OpenAIが新しいOperator プラットフォームを発表し、ブラウザを通じて様々なタスクを自動的に実行できる機能を提供開始しました。これはAnthropicのツール使用機能に類似していますが、より簡単にセットアップが可能です。また、OpenAI、Oracle、ソフトバンクはStargate Project を立ち上げ、4年間で5,000億ドルをAIインフラに投資する計画を発表しました。中国発のオープンソースモデルDeepSeek R1 がOpenAIのo1 モデルと同等の性能を達成し、無料で利用可能となりました。Perplexityは新しいAIアシスタントをAndroid向けにリリースし、Google DeepMindはGemini 2.0 Flash Thinking モデルで性能向上を実現しました。Anthropicは新たにGoogleから10億ドルの投資を受け、AdobeはAdobe Premiere でAIパワード機能を追加しました。Runway AI は新しい画像生成モデルFrames をリリースし、Kreia AI は実時間カスタムAIモデルのトレーニング機能を導入しました。Splineは1枚の画像から3D世界を生成できるSpell を発表しました。ByteDanceはTrae というAIコードエディタをリリースしました。医療分野では、イェール医科大学の研究チームが心不全リスクを予測できるAIツールを開発しました。トランプ前大統領は就任後すぐにバイデン大統領のAIリスク対策に関する大統領令を撤回し、アメリカのAI開発を加速させる姿勢を示しました。サム・アルトマンはo3-mini を無料版ChatGPT でも利用可能にすることを発表しました。※動画を再生してから読むのがオススメです。
Well, this week has been a monumental week in the world of AI, tons and tons of big announcements, one that's fairly world-changing that I actually made another video about earlier, but I don't want to waste your time.
Let's just dive right into it.
Starting with the news out of OpenAI this week, that's got everybody buzzing, which is their new operator platform.
Now this is very similar to Claude's computer use.
If you've used that in the past, you can give it a prompt.
Like, could you find a recipe of linguine with clams from all recipes and add all ingredients to grocery cart on my Instacart.
例えば、「All Recipesからあさりのリングイネのレシピを見つけて、全ての材料を私のInstacartの買い物かごに追加してください」というように。
It then opens up its own internal browser.
It doesn't actually use your browser to browse.
It sort of opens up a browser in the cloud, searches out recipes for you.
Looks like it found one with a high rating, figured out all the ingredients that were needed, and then put all the ingredients that you need into an Instacart cart, and then gets you to the point where you have to click continue checkout, but it gets you all the way there.
That was just one of the examples they gave.
Now, what's interesting about this new operator is that it's powered by a new model called a Computer Using Agent, or CUA.
この新しいオペレーターで興味深いのは、Computer Using Agent(CUA)と呼ばれる新しいモデルによって動作していることです。
So it uses a combination of GPT-4o's vision capabilities with advanced reasoning through reinforcement learning.
This CUA is specifically designed to interact with a graphical user interface.
For example, right now, the browser that it opens for you, the operator can see through taking screenshots and interact being able to use all the actions of a mouse and a keyboard again very very similar to what we saw with Anthropic tool use just a lot less of a pain in the butt to actually get set up.
Now I have played with this a little bit and I think it's really cool but I think Boyan here actually says it best when he says my favorite thing about the AI agents is that they can help me get something done in half an hour what used to take me less than a minute that's kind of how I feel about the current crop of like tool use stuff that's out there now right now this operator is available but as of this recording you have to be on their pro plan to use it, which is their high-end $200 a month plan.
It's not available yet in the regular ChatGPT Plus or the free version.
通常のChatGPT Plusや無料版ではまだ利用できません。
Although they did say that it will eventually be available for plus users.
And I believe enterprise users.
Not sure about free users yet, but we can see some examples of the type of things it's capable of doing here.
Book a table for two at a romantic French bistro tomorrow night at 8 p.m.
And it will leverage OpenTable to do that, find the most affordable passes to the Miami Grand Prix using StubHub.
Suggest a 30 minute meal with chicken that has at least 4.5 stars, leveraging all recipes.
All Recipesを活用して、4.5つ星以上の30分で作れるチキン料理を提案します。
It could connect directly with tools like DoorDash, Instacart, Uber Eats, Thumbtack, Uber, Target, Etsy, eBay, , TripAdvisor, HipCamp, Priceline, Reuters, Associated Press, The Atlantic, Axios, and I'm sure there's a lot more integrations and tools that it sort of works with natively.
