the quarterly financial report soon."
Daichi: "Let's compile it in Excel. We can consolidate data from sales, marketing, and operations."
Keiko: "That sounds efficient. Can you use formulas to automatically calculate the total revenue and expenses?"
Daichi: "Sure thing. I’ll also set up data validation to ensure accuracy. Plus, I think we should automate the report generation process to save time in the future."

Scenario 8: 顧客管理 -Customer Data Management-

Useful Phrases:
- "Let's organize our customer data in Excel."
- "We need to segment the customers for targeted marketing."
- "Can you create a dashboard to view customer trends?"
- "Let's update the customer contact information."
- "We should analyze customer purchase patterns."

Yui: "Our customer data is a bit disorganized. We need better management."
Ryo: "Let's organize it in Excel. We can segment customers based on their purchase history and preferences."
Yui: "That would be great for targeted marketing. Can you also create a dashboard to easily view customer trends?"
Ryo: "Absolutely, I’ll include key metrics. And let's make sure to regularly update their contact information."

Scenario 9: 財務分析 -Financial Analysis-

Useful Phrases:
- "Can you integrate the financial data from multiple spreadsheets?"
- "Let's use VLOOKUP to match and compare financial entries."
- "We should apply a nested IF function for conditional financial analysis."
- "Can you create dynamic charts linked to our financial data?"
- "Let's use data validation to ensure accuracy in financial inputs."

Takashi: "We need a comprehensive analysis of our regional financials. The data is spread across multiple spreadsheets."
Akane: "I can integrate them using VLOOKUP to match and compare entries from different regions. It'll give us a consolidated view."
Takashi: "That would be great. Also, can we apply a nested IF function to categorize expenses based on certain conditions?"
Akane: "Sure, I'll set that up. I'll also create dynamic charts that are linked directly to this consolidated data for real-time financial visualization."
Takashi: "Perfect. And let's use data validation rules to prevent errors in future financial entries."

Scenario 10: 顧客管理 -CRM-

Useful Phrases:
- "Let's integrate our CRM data with Excel for deeper analysis."
- "We can use pivot tables to segment customer data efficiently."
- "Can you set up advanced filters to manage large customer datasets?"
- "Let's automate the data import process from our CRM software to Excel."
- "We should use macros to streamline repetitive data processing tasks."

Yuko: "Our current CRM system is good, but we need deeper analysis capabilities."
Hiro: "Let's export the data to Excel. We can use pivot tables for efficient customer segmentation and trend analysis."
Yuko: "That would give us better insights. Can you also set up advanced filters to handle our large customer datasets?"
Hiro: "Certainly. I'll automate the data import process as well. And to save time, I'll use macros for repetitive tasks like monthly data updates."
Yuko: "Great thinking. That will make our CRM data analysis much more efficient."

Scenario 11: プロジェクトマネジメント -Project Management-

Useful Phrases:
- "Can you create a detailed project plan with dependencies in Excel?"
- "Let's use conditional formatting to highlight critical milestones."
- "We can track resource allocation using complex formulas."
- "Can you set up automatic alerts for approaching deadlines?"
- "Let's integrate real-time data feeds to keep the project plan updated."

Ken: "This upcoming project has many moving parts. We need a detailed plan."
Naoko: "I can set up a comprehensive project plan in Excel with dependencies and milestones. We can track everything from start to finish."
Ken: "That's essential. Also, can we use conditional formatting to highlight critical dates and deliverables?"
Naoko: "Absolutely. I'll also include formulas to track resource allocation across different project stages."
Ken: "And if we could have automatic alerts for deadlines, that would be a game-changer."
Naoko: "I'll do that, and also integrate real-time data feeds to ensure the project plan is always current."

Scenario 12: データ分析 -Data Analysis-

Useful Phrases:
- "Can you consolidate data from various sources into a single Excel workbook?"
- "Let's use advanced array formulas to process complex data sets."
- "We need to implement data slicers for interactive data exploration."
- "Can you set up macros for automating regular data updates?"
- "Let's use Power Query for integrating and transforming large amounts of data."

Mayumi: "We're facing challenges in consolidating our quarterly data. It comes from various sources and in different formats."
Satoshi: "Let's bring all the data into a single Excel workbook. I can use Power Query to integrate and transform the data from these diverse sources."
Mayumi: "That would be helpful. The data sets are complex; can we use advanced array formulas for more sophisticated processing?"
Satoshi: "Absolutely, that's doable. We can also implement data slicers to make our data exploration interactive and user-friendly."
Mayumi: "Excellent idea. Also, since we do this every quarter, can you set up macros to automate the data consolidation and preliminary analysis?"
Satoshi: "I'll work on that. It'll save us a lot of time and ensure consistency in our data processing routine."
