

Public libraries offer free access to books, digital media, and educational resources for all people living in the communities. They also provide quiet spaces for reading, studying, and research. Some people often make use of such spaces, and by doing so, they prepare for the tests they want to pass. For these reasons, public libraries continue to play an important role for people of all ages.

According to the passage, how do some students prepare for the test they want to pass?

They often make use of quiet spaces for reading and studying and research.

①設問のsome students prepare for the test they want to pass?の部分は、本文の「tthey prepare for the tests they want to pass」の部分に焦点を当てています。

②設問では、焦点を当てた内容について「how」と聞いているので、by doing so(そうすることによって)のsoが指す内容の「Some people often make use of such spaces」が解答のベースになります。

③完璧な答えを作るにはここから2つのことをする必要がありましたよね( ^^) 。1)Some peopleを代名詞のtheyに代える。2)such spacesを前文の「quiet spaces for reading, studying, and research」に代えて具体化。

①~③のプロセスで模範解答の「They often make use of quiet spaces for reading and studying and research.」ができあがります。


また新しいパッセージを作ったら皆さんの練習用にUPしますね( ^^) _旦~~