DoorDash、Instacart、Uber Eats、Thumbtack、Uber、Target、Etsy、eBay、 、TripAdvisor、HipCamp、Priceline、Reuters、Associated Press、The Atlantic、Axiosなどのツールと直接接続でき、他にもネイティブに連携できる多くの統合機能やツールがあると思います。
Let's try an example with Thumbtack.
Find someone to assemble my new furniture tomorrow.
I'll go ahead and submit this.
and then we can actually see what it does.
You can see here that it opens a little browser window.
Let's go ahead and make it a larger screen.
I'm actually not doing anything right now.
It's browsing the thumbtack on its own.
You can see my white mouse is right here on the left.
The black mouse in the browser is the one that's running automatically for me.
So it's at Thumbtack, it types in furniture assembly into the search, click search.
Thumbtackで「furniture assembly」を検索欄に入力し、検索をクリックします。
Now the zip codes not correct.
So if there's something that I want to adjust on here, I can go ahead and take control real quick.
So I can jump in here and I can actually control in the browser.
I'll go ahead and leave furniture assembly there, but I will change the zip code.
Now that I've changed the zip code, I can go ahead and click this finish up button and give the control back to the operator.
It asks, what did you do while you had control?
That's optional, but I can say I gave Thumbtack the correct zip code and then go ahead and return the control to the operator.
Now I'm hands off again and it will continue to work on my behalf.
It's asking me how many items I need assembled.
We can see over in the chat that the chat's just asking me to answer this question.
So I can either take control and click myself, or I could just let the chat know.
Let's say we're assembling two items here.
I'll just keep answering the question.
Yes, I have instructions.
And it's checking the box on my behalf.
It automatically knows to select urgent because the original prompt that I gave it was I need it like tomorrow.
And it finally found a professional for me named Igor who has 4.9 out of 5 stars price $40 and it gave me the profile link and it asked me would you like to proceed with this professional or should I look for more options and I'll just say this one looks good
now going back to Boyan's tweet here, if I had just gone to Thumbtack myself, searched out furniture assembly in my zip code, and then clicked all the buttons myself, I probably would have done it in half the time.
But one interesting thing about operators is you can open up a whole bunch of different tabs and have a whole bunch of different tasks running all at the same time.
So I can have one operator going in, booking me a flight, a different operator going and booking me a hotel, a different one going and making dinner reservations for when I travel, right?
Would that have been a lot faster than me just opening up the tabs myself and then booking them all myself?
I don't know, but it's an exciting era we're entering into where these AI tools can actually do a lot of the work on our behalf.
They're not quite to a point yet where I feel super, super excited about what they're capable of because they just still operate a little too slow for me to get excited about it.
Here's something else that's really interesting about this operator is I can actually click in the chat on the left and actually sort of rewind and see the steps that it took.
So I could click here and we could see it actually went backwards and I get a little like scroll bar so I can actually watch back the entire process of it going and doing that search for me it recorded essentially a little video of the whole process if I go back to my earlier one about the furniture assembly.
I could click into here, same thing.
I could scroll back and watch the entire process of it trying to find me somebody on Thumbtack and literally revisit how it went through the process.
OpenAI has also made comments about how they have more agents coming in the coming weeks.
So this is just like one of their sort of agentic features that they're rolling out.
And I think this is going to get a lot better over time right now.
It feels like it's just a lot quicker for me to do it myself go to amazon do a quick search myself click on the product that'll be here the quickest press order and i'm done this one it almost takes me almost as long to type the prompt as it took me to go do all of those steps.
But again, I think the big picture here is over time, you'll have a whole bunch of these different little autonomous agents that are going and doing a whole bunch of tasks for you in different tabs.
And you can sort of complete a whole bunch of things all at once again this is just for the pro members paying the 200 a month and as far as I know right now it's only available to pro members in the U.S. so hopefully this will roll out to more soon they did say more countries will get it soon, but the European Union, it might take a little bit longer due to all the regulations they have there.
However, there are some other options that have recently popped up that if you do want to have an AI sort of take control of your browser and do things for you.
There's this option called browser use that I saw shared by Harrison Chase here.
Harrison Chaseが共有していたbrowser useというオプションがあります。
This one's available on GitHub.
It is open source.
They have quick start instructions here to install it locally on your own computer using your own OpenAI API key.
自分のOpenAI APIキーを使用して、自分のコンピュータにローカルにインストールするためのクイックスタート手順があります。
We can see an example here where it's creating new Google docs.
It's actually, I believe it's noticing all of the various CSS on the page and reading the CSS to figure out where to click and what to do.
It appears to essentially do the same thing, but free and open source.
I haven't tested it yet, but that's an alternative if you want to try something else.
There was also this new paper that came out of ByteDance this week called UITARS, which is a native GUI agent, graphical user interface agent model that solely perceives the screenshots as input and performs human-like interactions, for example, keyboard and mouse operations.
This also appears to be designed to do the same kind of thing.
I believe the code is available up on Hugging Face.
コードはHugging Faceで利用可能だと思います。
So if I go to files and versions in the Hugging Face page, we can see all the model weights here that you can download again another one I haven't tested myself yet maybe I'll make a video about here's some alternatives to ChatGPT's operators and we'll test all the various options and figure out which one's better that might be a kind of cool video to do in the future on this channel.
Hugging Faceページのファイルとバージョンに行くと、ダウンロードできる全てのモデルの重みを見ることができます。これもまだ自分ではテストしていませんが、ChatGPTのオペレーターの代替案についてのビデオを作成し、様々なオプションをテストして、どれが良いか確認するかもしれません。それは、このチャンネルで将来作る面白いビデオになるかもしれません。
So make sure you're subscribed for that.
Although operators are probably the thing that most people are talking about.
Probably the biggest news to come out of this week was the Stargate Project.
The Stargate Project is a new company that was formed between OpenAI, Oracle, and SoftBank, with OpenAI basically being the technology partner, Oracle being like the cloud partner.
And then SoftBank being the money partner to put all the money into this.
And the goal of this company is to invest $500 billion over the next four years for new AI infrastructure for OpenAI, specifically for OpenAI.
They're building this for their technology.
They did some press conferences around this, and in those press conferences, they really pushed the idea that this can be used to find new medicines, to cure cancers.
It's going to create hundreds of thousands of jobs to build these data centers.
And ideally it will ensure American dominance in building AI.
That's the big goals of this thing.
Now, I don't want to go too deep into what the Stargate project is in this video, because I did an entire breakdown of it right here on this video called the Stargate project, the $500 billion AI agenda.
So definitely check that video out because that's an almost 15 minute video that really breaks down what the Stargate Project is, as well as my concerns around the Stargate project.
The CliffsNotes of my concerns is I think outwardly they're talking about the jobs it's going to create, the diseases it's going to cure, the drugs it's going to find, and the leading the world in AI.
That's their sort of forward facing talking points.
But underneath, I think their motives are a little bit different.
I do think they have intentions to use this for military use, for surveillance use, and for various uses with the three letter agencies of the country.
Again, I get into it more in that other video that I created.
So check that video out if you really want to deep dive on project Stargate.
But when I made that other video, this little video hadn't come out yet.
This is actually footage of the first data center that they're building out in Texas.
Sam Altman shared this.
So they're already underway with this project Stargate.
They're already working on this massive data center in Texas.
And so, yeah, it's happening.
They're already rolling with it.
This raised some questions about OpenAI's relationship with Microsoft because with Oracle being part of this Stargate project, well, Oracle's in direct competition with Microsoft and their cloud computers with Azure.
But Microsoft essentially put out a blog post saying that everything they announced, we're thrilled about, we're gonna be a big part of it.
Nothing really changes between us and OpenAI.
In fact, any new things that OpenAI develops within this Stargate project, well, Microsoft's still gonna get access to because contractually they're obligated to share all of these models with Microsoft.
Elon Musk, on the other hand, has not spoken too favorably about this Stargate project.
I find all of this really fascinating because obviously Elon Musk is good friends with Larry Ellison, one of the guys in the Stargate project.
Elon's also good buddies and part of Trump's administration and Trump was the one who announced the Stargate project and Elon wasn't a part of it but anyway when this tweet was made about the Stargate project Elon went to Twitter to say they don't actually have the money.
Sam Altman initially replied with a very respectable response.
I genuinely respect your accomplishments and think you are the most inspiring entrepreneur of our time, but then came back about an hour and a half later to tell Elon that he was wrong as you surely know why don't you come visit the first site already underway this is great for the country I realize what is great for the country isn't always what's optimal for your companies but in your new role I hope you'll mostly put America first
I kind of secretly sort of have this hope that Sam Altman and Elon Musk at some point bury the hatchet and sort of work together because I think these two people right now are probably two of the most important figures in the world of AI.
Elon Musk was building the largest data center on the planet to service xAI.
And now this Stargate project with OpenAI is building a data center.
That's even larger than the one Musk was building with their brains and their teams and their power combined i really really feel like they can build this ai super company and it's just kind of a bummer that they had a falling out because i feel like together they really could build something really really great.
All right, let me show you something that's completely changing how people are approaching creative projects.
So LTX Studio is an AI-powered platform that's revolutionizing pre-production and storyboarding.
LTX Studioはプリプロダクションとストーリーボードに革命を起こしているAI搭載のプラットフォームです。
And I'm genuinely excited to share two incredible features with you.
So check this out.
First up is the face motion capture.
I can record a quick gesture or expression using my webcam and LTX Studio transforms it into an animated character that perfectly mirrors my movements.
ウェブカメラを使って素早いジェスチャーや表情を記録すると、LTX Studioはそれを私の動きを完璧に反映したアニメーションキャラクターに変換します。
And what's really amazing is that these aren't just basic animations.
The AI generates realistic movements that would typically take hours to create manually, but it does get even better.
Using this character dialogue feature, I can make these characters speak naturally with synchronized lip movements.
Let me show you a quick example I just created for this scene concept here.
While I'm in the jungle, I should remind you to subscribe to Matt Wolf and smash that like button.
ジャングルにいる間に、Matt Wolfをチャンネル登録して、いいねボタンを押すことを忘れないでください。
Notice how the lip movements match the dialogue.
This is game changing for visualizing scenes and pitching ideas to clients.
And the best part, these features are just the beginning.
LTX Studio gives you complete control over every aspect of your pre-production process, from storyboarding to concept development.
LTX Studioは、ストーリーボードからコンセプト開発まで、プリプロダクションプロセスのあらゆる側面を完全にコントロールできます。
And guess what?
You can try it yourself right now.
LTX Studio offers free computing time, which is enough to complete an entire project.
LTX Studioは1つのプロジェクトを完了するのに十分な無料の計算時間を提供しています。
So if you're ready to try it for yourself, click the link in my description to get started today.
And thank you so much to LTX Studio for sponsoring this video.
そして、このビデオのスポンサーとなったLTX Studioに心から感謝します。
We did get some other news out of OpenAI this week, more of an announcement that something cool is coming soon.
So Sam Altman went to Twitter on, well, January 17th to say thank you to the external safety researchers who tested O3 mini.
We have now finalized a version and are beginning the release process planning to ship in approximately a couple of weeks.
Also, we heard the feedback will launch an API and ChatGPT at the same time.
So when O3 mini comes out, you'll have access to it inside of ChatGPT.
And if you're a developer, you'll have access to it within their API.
In a post that came out a few days after that, Sam said, big news.
The free tier of ChatGPT is going to get O3 mini and the plus tier will get tons of O3 mini usage.
So if you were wondering if O3 was only going to be the plus and pro users, well, now it's even going to be in ChatGPT free.
And a lot of people are speculating that they're putting out this O3 mini on the free tier as a response to the next piece of news that came out this week, which was DeepSeek R1.
そして多くの人々は、今週出た次のニュースであるDeepSeek R1への対応として、このO3ミニを無料版で提供するのではないかと推測しています。
DeepSeq R1 is an open source model out of China that pretty much performs as good as OpenAI's O1 model.
DeepSeq R1は中国発のオープンソースモデルで、OpenAIのO1モデルと同等の性能を持っています。
We can see the various benchmark tests that they put up on their site, these blue ones with the lines on it those are deep seek r1 this darker gray that's open ai's o1 model so we can see in almost all of these charts with all of these benchmarks that deep seek r1 is pretty much on par and even in some cases with things like math better than what 01 is doing right now.
彼らのサイトに掲載されている様々なベンチマークテストを見ると、線の入った青いものがDeep Seek R1で、より濃いグレーがOpenAIのO1モデルです。これらのチャートとベンチマークのほぼすべてで、Deep Seek R1がO1と同等で、数学のような分野では現在のO1よりも優れているケースもあることがわかります。
And you can actually go to GitHub.
You can see it's MIT license, it's open source, and you can access these models.
And a lot of people who have been getting the new N RTX 5090s have been downloading DeepSeek locally and running this on their own computers but you don't even need to do that if you don't want if you just go to deep click on start now
新しいN RTX 5090を入手した多くの人々がDeepSeekをローカルにダウンロードして自分のコンピュータで実行していますが、deep seek.comにアクセスしてstart nowをクリックするだけなので、必要なければそこまでする必要はありません。
and then select deep, this will use the new R1 model and it's totally free on their website right now.
This is an O1 level model that's totally free on DeepSeek, which again is why a lot of people think that the O3 mini model that Sam was talking about is going to get released for free in ChatGPT because deep seeks probably just as good as it already on my live stream earlier this week.
これはDeepSeekで完全に無料のO1レベルモデルであり、これが今週初めの私のライブストリームですでに同程度に優れているDeep Seekがあるため、多くの人々がSamが言及していたO3ミニモデルがChatGPTで無料でリリースされると考えている理由です。
I did things like have it build a snake game for me and it literally wrote all of this code in one shot here.
But what's interesting is you can see its entire chain of thought.
It actually thinks through the problems like a human.
Okay, I need to build the snake game using JavaScript.
Let me think how to approach this.
First, I remember that the snake game involves a grid where the snake moves around, eating food and growing.
And you can just read through exactly how it thinks about building this out.
And finally, it gives us all the code.
And this was the game that it created.
It actually works.
So the green is my snake.
The red is the food as I eat the food my snake gets longer and if I hit the wall game over it even keeps score that was one shot just one prompt.
I know a lot of people will say in the comments oh I'm sick of people building snake games I don't know what to prompt.
On the live stream, I asked people to give me some other suggestions of things to test instead of DeepSeek.
Somebody asked me to give it this prompt here of Earth is 8 minutes 20 seconds from the sun.
How fast is the earth revolving around the sun?
It thought for 102 seconds.
We can see all of its thinking, all of the math that it's doing here, as it's thinking through this problem, quite a bit of math going on.
And then finally at the end, we can see it came out to 29.9 kilometers per second, which I asked people on the stream for me to double check.
And the people on the stream confirmed that it was right.
I know Matthew Berman did a much deeper test into all the things that DeepSeek R1 can do, but take my word for it, it is pretty much just as good as the O1 thinking model.
Matthew BermanがDeepSeek R1ができることすべてについてより深いテストを行ったことを知っていますが、私の言葉を信じてください。これはO1思考モデルと同程度に優れています。
And I think because an open source model has been released, that's better than Llama, better than Llama better than mistral better than pretty much all of the other open source models and just as good as some of the closed source models it's probably better than you know Claude 3.5 sonnet already it's about as good as open ai's 01 is kind of got all of these other model developers freaking out a little bit.
そして、Llamaよりも優れ、Mistralよりも優れ、他のほとんどすべてのオープンソースモデルよりも優れ、一部のクローズドソースモデルと同程度に優れたオープンソースモデルがリリースされたため、すでにClaud 3.5 Sonnetよりも優れており、OpenAIのO1と同程度であることが、他のモデル開発者たちを少し動揺させているのだと思います。
All right, moving along to Perplexity, because they released their own version of an AI assistant this week called Perplexity Assistant.
さて、Perplexityに移りましょう。彼らは今週、Perplexity Assistantと呼ばれる独自のAIアシスタントをリリースしました。
Now, this assistant is only available on Android, so I have not been able to test this one myself, but once again, it looks like it's designed to take actions on your behalf.
So help me book the best Japanese restaurant for a date.
You can see it's searching for the highest rated Japanese restaurant in San Francisco.
It finds the restaurant.
This person takes a picture of a book and said, just finished reading this.
What should I read next?
And now it's finding recommendations similar to that book.
Sapiens blink the black Swan.
It can use your screen for the context.
So here's like a article that they're landing on and they ask summarize this page and send it to John.
You can see it summarizes the page and actually creates an email to send to this John person it can do daily tasks remind me two hours before the next Warriors game and it looked up the times for the warrior game and set a reminder of Warriors vs Mavericks here this is kind of what Siri wants to be, honestly.
And it looks like Perplexity is trying to build a sort of alternative to Siri or the Google assistant and things like that.
Also this week, Perplexity launched the sonar API.
This is designed for developers that want to use Perplexity's API for real-time search combined with Large Language Models.
So you can now connect to an API that will do a web search.
and then also ping their own Large Language Model with the details of the web search as part of the context which goes head to head with google's api and open ai's apis that also have similar features.
But again, this is more focused for developers who are trying to build software with these various AI APIs that are out there.
しかし繰り返しになりますが、これは様々なAI APIを使ってソフトウェアを構築しようとしている開発者により焦点を当てています。
Google DeepMind also had a new model come out this week called Gemini 2.0 flash thinking model.
Google DeepMindも今週、Gemini 2.0フラッシュシンキングモデルと呼ばれる新しいモデルを発表しました。
We can see the improvements from previous models in both math and science going from 35% in 2.0 flash to like 63% in 2.0 flash thinking all the way up to almost 75% with this new model of 2.0 flash thinking.
Very similar results on the science side here.
And we can see that it's getting these better and better results using inference compute.
So it's doing similar things to what a one is doing, what deep seek is doing.
And after you give it the prompt, it's sort of thinking for longer before it gives you that answer.
So these aren't like better and better and better trained underlining models.
It's just now these models, when it gives you an answer, it sort of double checks, triple checks, make sure that the answer that it's giving you is a lot more thought through.
And that's how a lot of these models are getting smarter and smarter now is they're thinking through their response a little better after the prompt, as opposed to only relying on their training data.
We're seeing that shift right now in pretty much all of the models.
That's what DeepSeek's doing.
That's what O1's doing.
That's what 01 is doing.
That's what 03 is doing.
And that's what Google's various thinking models are also doing.
And if we take a look over here at chatbot arena, we can see that this brand new Gemini 2.0 flash thinking model is now the leader on this leaderboard here.
ここでチャットボットアリーナを見てみると、この真新しいGemini 2.0フラッシュシンキングモデルが、このリーダーボードでトップに立っているのが分かります。
And this leaderboard is basically somebody gives chatbot arena a prompt, chatbot arena gives them two responses back, users vote which one gave the best response between the two.
And that's how this leaderboard gets formed.
This is actual users voting on which of the two responses they liked better.
Gemini 2.0 flash thinking is the one that's working the best right now.
Gemini 2.0フラッシュシンキングが現在最も良い成果を上げています。
And I'm not actually seeing deep seek R1 in here, despite having the older Deep Seek models on the leaderboard.
リーダーボードに古いDeepSeekモデルがあるにもかかわらず、DeepSeek R1は実際にここには見当たりません。
If you want to try Google's newest models, you can do it by going to .
And then over on the right, where you select your model, they have all sorts of different models available for you to choose from, including Gemini 2.0 flash thinking from 121.
そして右側でモデルを選択するところに、121からのGemini 2.0フラッシュシンキングを含む様々な種類のモデルが選択可能です。
Come down here, give it a prompt, and you're using this new model.
It's also really, really fast.
I asked this old typical question, how many R's in the word strawberry?
And it was like 1.8 seconds to get me this response.
And of course it was the correct one.
Anthropic had a little bit of news this week, including the fact that they just secured another billion dollars from Google.
This is shaping up to be pretty interesting because Google already invested $2 billion into Anthropic.
They just invested another 1 billion into Anthropic, but we've also seen that Amazon has been dumping billions of dollars into Anthropic and that Amazon's planning on using Claude inside of future Alexas.
But Anthropic also released something new this week for developers in their new citations feature inside the API.
Basically, if you're developing something and you're using their API and you're giving it some additional documents, like you're giving it some PDFs or text files or things like that, you can now actually ask the API to cite its sources.
So if it gives you information back, it will now be able to tell you exactly where it found that information from the documents that you shared.
Again, a feature that's available for developers right now, but if you're not a developer, you probably don't care too much about this feature.
Adobe had some new features they rolled out this week as well, and all of these are available in the beta apps.
So if you're a Creative Cloud member, you can actually use the beta version of these apps and get access to some of these features.
そのため、Creative Cloudのメンバーであれば、これらのアプリのベータ版を実際に使用してこれらの機能にアクセスすることができます。
Things like find footage faster with AI powered media intelligence.
This is something that I really, really am looking forward to.
I want DaVinci Resolve to put this in theirs.
DaVinci Resolveにもこの機能を搭載してほしいです。
I tend to edit a little more with DaVinci, but you can upload a ton of B-roll inside of Adobe Premiere and then say, find the video of the red canoe.
私はDaVinciでの編集が多いのですが、Adobe Premiereには大量のB-rollをアップロードして、「赤いカヌーの映像を見つけて」と指示することができます。
It'll pull up all the videos where there's a red canoe.
And then you can pull those onto your video.
To me, this seems like it'll be really helpful for, for instance, I go to CES.
I record 10 hours worth of B roll.
I can throw all the B roll into a folder in Adobe premiere.
そのB-rollをすべてAdobe Premiereのフォルダに入れることができます。
And then when I'm looking for a specific robot, I can type the robot I was looking at, and then it'll pull up any of the videos about just the robots and I can use it for B roll.
It seems like a huge time saving for my editing workflow.
They also added in a caption translation feature.
So if you put captions throughout your video, let's say in English, you can then also render out a version where all the captions are in Spanish, all of them are in French, German, etc.
They rolled out a handful of other features, but those are really the main AI features.
Runway AI just released a new image generator called Frames.
Runway AIが「Frames」という新しい画像生成ツールをリリースしました。
They're still rolling this out.
I don't know if everybody has it in their account yet, but if you do, you'll see introducing frames, try it now, and some of the images that it generates are pretty realistic.
So if I do a prompt like a portrait of a woman with freckles on her face and black hair in front of sunlit horizon sky with a vibrant but minimal sweater sleeves art house cinema.
I get some pretty realistic images like this.
I don't quite think it's to the same level that we're getting out of flux yet, but they do look pretty good.
I was doing some tests on my recent live stream where I did various images of a wolf howling on a moon and I really, really like the aesthetics of these bottom two.
Like the colors are just they really hit that spot for me.
Somebody suggested an anime wizard cast a nuclear spell that exploded in a desert.
We got images that looked like this.
Not too bad.
Another AI image model to test.
If you're not getting what you want out of some of the other AI image models that maybe you're already using this is another one to add to your arsenal since we're talking about AI image models a free pick added Imogen or Imagine 3 I still to this day don't know if it's pronounced Imogen or Imagine so if you like using free pick, well, you now have access to image in three, imagine three inside of that platform.
既に使用している他のAI画像モデルで望む結果が得られない場合、これはあなたの武器庫に追加できるもう1つのオプションです。AI画像モデルと言えば、FreepickがImogen(またはImagine)3を追加しました。今でもImogenと発音するのかImagineと発音するのかわかりませんが、Freepickを使用するのが好きな方は、そのプラットフォーム内でImage in 3、Imagine 3にアクセスできるようになりました。
Korea AI rolled out a new feature that I think actually looks really cool.
Korea AIが、私が本当にクールだと思う新機能をリリースしました。
You can actually train image models now inside.
and then sort of rotate them and map them out the way you want.
Here's their actual announcement over on x introducing real-time custom ai models.
Now you can train your own styles characters or products and use them in kreia real time.
Theoretically, I can throw a whole bunch of images of my face in there, create a model of my face, and then pose that model however I want.
So in order to do this, we go to .
Let's go ahead and reuse the data set where I put my own face into it.
And then down here, we have a couple options.
Let's go ahead and select the real time and train AI.
So it took about three minutes to train my face into it.
These are fairly low resolution, so I don't know how well it's going to come out, but let's go ahead and click use with real time and see what happens.
So without an image on the left, it generated this image on the right using a man with a beard and a colorful background.
I'm going to toss my profile pic in over here by right click on this and convert it to 3d i should be able to rotate and change the angles over here so now i got this 3d version of my head but i can rotate it however i want and over on the right, it actually matches the rotation.
And I could change how closely it matches my style.
If I bring the style all the way down, it kind of no longer looks like me at all.
If I bring the style all the way up, it looks a lot more like me.
Again, the images I uploaded are lower resolution, so that's why I think these are coming out so noisy, but I can sort of angle this however I want, use a paintbrush to paint behind me.
Let's go ahead and just do some fun stuff like this and see what it starts to do with our image.
Let's add some more color.
I'll just just go a little crazy with it here.
And you can see that it updates the image in real time on the right.
And then I got my dude on here that I can rotate and set.
However I want pretty cool.
I definitely need to train a much higher quality model of myself into this though, to get rid of some of that noisiness moving along to Pika.
They kind of made an announcement that they're going to be making an announcement.
You can see, are you ready for the big reveal?
Pika 2.1 is dropping soon.
Pika 2.1がまもなくリリースされます。
And then there's a link to request early access.
And I mean, the clips they're showing off here look pretty good, but again, it is an announcement of an upcoming announcement.
Still, the company spline showed off a new feature called spell spell is an AI image model that can generate worlds from a single image input.
If we check out their video here, you can see it's actually creating these 3d objects that all started from a single 2d image.
It's taking a 2d image
and then figuring out how to make a, what's called a Gaussian splat out of it, like a 3d object essentially using kind of like a point cloud but instead of a point cloud it's a black cloud i guess.
Their website has all sorts of cool examples like here's this bird here i guess this might be like the original image they uploaded but if i click on it, I can actually control it and move around in 3D space and look at it.
And it all started from a single image and it just sort of guessed what everything else on this image was supposed to look like.
So essentially what it seems to be doing is it takes this input.
It creates a 3d video of what it thinks that would look like from all different angles.
And then with that information, it's able to create a Gaussian splat, which is what you get with these sort of 3D environments that you can move around and manipulate a little bit.
And here's some more examples down here.
They're all looking pretty cool.
Now, this tool looks super fun to play with, but unfortunately, in order to do the 3D portion of it, it's 99 bucks a month, which seems pretty steep.
But I guess if you're planning on making 3D videos inside of Unreal Engine or Blender or something like that, something like this might be a little more worth it to you.
でも、Unreal EngineやBlenderなどで3Dビデオを作る予定がある場合は、これくらいの価格でも価値があるかもしれませんね。
The company Tencent also released some new research this week called Hunyon 3D 2, which appears to do something very similar.
テンセント社も今週、同様の機能を持つHunyon 3D 2という新しい研究成果を発表しました。
It generates 3D images.
We could see here, these are some of the 3D images that were generated with this Hun Yun 3D 2.0.
ここで見られるのは、Hun Yun 3D 2.0で生成された3D画像の一部です。
We could see some of the examples.
They gave it like this stone guy here, and it made a 3D version.
This robot here, a 3D version, like a, I don't know, a cowboy gold miner looking dude made a 3D version.
So this appears to do something fairly similar to what we were just looking at with spline, but this doesn't appear to be making it a Gaussian splat.
It appears to actually be making it these high precision geometric shapes.
Something I haven't actually had the opportunity to play around with myself yet, but the world of AI to 3D generated objects is really fun and really exciting to me.
I've already 3D printed some stuff that I had AI generate for me.
So I'm really, really excited to see how quickly this area of AI has progressed.
If you're into using AI for coding and you've used tools like Cursor and WindSurf and things like that, ByteDance, the company behind TikTok, just launched their own AI code editor.
This new editor is called Trey, T-R-A-E, and it looks to be like a straight up competitor to Cursor and Windsurf and VSCode.
Obviously, this week was the first week that Trump was in office here in the U.S., and one of the very first things he did was he revoked Biden's executive order for addressing AI risks.
We can see here it says Biden's order required developers of AI systems that pose risk.
So pretty much Trump immediately took that away.
Trump clearly wants the U.S. to be the number one country in the world in AI.
Here's what he said at Davos this week.
Make the United States a manufacturing superpower and the world capital of artificial intelligence and crypto.
And finally, this is one that Andrew Erkins shared with me on my recent X post when I was looking for, hey, what's the news I might've missed this week?
そして最後に、これは私が最近のX投稿で「今週見逃したニュースはありますか?」と尋ねた際にAndrew Erkinsが共有してくれたものです。
And he pointed out that there's a new AI tool that can identify risk of future heart failure.
This is new research as of this week out of Yale School of Medicine.
Researchers developed an artificial intelligence tool that can identify individuals at high risk of developing heart failure using electrocardiogram images.
The new tool enables earlier identification of heart failure, potentially reducing hospitalizations and premature death, the research said.
And now with Project Stargate in the works, I really, really feel like we're going to see tons more announcements like this of AI helping with preventative medicine, finding issues before they become bigger issues with people, new medicines, new vaccines, things like that.
そして現在進行中のProject Stargateにより、予防医療を支援するAI、人々の問題が大きくなる前に発見すること、新薬、新しいワクチンなど、このような発表がさらに多く見られるようになると本当に感じています。
I am really, really excited to see that in the AI world.
And I truly think that 2025 is going to be the year where we see a lot more announcements like this.
And that's what I got for you this week.
I know it was a huge week, a busy week, tons to talk about.
And 2025 is just going to keep on ramping up from here.
I don't really see things slowing down.
I think we're entering a time where pretty much every week, again, we're going to have tons of big announcements to talk about, cool new toys to play with, cool new features and toys that we're already playing with, and I am here for it.
This year is going to be a big year.
Lots of agents, lots of new developments in the world of health, improvements in video tools, improvements in image tools, improvements in 3D object generation, improvements in test time compute.
After you give it a prompt, these Large Language Models are going to really think through the response and give you even better and better responses.
It's going to be a wild year.
Hopefully you're tuning into these videos and keeping looped in with it all.
I'll be doing my best to make videos as all of this stuff pops up and keep you looped in as best as possible.
So if that's something that interests you, maybe like this video and subscribe to this channel i'll share more tutorials more news more ai tools things like that and if you haven't already check out where i share all the cool ai tools i come across i keep the ai news page up to date every single day with all the latest AI news.
And I've got a free newsletter where twice a week, I'll hit you in your inbox with just the coolest tools and the most important AI news that you need to know.
It's all totally free over at .
If you join the free newsletter, you also get hooked up with the AI income database, which is a free online database of cool ways to make money using these various AI tools.
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Again, it's all over at thank you so much for tuning in i really really appreciate you thank you so much to ltx studio for sponsoring this video hopefully i'll see you back here in the next video bye
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